This seven-step prayer space helps one to reflect on St Elijah’s journey in the wilderness and his meeting with God and connects it with one’s life journey.

Equipment: footprints image, Elijah's text from Scriptures (Steps of Discovery), mp3 player/s, If the digital images and video clips are used, one needs a number of display monitors.

Related to Liturgy: Feast Day - 20th July

Related to Bible: 1 Kings 18,19   

  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



Scared of a furious queen, Elijah ran away in the desert. He was deeply discouraged and scared. Overwhelmed with sadness and exhaustion, he asked to die and so he lay down under a tree and fell asleep hoping not to wake up again. But God reassured him! He sent him food and drink to continue on his journey.

This prayer space is made up of 7 stations. The participant is given an mp3 player loaded with the recorded script and while the participant plays the script, one walks and reflects from one stage to another. Each station is marked by a number so that the participant recognizes it clearly.


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