These Lenten sessions, which are age-appropriate, will enable the students to discover how to become an instrument of Peace in their lives

  • Early Years
  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years



30 minutes


Children recognize that God loves us always even during those times when we do not behave well.

Learning Outcomes

Children recognize when they have done something wrong.


Powerpoint, interactive whiteboard, sheep template for each student.



Dear children, now we are in the time of Lent. That a time when we think about how we can become better persons and how we can help others more. Let us sing this song together:


We Are Family


Once upon a time, there was a shepherd who used to take care very carefully of his flock of sheep. He used to give them to eat and to take them out for walks regularly. The shepherd knew his sheep one by one and gives individual attention and help according to the needs of each sheep.

Once when he took out his flock for a walk, he realized that one of the sheep was missing.

It was lost! So, the shepherd left the other sheep in the barn. Then, went out again to search for the lost sheep. He kept on searching until he found it.

The shepherd shouted joyfully, kissed the lost sheep and lifted her. He rested her on his shoulders and carried her all the way home.


  1. Why do you think the shepherd left all the other sheep in the barn and went out to search for the lost sheep?

      Answer suggestions:

      -He takes care of everyone.

      -For him, everyone is the same.

      -He continues to follow those who are not feeling well.

     2.   If you were the lost sheep, how do you feel?

      – lonely

      – angry

      – when the shepherd/Jesus founds me, I felt happy and that I’m worth something.

  3. In what ways can you help the lost sheep?

      – speak to her more

      – take care of her

      – going for a walk with her

      – showing her that in our lives, we need people who lead us and help us to follow Jesus; otherwise, we are alone and lost.


The Baa Baa Song (He’s the Good Shepherd)

SuggestionChildren not only listen and participate in this song once. Together they listen to it, and then they can continue singing it regularly until they learn it.


Have you ever been in a shop, kept gazing and you were lost? Sometimes, in our lives, we give our attention, and importance to things that we like most rather than choosing that which is good, and so we are lost. Jesus tells us that as sheep recognize their shepherd, likewise we are to follow and recognize him.

  • Take a sheep template and write your name on it.
  • Hold the sheep in your hands u speak with Jesus to help you to love more the people around you.


30 minuta


It-tfal jagħrfu li Alla jħobbna anke meta xi drabi nagħmlu affarijiet li ma jogħġbuhx.

Il-Kisbiet għat-Tagħlim

It-tfal jagħrfu meta jkunu għamlu xi ħaġa ħażina.


Powerpoint, interactive whiteboard, mudell ta’ nagħġa għal kull student.



Għeżież tfal, bħalissa ninsabu fiż-żmien tar-Randan. Jiġifieri żmien fejn naħsbu iktar kif nistgħu isiru persuni aħjar u kif nistgħu ngħinu iktar lil xulxin.


We Are Family


Darba kien hemm ragħaj li kien jieħu ħsieb ħafna l-merħla tan-nagħaġ li kellu. Kien jagħtihom jieklu u joħroġhom dawra. Ir-ragħaj kien jaf lin-nagħaġ waħda waħda, u jagħti lil kull waħda, dak li għandha bżonn.

Darba minhom meta ħa n-ngħaġ għad-dawra tas-soltu,induna li kien hemm nagħġa nieqsa. Kienet intilfet! Għalhekk ir-ragħaj ħa lin-nagħaġ l-oħra fil-maqjel, u mbagħad reġa’ ħareġ ifittex in-nagħġa l-mitlufa. U baqa’ jfittxha sakemm sabha.

Ir-ragħaj beda jgħajjat bil-ferħ, bies in-nagħġa u refagħha. Poġġieha u spallejh u ġarrha hemmhekk sad-dar. Imbagħad, wara li ħalla n-nagħġa ħdejn in-nagħaġ l-oħra mar ifittex lill-ħbieb tiegħu. Imbagħad mar iħabbat lill-ġirien tiegħu wkoll, u qalilhom, “Ejjew ifirħu miegħi, sibt in-nagħġa li kienet mitflufa!”


