Wednesday, 21st August 2024

7:15pm – 8:30pm


Dar Sagra Familja, Żabbar

Summer Club children and their leaders

Prayer Spaces will be prepared for the children participating in the summer club organised by the Żabbar parish.


The SDS team set up and animated prayer spaces for about 70 children and adolescents who participated in the Summer Club organised by Żabbar parish. The group was divided into 2 age groups, each into groups of 5 children. They all participated joyfully in the various prayer activities.

The prayer activities included:

Be Still: Prayer Word

During this time one is inivted to be still and meditate on ma-ra-na-ta.

Refugee Backpack

During this prayer space one reflects on refugees – people who leave their countries for good due to varied reasons and what the real essentials in one’s life.

Forgiveness Stones

In this prayer space one reflects on the good feeling of letting go and forgiving someone who caused pain.

Bubbles of Wishes

This prayer space allows one to ask God for a dream or a wish to come true.

Building Blocks

In this prayer space one is asked to relfect on one’s daily actions and how such actions are helping to build a better world.

Hula Hoop Hop

This prayer space helps the participant to acknowledge one’s challenges, act them out through hopping and talk to God about them.

Bus Blessings

During this prayer activity, the participant can appreciate the relationships with their families and friends and be grateful to God and for them.

Pray for the World

This prayer space encourages one to look at the world map and think of family and friends living away and pray for them and their countries.

Shoal of Fish

In this prayer space one and reflects and prays for unity and peace every place one is.

Pipe Cleaner People

This prayer space encourages one to think about, and if they want to, pray for someone special in thier lives in a fun and creative way by making a ‘pipe cleaner model’.

Olympic Rings

This prayer space, inspired by the interlocking rings of the Olympic Games, invites one to pray for oneself and those around.

Mobile Call

This prayer space motivtes one to call a family member or friend and check up on them, and then reflect if they had to call God, how would the conversation look.


This prayer activity encourages one to identify the positive aspects of oneself as one looks at one’s own self-image created on the image of God in the mirror.

This Prayer Space session was supported by the National Literacy Agency.

This event is part of the Prayer Spaces programme.