The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.
The season of spring starts today. Nature gives us signs, like birds singing and building their nest, flowers blooming and butterflies flying, longer and rainy days. Spring brings big changes to water. Water is a resource we all need to take care of. Let us watch this video together:
Reflective Thought
Everything needs water. Plants and animals also need water to live. Water is necessary in all the living things. Water makes life possible in the world. God created the water when he created the land. We are to take care not to waste water when we are taking a shower, while cooking and when washing the dishes. Our body consists mainly of water, so it is important that one drinks water. Let us listen to the sounds of soothing water.
Oh God, help us to use water wisely so that we will save it for all human beings on our planet. Amen.
The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.
Water is a precious resource. Every living thing, whether human, animal or plant, needs water to live. Water made life possible on earth. Water is used frequently in our everyday lives. We need to use water wisely to take care of our planet and ourselves. Let us watch this video together:
Reflective Thought
A human being can live without food but not without water. We need to conserve water in order to save our planet earth. If we are careful, we will help all the people in the world to have enough clean water to live. Let’s listen to the ocean sounds while thinking about this:
O Lord, thank you for giving us life. Help us to be more aware of how precious and necessary water is in our lives and to use it carefully both for our well-being and to show care towards our planet earth. Amen.
The head, SLT, or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.
Water is a precious resource. Where there is water there is life. Humans, animals and plants are in need of water all the time. Water made life possible on earth. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, considered water to be one of the four fundamental elements in everyday life. Water is an essential resource and it is necessary to take care of water resources to save our planet earth. Let’s watch this video together:
Reflective Thought
Water is much needed for services in the community such as schools, fire stations, restaurants, hospitals and others. If everyone takes care not to waste water, there will be more than enough for all the services in the community. If everybody co-operates, we will greatly help the environment. Water is a powerful element that heals. Many religions and spiritual practices include the use of water. In Christianity and all other religions, the significance of water is purifying. It is necessary to take care of water in today’s life as our planet earth is facing major challenges arising from climate change and economic growth.
O Lord, thank you for giving us life. Help us to be more aware of how precious and necessary water is in our lives. Grant us wisdom to use it carefully both for our well-being and to show care towards our planet earth, especially in these times of major changes. Amen.
The head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.
Water is a precious resource. Where there is water there is life. Humans, animals and plants are all the time in need of water. Water made life possible on earth. Aristotle, a Greek philosopher, considered water to be one of the four fundamental elements in everyday life. Water is an essential resource and it is necessary to take care of water resources to save planet earth. Let’s watch this video together:
Reflective Thought
Our world is becoming dryer. There are people without access to safe drinking water while other countries have more than enough. It is necessary that every single person takes care of water as water is life and the earth needs it. One can take care of water in many ways in everyday life. Our present and future health depends on water. It is a worldwide issue. Water is a powerful element that heals. Many religions and spiritual practices include the use of water. In Christianity and all other religions, the significance of water is purifying. It is necessary to take care of water in today’s life as our planet earth is facing major challenges arising from climate change and economic growth.
O Lord, thank you for giving us life. Helps us to be more aware of how precious and necessary water is in our lives. Grant us wisdom to use it carefully both for our well-being and to show care towards our planet earth, especially in these times of major changes. Amen.