Reflecting on how St John describes the immense love God has for us, in this prayer space one is given time to write a love letter to God who is showering us with love.
Equipment: letter pads, pens, pencils, crayons
Response: Write/Draw
Relationship: Me & The Sacred/Divine
- Kinder
- Early Years
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Post-Secondary Years

John writes that God loved us to end. It is nice to receive a letter from someone telling you how much he loves you. We all can read about how much God loves us. We can show him we love him by what we say and do.
- What are you going to do with this much Love?
- On a letter template write a letter, a poem or draw something to show your God that you love him too.
- Talk to God and tell him that you want to love him.
Facts Card
Facts about St John |
Facts Card
Facts about St John |
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