- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Post-Secondary Years

Do you love your parents, siblings, cousins, friends, neighbours, and those who care for you? How do these people experience your loving affection and commitment towards them? Perhaps you tell them that you love them, give your help when needed, by telephone call or message, or share a meal together. We express our love through our attitudes and actions in concrete ways.
God the Father expressed His love for the world by sending His only Son Jesus, among us – God’s love for us that heal us from our sins is personal and social actions. Jesus, who redeemed us from all sins, entrusted his ministry of reconciliation to his Apostles. Today’s Apostles are the bishops and priests.
Thus, the Church continues to celebrate the sacrament of Reconciliation even nowadays, as it is our way of acknowledging the real gift of God’s love and mercy and sustaining this great responsibility that Jesus gave each of us. We confess our sins to a priest entrusted by their bishop to exercise this sacrament. During the celebration of the sacrament, the priest is acting in the name of Christ
Introducing the Sacrament of Reconciliation
5 Steps to Help Children Prepare Themselves
Start with a prayer to receive God’s Mercy:
Dear Holy Spirit, come into my heart and prepare my soul for this moment of grace.
Grant me the gift of self-knowledge, that I may better understand the sins which
keep me from You, and grant me courage, that I may confidently confess them to
Your representative. Mother Mary, please stand beside me and pray that I
may receive this gift of mercy from your Son.

Prayerfully examine my conscience (relationship with God, relationship with others)
Examination of Conscience for Children
Think about all you’ve done today.
- Have I been good at school, at home, with my siblings, with my friends, and during sports’, dancing, and music lessons?
- Did I obey the adults taking care of me?
- Did I eat all the food that was prepared for me
- Did I help those who asked me for help?
The priest welcomes me, and we pray the Sign of the Cross together. He invites me to trust in God who loves me. We may read a passage from the Bible together like “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” (John 21:17)
Confess the sins/wrong attitudes I carried out honestly and freely to the priest.
Listen attentively to the priest as he offers some advice and assigns penance.

The priest asks me to tell God that I am sorry and I will do this by praying the Act of Contrition.
My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against You, home I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with Your help, to do my penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us. In His name, my God, have mercy. Amen.

Receive the absolution from the priest. This means the priest will relate a prayer that ends with the sign of the cross, and through this prayer, the priest frees me from the responsibility of doing these wrong things.
The Absolution prayer is
God, the father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of His Son,
Has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us
for the forgiveness of sins;
Through the ministry of the Church, may God give you pardon and peace
and absolve you from your sins,
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The priest then says: “Go in peace,” and I answer, “Amen”
Leave the confessional room and do the penance the priest gave me as soon as possible. The penance may be a prayer or good deed to make up for what I have done wrong and show God that I am ready to change my actions.
More Resources related to Reconciliation
![]() Against The TideThis prayer space offers time to reflect on the issues that are holding one from doing what is right and to take some time to pray on staying firm against these issues. |
![]() Be PreparedThis prayer space allows one to reflect on good deeds that will recharge and prepare one for God. |
![]() Being Sorry – AcetateDuring this prayer space one thinks of the wrong doing done and takes time to ask for an apology. |
![]() Broken Deep Inside (Clay)This prayer space lets one to reflect on one’s own fragilities and to think about the pressures and tensions one gives in to, and to allows time to entrust the pain to God. |
![]() Broken Heart – PlasterOne is invited to think of those with a broken heart, reflect on what one can do to help, and asked to pray for them. |
![]() Sorry SandIn this prayer space one is given the opportunity to reflect on the unkind actions we made and invited to pray for forgiveness. |
![]() Father ForgivesDuring this prayer space one reflects on the weight pain and anger bare and the liberating power of forgiveness. |
![]() Fizzy ForgivenessIn this prayer space one reflects on forgiving those who hurt us, just like a tablet disappears in water so will our upset and hurt disappear with forgiveness. |
![]() Forgiveness For GreedIn this prayer space one is invited to reflect on the greedyness not only globally by mostly personally, and to ask for forgiveness for such greedy actions. |
Forgiveness is showing mercy and forgetting past wrongs. It is keeping no records of what has happened. There are many ways to show forgiveness.
