Monday, 9th Diċembru 2024

8:30 am – 2:00 pm



Prayer Spaces will be setup for students


In collaboration with St Martin’s College, the SDS team setup and animated prayer spaces for Middle school students to reconnect with God, themselves and others. The National Literacy Agency supported this Prayer Space session.

The Prayer spaces that were set up during these days included:

Fizzy Forgiveness

In this prayer space one reflects on forgiving those who hurt us, just like a tablet disappears in water so will our upset and hurt disappear with forgiveness.

Forgiveness Stones

In this prayer space one reflects on the good feeling of letting go and forgiving someone who caused pain.

Transforming Butterflies

During this Prayer Space, students are encouraged to reflect on how change is essential in one’s life, despite that sometimes we pass through fear and difficulties.

Pray for the World

This prayer space encourages one to look at the world map and think of family and friends living away and pray for them and their countries.

Cardboard Home

During this time one is given time to reflect and pray for people who suffer poverty and are homeless.

Saving Life

In this prayer space, one reflects on saving lives by avoiding plastic and prays for courage to make choices in favour of life.

Be Still: Prayer Word

During this time one is inivted to be still and meditate on ma-ra-na-ta.

Friendship Chain

During this prayer one is asked to think of a friend, reflect on the good qualities of their friend and then thank God for them.

Bottle of Tears

This prayer space invites us to reflect about what makes us sad in life and to give our sadness to God.

Unity Tree

During this prayer space one is encouraged to think about the school community he belongs to.

Big Questions

We all have big questions about life, about God and faith, etc. This prayer activity allows children and young people to express the questions they would like to ask God. It’s really simple and usually one of the favourites.

This event is part of the Prayer Spaces programme.