This prayer space helps to reflect on how God can never forget us, even during difficult times.

Equipment: laminated hand, permanent markers

Related to Bible: Isaiah 49:16   

Response: Write/Draw

Relationship: Me & The Sacred/Divine

  • Early Years
  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



God created you and knows you well. He is always with you, even during difficult times. He has carved you on the palm of His hand.

  • Talk to God and thank Him for always being with you and knowing you by name.
  • Write your name on the picture of the hand. Now, your name cannot be erased.
  • Thank God for loving you and always being with you.


Alla ħalqek u jafek tajjeb.  Hu qiegħed dejjem miegħek anki fil-mumenti diffiċli tal-ħajja. Alla naqqxek fuq il-pala ta’ jdejh.

  • Tkellem m’Alla u rringrazzjah talli Hu dejjem miegħek u jafek b’ismek.
  • Fuq l-istampa tal-id ikteb ismek. Issa ismek ma jistax jitħassar minn fuq l-id.
  • Irringrazzja lil Alla ta’ kemm iħobbok u li dejjem miegħek.


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