Andy always lent Seth money around lunchtime. His friend always forgot to repay him. Andy knew that Seth’s family didn’t have much money, so Andy forgave Seth for not paying back the money. Their friendship was worth a lot more than a few euros. Andy was forgiving.
Yolanda ran into Sara by accident in the hallway. Sara dropped her art supplies all over the place. Sara could have yelled or even gotten in a fight about it. Yolanda helped Sara pick up her supplies, so Sara forgave her.
Introducing the Sacrament of Reconciliation
5 Steps to Help Teens Prepare Themselves
Start with a prayer to receive God’s Mercy:
Dear Holy Spirit, come into my heart and prepare my soul for this moment of grace.
Grant me the gift of self-knowledge, that I may better understand the sins which
keep me from You, and grant me courage, that I may confidently confess them to
Your representative. Mother Mary, please stand beside me and pray that I
may receive this gift of mercy from your Son.
Prayerfully examine my conscience (relationship with God, relationship with others)
Examination of Conscience
My Relationship with God
- Do I remember to pray each day?
- Do I attend Sunday Mass and pay attention? Have I fooled around in Church?
- Do I use God’s or Jesus’ names without respect or when angry?
My Relationship with Family, Friends, and Neighbours
- Do I obey my parents and my teachers?
- Do I do what they ask me to do?
- Do I say mean things to my mom or dad?
- Do I always say “Thank You” to people?
- Am I hard to get along with (during school, at Grandma’s, at home?)?
- Do I hurt other people’s feelings by calling them bad names? Do I make fun of others?
- Do I tell lies?
- Do I bully others?
- Do I start fights with my brothers and sisters at home?
- Do I blame other people for things I do?
- Do I get other people into trouble?
- Do I hit people when I get mad?
- Do I forgive people when they hurt me? Or do I hold a grudge?
- Do I cheat or play unfairly in games?
- Do I refuse to play with someone for no good reason?
- Am I lazy around the house? Do I do my chores or do my homework?
- Do I fail to do my homework?
- Do I cheat in school/during tests?
- Do I take anything that doesn’t belong to me? Do I return things that I borrow in good condition?
- Do I take care of my belongings and those of others?
- Do I refuse to eat food I don’t like?
- Do I watch pornography?
- Do I follow the rules at home/school/other institutions I attend?
- Did I stay silent or do nothing instead of doing what was right?
The priest welcomes me, and we pray the Sign of the Cross together. He invites me to trust in God who loves me. We may read a passage from the Bible together like “Lord, you know all things; you know that I love you.” (John 21:17)
Confess the sins/wrong attitudes I carried out honestly and freely to the priest.
Listen attentively to the priest as he offers some advice and assigns penance.

The priest asks me to tell God that I am sorry and I will do this by praying the Act of Contrition.
My God, I am sorry for my sins with all my heart. In choosing to do wrong and failing to do good, I have sinned against You home I should love above all things. I firmly intend, with Your help, to do my penance, to sin no more, and to avoid whatever leads me to sin. Our Savior, Jesus Christ, suffered and died for us. In His name, my God, have mercy. Amen.
Receive the absolution from the priest. This means the priest will relate a prayer that ends with the sign of the cross, and through this prayer, the priest frees me from the responsibility of doing these wrong things.
The Absolution prayer is
God, the father of mercies, through the death and resurrection of His Son,
Has reconciled the world to Himself and sent the Holy Spirit among us
for the forgiveness of sins;
Through the ministry of the Church may God give you pardon and peace
and absolve you from your sins,
In the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit. Amen.
The priest then says: “Go in peace,” and I answer “Amen”
Leave the confessional room and do the penance the priest gave me as soon as possible. The penance may be a prayer or good deed to do to make up for what I have done wrong and to show God that I am ready to change my way of acting.
More Resources Related to Reconciliation
1. I stop before I act
2. I think about the Ten Commandments
3. I ask help from my parents, my teacher, a priest, or a deacon
4. I pray to the Holy Spirit to help me choose.
In the left column, there are the ten commandments (God’s Laws) while in the right one there are instructions on how one can follow these commandments (Laws). There are situations and times in our lives when we do not follow properly God’s laws. When we fail to follow God’s laws, we ask for God’s forgiveness through our participation in the sacrament of reconciliation.