1. Għaliex taħsbu li r-ragħaj ħalla lin-nagħaġ l-oħra kollha, u mar ifittex lin-nagħġa li kienet intilfet?

-Għax kien jieħu ħsieb kulħadd.

-Għalih kulħadd kien l-istess.

-Kien jibqa’ jiġri wara dawk li forsi ma jħossuhomx tajjeb.

-In-ngħaġ kienu mexjin warajh, għalhekk ir-ragħaj kien moħħu mistrieħ.

2. Kieku inti kont in-nagħġa l-mitlufa, kif tħossok?




-meta r-ragħaj/Ġesù sabni, ħassejtni ferħan u niswa’ għal xi ħaġa

3. B’liema mod tista’ tgħin lin-nagħġa l-mitlufa?

-inkellimha iktar

-nieħu ħsiebha

-nimxi magħha

-nilgħab magħha

-nuriha li fil-ħajja għandna bżonn nies li jmexxuna u jgħinnuna biex nimxu


The Baa Baa Song (He’s the Good Shepherd)

Suġġeriment – It-tfal mhux biss jisimgħu imma jipparteċipaw fil-kanzunetta. Flimkien jisimgħu l-kanzunetta, imbgħad jibdew jgħadduha strofa strofa sakemm jitgħallmuha kollha.


Qatt kont f’xi ħanut kbir u bqajt tħares lejn xi ħaġa u intlift?  Xi drabi fil-ħajja nagħtu l-attenzjoni lill-affarijiet li jogħġbuna iktar milli nagħżlu dak li hu sewwa u b’hekk nintilfu. Ġesù jgħidlna li bħalma n-nagħaġ jagħrfu lir-ragħaj tagħhom hekk aħna wkoll għadna nagħrfuh u nimxu warajh.

  • Ħu mudell ta’ nagħġa u ikteb ismek fuqha.
  • Żomm in-nagħġa f’idejk u tkellem ma’ Ġesù biex jgħinek tħobb iżjed lil dawk ta’ madwarek.


30 minutes


Children learn to accept and love everyone, like Jesus, the Shepherd who kept searching for the lost sheep and hugged her.

Learning Outcome

Children explore how one feels when he/she is accepted and when not and discover how Jesus teaches us to accept everyone.

Let us sing together the song; Together.


Interactive Board, PowerPoint, balloons, pretend play cake, presents, four hula-hoops.


The children sing and dance to this song together.



Dear children, yesterday we’ve learned that Jesus loves us abundantly, and keep on searching for us until he finds us. Today he will be teaching u something else through this lost sheep, to accept everyone, everywhere we are. If we are at school during breaktime, at home with our family, in our catechism class, playing with our sports team, in our dancing class, everywhere we are. Let us watch this drama together:


Parable of the Great Feast – Lk 14:12-24

Beforehand one may prepare some balloons, maybe a pretend play cake in the background.

Actors – 4 children, mum and child, boy and girl. Two boys and two girls.

Mum: Wow! You’re gonna have a great birthday party, Adriel. We’ve put up really beautiful decorations!

Adriel: Hey, mummy! This gonna be the greatest party ever. Thank you, mum and dad for these beautiful decorations!

Mum: I’m really happy that all your classmates are coming to celebrate your sixth birthday with you.

Adriel: Em…..I think not everyone is coming.

Mum: What do you mean? We have already discussed, we are to invite everyone, otherwise no one!

Adriel: Oh mummy! But I don’t like to invite the smelly boy, the fat girl, you know whom I talking about, and Juan finds it difficult to speak English. Can I have fun with them?

Mum: Adriel, am really sorry to hear you saying that.

            (A knock on the door or bell rings)

Adriel: Let me see who it is. Hello Jazzlyn, thank you for coming; this gonna be the greatest party ever!

Jazzlyn: I am so sorry, Adriel; I’ve got you my present, but I can’t stay for the party. We always clean our house on Sunday afternoons, and I need help.

Adriel: You prefer cleaning your house instead of coming to my party?

