

The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


As you are aware, we said goodbye to the year 2020 and we just started to say hello to this new year 2021. Time passes by but leaves us with memories. Would not be nice to share nice memories when this new year comes to an end. This song we are going to hear now will show us how we can make special memories together.


Reflective Thought

We can have nice memories during 2021 when we love and respect each other. Some of us are born in Malta so their nationality is Maltese, others are born in Italy, so their nationality is Italian. (mention examples of nationalities who are present in your school). This week we celebrated the feast of the 3 kings who travelled to reach their dream. Mary and Joseph welcomed them even though these 3 kings came from different nations. Like Mary and Joseph, we are to welcome and treat people of all nationalities with respect and like the three Kings we are to respect those who will welcome us with dignity in their own countries and lives. This is how we can make nice memories together.


Dear God, we thank you for the gift of a brand-new day and a brand-new year. We pray that you will speak to our hearts and help us see that we are one big family. Help us to show respect to all peoples of different nations in our everyday lives and actions.


The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


As you are aware, we said goodbye to the year 2020 and we just started to say hello to this new year 2021. Time passes by but leaves us with memories. Would not be nice to share nice memories when this new year comes to an end. This video we are going to watch will show us how we can make special memories together along the coming year.


Ask kids to stop for a few seconds and think about what they just saw.

Reflective Thought

Seeing all nations united would be an awesome memory for sure. What a better world, better country and better school we will have if all Maltese, Italian, Russians… (mention examples of nationalities who are present in your school) had to always treat each other with respect. However, to achieve this dream we all need to do our share. We need to try hard to build trust among all humans. We need to try our best to treat all humans of all nationalities with dignity and respect.
This week Christians celebrated the feast of the 3 kings who travelled to reach their dream. Mary and Joseph welcomed them even though these 3 kings came from different nations. Like Mary and Joseph, we are to welcome and treat everyone with respect. However, respect must come from everyone and so like the three Kings we too are invited to respect those who will welcome us with dignity in their own countries and lives. This is how we can make nice memories together.


Dear God, we thank you for the gift of a brand-new day and a brand-new year never lived before. We pray that you will speak to our hearts and help us see that we are one big family. Help us not to judge or discriminate so that we can truly show respect to all peoples of nations in our everyday lives and actions.


The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


As you are well aware, we have just bid goodbye to the year 2020 and we just started to say hello to this new year 2021. Usually, at the beginning of a new year, we will have our wishes and dreams. Let us watch and listen together to the dreams and wishes expressed by these children and youths.


Ask kids to stop for a few seconds to think about what they saw

Reflective Thought

This morning we are inviting you to make these your dreams and wishes too together with us. However, we all need to do our share for these dreams to come true. May we share one resolution at the beginning of this new year of making our utmost in building trust and in treating all human beings natives to all nations worldwide with respect.
This week Christians celebrated the feast of the three kings who travelled from afar to reach their dream. Tradition tells us that Mary and Joseph welcomed them even though these 3 kings came from different nations. Likewise, we are called to welcome and treat everyone with respect irrelevant to one’s nationality.
However, tradition also tells us that these three Kings paid respect to Mary and Joseph who welcomed them. May we too pay respect towards those who will welcome us with dignity in their own countries and lives.
The kings brought with them gifts as a sign of gratitude for being welcomed. May we too share our talents and gifts in achieving this big dream where all nations will be united in love.


Dear God, we thank you for the gift of a brand-new day and a brand new year never lived before. We pray that you will speak to our hearts and help us see that we are one big family. Help us to live our dream of mutual respect amongst all humans of all nations.


The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


As you are well aware, we have just bid goodbye to the year 2020 and we just started to say hello to this new year 2021. Usually, at the beginning of a new year, we will have our wishes and dreams. Let us watch and listen together to the dreams and wishes expressed by these children and youths.


Ask kids to stop for a few seconds to think about what they saw.

Reflective Thought

This morning we are inviting you to make these your dreams and wishes too together with us. However, we all need to do our share for these dreams to come true. May we share one resolution at the beginning of this new year of making our utmost in building trust and in treating all human beings’ natives to all nations worldwide with respect.
This week Christians celebrated the feast of the three kings who travelled from afar to reach their dream. Tradition tells us that Mary and Joseph welcomed them even though these 3 kings came from different nations. Likewise, we are called to welcome and treat everyone with respect irrelevant to one’s nationality. However, tradition also tells us that these three Kings paid respect to Mary and Joseph who welcomed them. May we too pay respect towards those who will welcome us with dignity in their own countries and lives. The kings brought with them gifts as a sign of gratitude for being welcomed. May we too share our talents and gifts in achieving this big dream where all nations will be united in love.


Dear God, we thank you for the gift of a brand-new day and a brand new year never lived before. We pray that you will speak to our hearts and help us see that we are one big family. Help us to live our dream of mutual respect amongst all humans of all nations.


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