I Learn God’s Laws | How I can follow God’s Laws |
I am the Lord your God; you shall not have strange Gods before me. | Love nothing more than God. |
You shall not take the name of the Lord your God in vain. | Use God’s name with reverence. |
Remember to keep holy the Lord’s Day. | Keep Sunday a day of prayer and rest. |
Honour your father and mother | Respect those who care for you. |
You shall not kill. | Treat all human life with respect. |
You shall not commit adultery | Respect married life. |
You shall not steal. | Keep only what belongs to you. |
You shall not bear false witness against your neighbour. | Tell the truth. Do not spread gossip. |
You shall not desire your neighbour’s wife. | Respect your neighbours and friends. |
You shall not desire your neighbour’s goods. | Be grateful when your needs are met. |
![]() Against The TideThis prayer space offers time to reflect on the issues that are holding one from doing what is right and to take some time to pray on staying firm against these issues. |
![]() Be PreparedThis prayer space allows one to reflect on good deeds that will recharge and prepare one for God. |
![]() Being Sorry – AcetateDuring this prayer space one thinks of the wrong doing done and takes time to ask for an apology. |
![]() Broken Deep Inside (Clay)This prayer space lets one to reflect on one’s own fragilities and to think about the pressures and tensions one gives in to, and to allows time to entrust the pain to God. |
![]() Broken Heart – PlasterOne is invited to think of those with a broken heart, reflect on what one can do to help, and asked to pray for them. |
![]() Sorry SandIn this prayer space one is given the opportunity to reflect on the unkind actions we made and invited to pray for forgiveness. |
![]() Father ForgivesDuring this prayer space one reflects on the weight pain and anger bare and the liberating power of forgiveness. |
![]() Fizzy ForgivenessIn this prayer space one reflects on forgiving those who hurt us, just like a tablet disappears in water so will our upset and hurt disappear with forgiveness. |
![]() Forgiveness For GreedIn this prayer space one is invited to reflect on the greedyness not only globally by mostly personally, and to ask for forgiveness for such greedy actions. |
Gwida għas-Sagrament tar-Rikonċiljazzjoni (Il-Qrar)
Inti tħobbhom il-ġenituri, il-ħutek, il-kuġini, il-ħbieb, dawk li jieħdu ħsiebek? Kif jesperjenzaw l-imħabba tiegħek u dmir tiegħek lejhom dawn in-nies? Forsi billi tgħidilhom li tħobbhom, tagħtihom l-għajnuna tiegħek meta meħtieġ, iċċemplilhom jew tibgħatilhom messaġġ, jew billi tiekol magħhom. Nesprimu l-imħabba permess tal-attitudnijiet u l-azzjonijiet b’modi konkreti.
Alla l-Missier esprima l-imħabba tiegħu għad-dinja billi bagħat lil Ibnu l-waħdieni fostna – l-Imħabba t’Alla għalina li tfejjaqna mid-dnub tagħna li huma personali u anke azzjonijiet soċjali. Ġesù li bata għalina u ħelisna minn dnubietna għadda l-ministeru tar-rikonċiljazzjoni lill-Appostli tiegħu. L-Appostli tal-lum huma l-isqfijiet u s-saċerdoti.
Għalhekk, il-knisja tkompli tiċċelebra s-sagrament tar-rikonċiljazzjoni anke llum għaliex huwa l-mod tagħna kif nagħrfu d-don veru tal-imħabba u l-ħniena t’Alla u jsostni din ir-responsabbilita’ kbira li Ġesù ta lil kull wieħed u waħda minna. Aħna nistqarru n-nuqqasijiet tagħna lis-saċerdot li l-arċisqof jafdalu l-amministrazzjoni ta’ dan is-sagrament. Waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni ta’ dan is-sagrament, is-saċerdot jaġixxi f’isem Ġesù Kristu.