Jazzlyn: Sure! I am sorry for that….see you tomorrow at school.

Adriel: Mmm…thank you for nothing, Jazzlyn.

 (A knock on the door or bell rings)

Adriel: Hello Robin, I welcome you to my party!!

Robin: Sorry Adriel, I can’t make it to the party. Here’s your gift.

Adriel: Why?!

Robin: Cause I’ve got a new game, and if I don’t play it today, it means I have to wait one week to play it.

Adriel: You’re not coming to my party to play a game?!! This is craziness!!

Adriel starts crying

Mum: Don’t cry, Adriel; come on! Today is your birthday, and you must be happy.

Adriel: Happy when no one came to celebrate with me on my birthday! No parties now for sure….what a pity, what a waste! What shall we do with all this food and the cake?

Mum: Food can never be wasted. I have an idea! Tomorrow takes everything with you to school and celebrates your birthday there. What do you think? This way you will celebrate it with everyone. Let me call your teacher. Better late than never!

Adriel: I like the idea! Thank you, mummy! You are the best!


Mention some examples of how you can accept everyone, like how Adriel’s mum carried out.


One needs four hula hoops. Ten children play this game.

The hula hoops are placed near each other. Some music is played while the children are going around the hula hoops. As soon as the music stops all the children enter in the hula hoops. Every time hoop is taken away and the children are to find a place for everyone till the last hula hoop is there.


The children carry out this exercise together, led by the animator petal by petal.

This is like a meditation prayer. Invite the children to be quiet and stay silent for a few minutes. To close their eyes and start breathing in and breathing out slowly.

Then you follow the flower petal by petal

Dear children, let’s think:

Petal 1 – I am strong – 1 min silence (children breathe in and breathe out)
Petal 2 – I am kind – 1 min silence (children breathe in and breathe out)
Petal 3 – I am loved – 1 min silence (children breathe in and breathe out)
Petal 4 – I believe in me – 1 min silence (children breathe in and breath out)
Petal 5 – I stay calm – 1 min silence (children breathe in and breath out)
Now, invite the children to stand up to sing and dance together.


You’ve Gotta Love Everbody

Suggestion – Children do not only listen to this song but participate in it as well. Together they listen to the song and sing it repeatedly until they learn it.


30 minuta


It-tfal jitgħallmu jaċċettaw u jħobbu lil kulħadd, bħalma r-Ragħaj – Ġesù baqa’ jfittex in-nagħġa l-mitlufa sakemm sabha u għannaqha miegħu.

Il-Kisbiet għat-Tagħlim

It-tfal jesploraw kif tħossok meta tkun aċċettat u meta le, u jiskopru kif Ġesù jgħallimna naċċettaw lil kulħadd.


Interactive Board, Powerpoing, bżieżaq, kejk tal-logħob, rigali, erba’ hula-hoops.


It-tfal ikantaw u jiżfnu ma’ din il-kanzunetta.



Għeżież tfal, ilbieraħ tgħallimna li Ġesù iħobbna ħafna u jibqa’ jfittixna sakemm isibna. Illum se jgħallimna xi ħaġ’oħra permezz ta’ din in-nagħġa, li dejjem naċċettaw lil kulħadd, kull fejn inkunu. Jekk qegħdin l-iskola waqt il-brejk, id-dar mal-familja, fil-klassi tal-katekiżmu, nilgħabu mat-team tal-isport ma’ min nittrenjaw, fil-klassi taż-żfin, kull fejn inkunu. Ejjew naraw din ir-reċta flimkien:


Il-Parabbola tal-Pranzu – Lq 14:12-24

Minn qabel wieħed jista’ jipprepara ftit bżieżaq, forsi xi pretend play cake fl-isfond)

Jieħdu sehem, omm, tifel u żewġt iħbieb tat-tifel, tifel u tifla. Jistgħu wkoll jaqrawha.

Omm: Wow! Kemm se jkollok festin ta’ għeluq sninek sabiħ, Adriel. Kemm żejjinna sabiħ!

