This prayer space encourages one to reflect on peace, whether when one is at peace, where is peace needed or how is peace felt.
Equipment: Paper flowers, lollipop sticks, tray of soil, pens and table.
Related to Liturgy: 3rd Sunday of Easter
Related to Bible: Luke 24: 35-48
- Early Years
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Post-Secondary Years

It’s so beautiful to live in peace where one is happy and safe! When we live in peace, our hearts are filled with love and kindness. Peace brings everyone together. What makes you peaceful? How can we find peace?
- Take a flower and write on it to complete one or all of the following:
- I feel at peace when…
- I wish there were peace in…
- Peace happens when…
- Now, take a popsicle stick and glue the flower onto it.
- Place your flower in the pot or soil and say a prayer for peace.
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