Nintroduċu s-Sagrament tar-Rikonċiljazzjoni
Tappi biex jgħinnu lit-Tfal Jippreparaw Ruħhom
Nibda bit-talb biex nirċievi l-Ħniena t’Alla:
Spirtu s-Santu inżel fil-qalb tiegħi biex nipprepara ruħi sewwa għal dan il-mument ta’ grazzja. Agħtini d-don li nsir naf iktar lili nnifsi, li nifhem iktar il-ħażin li nwettaq u li jbegħdni Minnek, u agħtini l-kuraġġ, li b’kunfidenza nistqarrhom lis-saċerdot, ir-rapreżentant tiegħek. Ommna Marija, ibqa’ miegħi u itlob għalija, biex nirċievi dan id-don tal-ħniena mingħand Ibnek.

Fil-kwiet neżamina l-kuxjenza tiegħi (ir-relazzjoni tiegħi ma’ Alla, ir-relazzjoni tiegħi mal-oħrajn
Eżami tal-Kuxjenza għat-tfal
Aħseb f’dak kollu li għamilt illum.
- Ġibt ruħi sew l-iskola, d-dar, ma’ ħuti, mal-ħbieb, waqt li kont qed nippratika l-isports, waqt iż-żfin, waqt il-lezzjoni tal-mużika?
- Obdejt lil dawk kollha li ħadu ħsiebi?
- Għent lil dawk li staqsewni għall-għajnuna?
- Kilt l-ikel kollu li preparawli?
Is-saċerdot jagħtini merħba, u flimkien inroddu s-Salib. Jistedinni biex nafda lil Alla li jħobbni b’imħabba bla tarf. Nistgħu flimkien naqraw xi silta mill-Bibbja bħall- “Mulej, inti taf kollox: Inti taf li inħobbok.” (Ġwanni 21:17)
Inqerr dnubieti u l-attitudnijiet ħżiena li nkun wettaqt b’onesta’ u libertà lis-saċerdot.
Nisma’ b’attenzjoni dak li jgħidli s-saċerdot filwaqt li jkun qed jagħtini l-pariri tiegħu u l-penitenza.

Is-saċerdot jistaqsini biex nuri l-indiema ta’ dnubieti lil Alla, li jiddispjaċini u nitlob l-Att tal-Indiema.
Mulejja, Alla tiegħi, jisgħobbija b’qalbi kollha minn dnubieti ta’ ħajti kollha. Jisgħobbija, Mulejja, għall-ġenna li tlift u għall-infern li rbaħt; imma fuq kollox jisgħobbijagħax regħextek u offendejtek, li int kollok tjieba u ħniena. Inħobbok, Mulejja, inħobbok fuq kollox; mil-lum ‘il quddiem, bil-għajnuna mqaddsa tiegħek,
ma nidnibx qatt u qatt iżjed u la mmur fejn dari nidneb, iżda naħrab ukoll
dak kollu li dari waqqagħni fid-dnub.

Is-Saċerdot jitlob talba li tintemm bir-radd tas-Salib, u permezz ta’ din it-talba jilliberani mir-responsabbilita’ tal-ħażin li nkun għamilt.
Talba tal-Assoluzzjoni
Alla, Missier il-ħniena, bil-mewt u l-qawmien ta’ Ibnu għall-ħajja, ħabbeb mill-ġdid id-dinja miegħu, u sawwab fuqna l-Ispirtu qaddis tiegħu għall-maħfra tad-dnubiet. Hu, bil-ministeru tal-Knisja, jaħfirlek u jagħtik is-sliem. U jiena naħfirlek dnubietek fl-Isem tal-Missier u tal-Iben u tal-Ispirtu s-Santu.
Is-Saċerdot jgħidlek, “Mur fil-paċi ta’ Kristu.”, u inti twieġeb, “Ammen.”
Noħroġ mill-kamra tal-qrar u f’rokna għall-kwiet nagħmel il-penitenza kemm jista’ jkun malajr. Il-penitenza ssir f’diversi modi bħal eż. xi talba jew azzjoni tajba bi tpattija għal ħażin li tkun għamilt u biex turi lil Alla li inti lest li tindem u tbiddel l-attitudni tiegħek.
