Equipment: bottles of water, glasses

Related to Bible: Matthew 25:40   

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



When was the last time a relative or a friend invited you to their house? Do you remember how they greeted you? Maybe with a drink, a small snack, or a hug. How did you feel?

  • Fill some water in the glass and think about those persons living alone.
  • Fill some more water and think of those who feel abandoned at school or home.
  • Fill some more water and think about those who are feeling sad.
  • Fill some more water and think about people who have nothing to eat.

Now, hold the glass full of water in your hands and remember an event when you were helping others, and thus you were the one who lived Jesus’ words: “Truly I tell you, just as you did it to one of the least of these who are members of my family, you did it to me.” (Matthew 10:42)


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