This prayer space will help us to reflect about people who guide us and to pray for those who are responsible for our wellbeing.
Equipment: a blank sheet of paper, colouring pencils, a pen or pencil
- Kinder
- Early Years
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years

We all have people in our life who are there to lead and guide us. Our leaders could be our parents or guardians, our teachers, a sports or dance coach, the leaders of our country or of our religion. Sometimes leaders guide us by teaching us and by giving us rules and regulations. We do not always agree with the decisions or teachings of our leaders but it is good to communicate respectfully with them so you will be able to work hand-in-hand with the people who guide us and with others.
- Place your hand on the sheet and draw around your thumb and fingers.
- Draw each finger a different colour
- On each finger on the paper, write the name of an important leader in your life.
- Think of how these people help you in your life. Write a prayer for one or all of these persons.
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