One is invited to spend some time to think about the positive of others.

Equipment: Heart template, biros and pencils, confetti, dish

Related to Bible: Matthew 5: 3-11   

Response: Write/Draw

Relationship: Me & Others

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



It isn’t easy to always think of kind, positive thoughts about other people. There are some people that we find it hard to think good things about them; that is why we need wisdom.  Who is that person for you? It may be someone at home, someone in your family, or someone at school.

  • Think about that person and try to think of three good things about him/her.
  • Write those three things on a heart shape template and put it in the dish.  Make sure you do not write any names.
  • Do you feel differently about that person now that you have thought about the good things about him/her?
  • Take one of the small confetti which is scattered around the dish and keep it as a reminder that you can pray to God to help you think good things about others.


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