Aktar riżorsi dwar ir-Rikonċiljazzjoni
![]() Against The TideThis prayer space offers time to reflect on the issues that are holding one from doing what is right and to take some time to pray on staying firm against these issues. |
![]() Be PreparedThis prayer space allows one to reflect on good deeds that will recharge and prepare one for God. |
![]() Being Sorry – AcetateDuring this prayer space one thinks of the wrong doing done and takes time to ask for an apology. |
![]() Broken Deep Inside (Clay)This prayer space lets one to reflect on one’s own fragilities and to think about the pressures and tensions one gives in to, and to allows time to entrust the pain to God. |
![]() Broken Heart – PlasterOne is invited to think of those with a broken heart, reflect on what one can do to help, and asked to pray for them. |
![]() Sorry SandIn this prayer space one is given the opportunity to reflect on the unkind actions we made and invited to pray for forgiveness. |
![]() Father ForgivesDuring this prayer space one reflects on the weight pain and anger bare and the liberating power of forgiveness. |
![]() Fizzy ForgivenessIn this prayer space one reflects on forgiving those who hurt us, just like a tablet disappears in water so will our upset and hurt disappear with forgiveness. |
![]() Forgiveness For GreedIn this prayer space one is invited to reflect on the greedyness not only globally by mostly personally, and to ask for forgiveness for such greedy actions. |
Il-maħfra hija meta wieħed juri ħniena u jinsa xi azzjoni ħażina li tkun saritlu. Dan ifisser li wieħed ma jżommx f’qalbu dak li jkun ġara.
Waqt il-brejk, Andy kien dejjem isellef il-flus lil Seth. Imma Seth dejjem kien jinsa jroddhomlu lura. Andy kien jaf li l-familja ta’ Seth ma tantx kellhom flus, għalhekk Andy ħafirlu u ma talbux il-flus. Il-ħbiberija tiswa ħafna iktar minn ftit Euros. Andy ħafer.
Yolanda baqgħet dieħla ġo Sara inċidentalment. Sara waqqgħet dak kollu li kien f’idejha ma’ kullimkien. Sara kieku riedet kienet taqbad tgerger u tiggieled ma’ Yolanda. Yolanda għenet lil Sara tiġbor l-affarijiet, u Sara ħafritilha.
Nintroduċu s-Sagrament tar-Rikonċiljazzjoni
Tappi biex jgħinnu lill-Adoloxxenti Jippreparaw Ruħhom
Nibda bit-talb biex nirċievi l-Ħniena t’Alla:
Spirtu s-Santu inżel fil-qalb tiegħi biex nipprepara ruħi sewwa għal dan il-mument ta’ grazzja. Agħtini d-don li nsir naf iktar lili nnifsi, li nifhem iktar il-ħażin li nwettaq u li jbegħdni Minnek, u agħtini l-kuraġġ, li b’kunfidenza nistqarrhom lis-saċerdot, ir-rapreżentant tiegħek. Ommna Marija, ibqa’ miegħi u itlob għalija, biex nirċievi dan id-don tal-ħniena mingħand Ibnek.
Fil-kwiet neżamina l-kuxjenza tiegħi (ir-relazzjoni tiegħi ma’ Alla, ir-relazzjoni tiegħi mal-oħrajn
L-Eżami tal-Kuxjenza
Ir-Relazzjoni tiegħi ma’ Alla
- Illum sibt ħin għat-talb? Niftakar nitlob ftit kuljum?
- Nipparteċipa fil-quddiesa tal-Ħadd? Ġieli nwaqqa’ għaċ-ċajt lill-Knisja?
- Insemmi l-isem ta’ Ġesù jew t’Alla fil-batal?
- Nitkellem b’mod pastaż?
Ir-Relazzjoni tiegħi mal-Familja, mal-Ħbieb u ma’ dawk ta’ madwari
- Nobdi lill-ġenituri u lill-għalliema?
- Nagħmel dak kollu li jgħiduli biex nagħmel?
- Nirrispetta lill-ġenituri, lil dawk li jieħdu ħsiebi?
- Ngħid ‘grazzi’ lil dawk li jagħmlu xi ġest sabiħ miegħi?
- Ġieli nirrelata mal-oħrajn b’mod diffiċli u noħloq ostakli?
