In Tune – Within our Common Home

Seba' Spazji ta' Talb relatati mal-Ħolqien

Prayer SpacesSkola Sajf


In Tune – Within our common home jikkonsisti f’seba’ spazji ta’ talb għat-tfal tal-klassijiet kollha mit-tielet sena sat-tmien sena.  Dawn l-eżerċizzji jistiednu l-parteċipanti biex jieħdu gost jirrifflettu u jitolbu b’mod kreattiv dwar diversi realtajiet relatati mal-ħolqien. Fosthom, il-ġmiel tal-ħolqien fid-diversità tiegħu, il-ħsara ambjentali u l-bżonnijiet varji ta’ popli differenti madwar id-dinja. B’dan il-mod kreattiv u adattat skont l-etajiet varji, il-parteċipanti flimkien mal-għajnuna tal-edukaturi ser jikbru fl-għarfien u l-apprezzament lejn il-ħajja ta’ kull persuna umana u lejn il-ħolqien kollu li l-pjaneta tagħna tospita.

It-temi li ser ikunu trattati huma dawn:

  1. Appreciating Nature/ Napprezzaw in-Natura
  2. Sister Sun/ Oħti x-Xemx
  3. Empty Plate/ Platt Vojt
  4. Brother Moon/ Ħija l-Qamar
  5. Brother Wind/ Ħija r-Riħ
  6. Our Common Home/ Id-Dar Komuni Tagħna
  7. Flags Prayers/ Bnadar ta’ Talb



Riżorsi qed ikunu provduti sabiex l-edukaturi jkunu jistgħu jgħinu lill-parteċipanti f’dan il-proċess edukattiv. Il-materjal jikkonsisti minn 7 lezzjonijiet/sessjonijet ppjanati, relatati ma’ kull tema msemmija aktar ‘l isfel f’dan id-dokument taħt il-kappa tat-tema ekoloġika prinċipali ‘In Tune-Within Our Common Home. F’kull wieħed minn dawn il-pjani gwida, wieħed għandu jsib l-passi differenti u sempliċi ta’ kif titmexxa kull sessjoni, link ta’ vidjow qasir abbinat mat-tema rispettiva u riżorsi oħra li jistgħu jgħinu fil-proċess ta’ din l-esperjenza edukattiva ta’ natura spiritwali. Kull sessjoni tieħu bejn 30 u 40 minuta.


Dawn is-seba’ eżerċizzji b’temi differenti ser ikunu ppreżentati lit-tfal f’forma ta’ booklet kemm bil-Malti kif ukoll bl-Ingliż. It-tfal huma liberi jagħżlu huma b’liema lingwa jsegwu l-booklet. Fil-booklet wieħed għandu jsib, l-istruzzjonijiet magħmula minn sentenzi sempliċi, qafas (templates) tal-materjal li jridu jpinġu, jaqtgħu jew jirrifflettu fuqu.

Appreciating Nature

During this prayer space, one shows gratitude to God for what nature offers.

Canticle Of Creatures: Brother Sun

In this prayer space while thanking God for the gift of the sun, one will have the time to think of how like the ‘brother sun’ s/he can happily start the days for oneself and for those around him/her.

Empty Plate

Apart from praying for world leaders to be given wisdom and courage to lead fairly, this prayer space also helps one to reflect on living without food due to injustice and economic-greed.

Canticle Of Creatures: Sister Moon

In this prayer space one can express to God how he/she feels about changing and growing up.

Canticle Of Creatures: Brother Wind

In this prayer space one is invited to think how s/he can make good use of his/her energy in the same way that ‘brother wind’ can produce pollution free energy by making good use of its power.

Our Common Home

In this prayer space, one is invited to ponder upon how one can make a difference in taking simple eco-actions to save our planet earth.

Flags Prayers

This prayer space one is reminded that different flags represent different countries, and hence is given time to choose a country and pray for its needs.

Aktar Spazji ta’ Talb relatati mal-Iżvilupp Sostenibbli

Cardboard Home

During this time one is given time to reflect and pray for people who suffer poverty and are homeless.

Plastic Planet

During this prayer space one is invited to reflect about ways how to make less the use of plastic.

Forgiveness For Greed

In this prayer space one is invited to reflect on the greedyness not only globally by mostly personally, and to ask for forgiveness for such greedy actions.

Building Blocks

In this prayer space one is asked to relfect on one’s daily actions and how such actions are helping to build a better world.

Cleansing Water

Through the tainted pebble with soil, this prayer space invites oneself to think about his/her bad habits and to ask for God’s help to get rid of them.

People in the World

Through prayer and images, this prayer space helps one to ponder upon people who are suffering in various ways around the world.
