Matul ix-xahar ta’ Diċembru, ħdejn il-presepju fl-iskola ta’ St Elias St Venera kien hemm qfief biex min irid jitfa’ fihom affarijiet tal-ikel li wara se jingħataw lill-Food Bank Malta biex l-ikel jitqassam lil dawk fil-bżonn.

Il-qfief jibdew jimtlew …Il-Mulej irodd kif jaf Hu tal-imħabba li nuru lill-oħrajn. Napprezzaw u grazzi  ħafna tal-offerti u tal-koperazzjoni ta’ kulħadd.
Young people studying at the Giovanni Curmi Higher Secondary school volunteered to set up the decorations for Christmas at Id-Dar tal-Providenza, Siġġiewi accompanied by Fr Franco Fenech, Fr Peter Paul and Mr Jimmy Bonnici. Some weeks before, they organised a car wash to collect money for this home for persons with disability.

St Francis School Cospicua pupils participated in carol singing as they visited residents at Cospicua Old People’s Home. Everyone enjoyed this beautiful experience. The photos are taken from here

St Clare College San Ġwann Primary School made Mikael’s wish come true in the hospital when he was visited by Mr Owen Leuellen and was presented with a card made from the whole school. Each child wrote his name on a petal and each class formed a flower. During Pyjama Day, a donation was also presented to Puttinu Cares. Let’s keep Mikael in our thoughts and prayers. 
Mikael receiving a card made from the whole school
Mikael and Owen

At St Ġorġ Preca College, Secondary School in Ħamrunthe Students’ Council is collecting new pencil colours or crayons to be given to sick children in hospital.

St Francis School Msida organised a Crazy Hair Day for students to commemorate International World Children’s Day. The donations given helped the Church School Children’s Fund which supports students and families who are going through various difficulties.

What a great initiative! Some of the students attending Maria Regina College  Middle School Naxxar participated in the Reverse Advent Calendar activity in aid of Lifeline Foundation Food Bank. 

The English department managed to collect enough food items to fill up a total of twelve boxes, which have been picked up from school by a member of the Lifeline Foundation last Thursday.
A very big thank you to Maria Regina College Mosta Primary B for all the food that was collected during the Advent period. All the items are going to be donated to Dar San Ġużepp in Sta. Venera. This is indeed the true meaning of Christmas – the importance of giving rather than of receiving.
Sacred Heart Minor Seminary Gozo – Waqt l-assembly Dun Giovanni Curmi, direttur tad-‘Diaconia’ fi ħdan id-djoċesi t’Għawdex, li taħdem id f’id mal-Caritas b’risq familji fi bżonn, ġabar il-prodotti kollha li nġabru matul l-Avvent mill-istudenti u l-istaff fl-inizjattiva tas-Siġra tal-Karità.
Dun Giovanni Curmi
Is-Siġra tal-Karità