- Inweġġa lil ħaddieħor bil-kliem li nuża’? Nidħaq b’ħaddieħor u nwaqqgħhom għaċ-ċajt?
- Nigdeb?
- Nibbulja?
- Inxewwex u nibda xi ġlieda ma’ ħuti jew mal-ħbieb?
- Inwaħħal f’ħaddieħor jekk xi affarijiet li nagħmel ma jmorrux sew?
- Daħħalt lil ħaddieħor f’xi problema?
- Ġieli aġġixxejt b’mod ħażin mal-oħrajna bħal eż. nirrabbja jew insawwat?
- Naħfer lil min iweġġgħani jew jagħmilli d-deni? Jew nibqa’ inżomm iebes?
- Ġieli ma kontx fair waqt il-logħob u qarraqt?
- Kien hemm xi drabi li warrabt xi studenti u ma nilgħabx magħhom jew ma nkellimhomx?
- Nitgħażżen meta nkun qed nagħmel xogħol tal-iskola, jew nagħmlu bi traskuraġni?
- Ġie li m’għamiltx il-homework u m’urejtx rispett lejn l-għalliema, l-edukaturi?
- Nqarraq waqt xi test jew eżami?
- Ħadt xi ħaġa bil-moħbi li ma kinitx tiegħi? Irriturnajtha?
- Inkun responsabbli u nieħu ħsieb sew l-affarijiet personali tiegħi u ta’ ħaddieħor?
- Ġie li ma kiltx xi ikel għax ma nħobbux u ħlejtu?
- Infittex il-pornografija?
- Nobdi r-regoli tal-iskola, d-dar u f’istituzzjonijiet oħra li nattendi/nkun preżenti?
- Ġieli bqajt silenzjuż jew m’għamilt xejn minflok għamilt dak li hu tajjeb?
Is-saċerdot jagħtini merħba, u flimkien inroddu s-Salib. Jistedinni biex nafda lil Alla li jħobbni b’imħabba bla tarf. Nistgħu flimkien naqraw silta mill-Bibbja bħall-“Mulej, inti taf kollox: Inti taf li inħobbok.” (Ġwanni 21:17)
Nqerr dnubieti u l-attitudnijiet ħżiena li nkun wettaqt b’onesta’ u liberta’ lis-saċerdot.
Nisma’ b’attenzjoni dak li jgħidli s-saċerdot filwaqt li jkun qed jagħtini l-pariri tiegħu u l-penitenza.

Is-saċerdot jistaqsini biex nuri l-indiema ta’ dnubieti lil Alla, li jiddispjaċini u nitlob l-Att tal-Indiema.
Mulejja, Alla tiegħi, jisgħobbija b’qalbi kollha minn dnubieti ta’ ħajti kollha. Jisgħobbija, Mulejja, għall-ġenna li tlift u għall-infern li rbaħt; imma fuq kollox jisgħobbijagħax regħextek u offendejtek, li int kollok tjieba u ħniena. Inħobbok, Mulejja, inħobbok fuq kollox; mil-lum ‘il quddiem, bil-għajnuna mqaddsa tiegħek,
ma nidnibx qatt u qatt iżjed u la mmur fejn dari nidneb, iżda naħrab ukoll
dak kollu li dari waqqagħni fid-dnub.
Is-saċerdot jitlob talba li tintemm bir-radd tas-Salib, u permezz ta’ din it-talba jeħlisnimir-responsabbilità tal-ħażin li nkun għamilt.
Talba tal-Assoluzzjoni
Alla, Missier il-ħniena, bil-mewt u l-qawmien ta’ Ibnu għall-ħajja, ħabbeb mill-ġdid id-dinja miegħu, u sawwab fuqna l-Ispirtu qaddis tiegħu għall-maħfra tad-dnubiet. Hu, bil-ministeru tal-Knisja, jaħfirlek u jagħtik is-sliem. U jiena naħfirlek dnubietek fl-Isem tal-Missier u tal-Iben u tal-Ispirtu s-Santu.
Is-saċerdot jgħidlek, “Mur fil-paċi ta’ Kristu.”, u inti twieġeb, “Ammen.”
Noħroġ mill-kamra tal-qrar u f’rokna għall-kwiet nagħmel il-penitenza kemm jista’ jkun malajr. Il-penitenza ssir f’diversi modi bħal eż. xi talba jew azzjoni tajba bi tpattija għal ħażin li tkun għamilt u biex turi lil Alla li inti lest li tindem u tbiddel l-attitudni tiegħek.
Iktar Riżorsi Relatati mas-Sagrament tar-Rikonċiljazzjoni
- Nieqaf ftit qabel ma naġixxi
2. Naħseb fl-Għaxar Kmandamenti
3. Nitlob l-għajnuna ta’ xi ġenitur, għalliem/edukatur, saċerdot jew djaknu.
4. Nitlob lill-Ispirtu s-Santu jgħinni nagħżel li nagħmel it-tajjeb.
Fil-kolonna tan-naħa tax-xellug, hemm l-għaxar kmandamenti (il-liġijiet t’Alla) filwaqt li fin-naħa tal-lemin għandek issib istruzzjonijiet kif wieħed isegwi u jobdi dawn il-kmandamenti (liġijiet). Ngħaddu minn sitwazzjonijiet fil-ħajja meta ma nsegwux b’mod tajjeb dawn il-liġijiet t’Alla u nagħmlu dak li jaqbel lilna. Meta nonqsu li nobdu dawn il-liġijiet, nitolbu l-maħfra tagħna lil Alla permezz tal-parteċipazzjoni tagħna fis-Sagrament tal-Qrar.
Nitgħallem il-Liġijiet t’Alla | Kif Insegwi dawn il-Liġijiet t’Alla |
Jiena Hu Alla Sidek, ma jkollokx Alla ieħor għajri. | Inħobb biss lil Alla. |
Issemmix l-isem ta’ Alla fil-vojt u għalxejn | Uża biss l-Isem ta’ Alla biex tagħtih qima. |
Ħares il-Ħdud u l-Festi Kmandati | Il-Jum tal-Ħadd u l-Festi Kmandati kemm jista’ jkun għandhom ikunu jiem ta’ mistrieħ. |
Agħti unur lil missierek u lil ommok | Irrispetta lil dawk kollha li jieħdu ħsiebek |
La toqtolx | Ħu ħsieb il-ħajja ta’ kull individwu |
La tiżnix | Irrispetta s-Sagrament taż-Żwieġ |
La tisraqx | Żomm biss l-affarijiet li huma tiegħek. |
La tixhidx ħaġa b’oħra | Għid dejjem il-verita’ u tparlax żejjed fuq ħaddieħor. |
La tixtieqx nisa tal-oħrajn | Uri rispett lil dawk ta’ madwarek. |
La tixtieqx ħwejjeġ tal-oħrajn | Irringrazzja ‘l Alla għal dak kollu li jipprovdilek |
![]() Against The TideThis prayer space offers time to reflect on the issues that are holding one from doing what is right and to take some time to pray on staying firm against these issues. |
![]() Be PreparedThis prayer space allows one to reflect on good deeds that will recharge and prepare one for God. |
![]() Being Sorry – AcetateDuring this prayer space one thinks of the wrong doing done and takes time to ask for an apology. |
![]() Broken Deep Inside (Clay)This prayer space lets one to reflect on one’s own fragilities and to think about the pressures and tensions one gives in to, and to allows time to entrust the pain to God. |
![]() Broken Heart – PlasterOne is invited to think of those with a broken heart, reflect on what one can do to help, and asked to pray for them. |
![]() Sorry SandIn this prayer space one is given the opportunity to reflect on the unkind actions we made and invited to pray for forgiveness. |
![]() Father ForgivesDuring this prayer space one reflects on the weight pain and anger bare and the liberating power of forgiveness. |
![]() Fizzy ForgivenessIn this prayer space one reflects on forgiving those who hurt us, just like a tablet disappears in water so will our upset and hurt disappear with forgiveness. |
![]() Forgiveness For GreedIn this prayer space one is invited to reflect on the greedyness not only globally by mostly personally, and to ask for forgiveness for such greedy actions. |