Adriel: Aw, mummy! Dan se jkun l-ikbar festin li qatt sar. Grazzi li żejjintu sabiħ, inti u l-papa’.

Omm: Jiena kuntenta li ġejjin sħabek kollha tal-klassi biex jiċċelebraw miegħek is-sitt festin ta’ għeluq sninek.

Adriel: Em… naħsibx li se jiġi kulħadd.

Omm: Xi trid tfisser b’dan. Aħna mhux diġa’ konna tkellimna, jew nistiednu lil kulħadd, jew lil ħadd!

Adriel: U ejja ma! Imma jiena ma nixtieqx li jiġu dak it-tifel li jinten, u dik it-tifla l-ħoxna, taf għal min qed ngħid, u Juan ma jafx jitkellem bl-Ingliż. Kif nista’ nieħu gost magħhom.

Omm: Adriel, qed jiddispjaċini nisimgħek titkellem hekk.

            (Iħabbat il-bieb jew tinstema’ l-qanpiena tal-bieb)

Adriel: Ħa nara min ġie. Hello Jazzlyn, grazzi li ġejt, dan se jkun l-aqwa festin li qatt sar!

Jazzlyn: Jiddispjaċini Adriel, ġibtlek ir-rigal imma ma nistax nibqa’ għall-festin. Il-Ħadd wara nofsinhar dejjem inaddfu d-dar u nkun irrid ngħin.

Adriel: Jiġifieri inti tippreferi toqgħod id-dar tnaddaf, u ma tiġix għall-festin tiegħi?

Jazzlyn: Iva hekk hu! Skużani għal dan….narak l-iskola għada! Ċaw!

Adriel: Mmm…grazzi ta’ xejn, Jazzlyn.

             (Iħabbat il-bieb jew tinstema’ l-qanpiena tal-bieb)

Adriel: HelloRobin, nilqgħek għall-aqwa festin!!

Robin: Skużani Adriel, imma ma nistax noqgħod għall-festin, ġibtlek ir-rigal.

Adriel: Għaliex?!

Robin: Għax għandi logħba ġdida, u jekk ma nilgħabhiex illum, għandi ġimgħa oħra nistenna! Skużani, narak iktar tard.

Adriel: Ma tiġix għal party biex toqgħod tilgħab?!! Din ġennata!!

Adriel jibda jikbi

Omm: Tibki xejn Adriel, isa! Illum jum għeluq sninek u għandek tkun ferħan.

Adriel: Ferħan meta ħadd ma’ ġie għall-festin, ħadd ma’ ġe jifraħ miegħi! Issa ma nagħmel l-ebda festin….x’ħasra kollox se jinħela! X’se nagħmlu bil-cake u l-ikel?

Omm: Mhux sewwa li l-ikel jinħela. Għandi idea! Għada ħu kollox miegħek l-iskola u ċċelebra jum għeluq sninek hemmhekk. X’taħseb? Hekk tiċċelebrah ma’ kulħadd. Issa nċempel lit-teacher. Better late than never!

Adriel: Togħġobni l-idea ma’! Grazzi ma’! You are the best!


Semmi xi eżempji kif tista’ taċċetta lil kulħadd, bħalma għamlet il-mama’ ta’ Adriel.


Wieħed għandu bżonn erba’ hula hoops. Jilgħabu l-logħba għaxart itfal .

Il-hula hoops jitpoġġew ħdejn xulxin. Tindaqq ftit mużika filwaqt li t-tfal iduru mal-hula hoops. Kif tieqaf il-mużika it-tfal jidħlu kollha ġol-hula hoops. Kull darba tonqos hula hoop, sakemm it-tfal jidħlu ġo waħda u jsibu post għal kulħadd.


Dan huwa talba/eżerċizzju għall-meditazzjoni . Għeżież tfal ejjew naħsbu ftit:
Petala 1 – Jiena b’saħħti – minuta silenzju (t-tfal jieħdu nifs ‘il ġewwa u nifs ‘il   
Petala 2 – Jiena nħenn – minuta silenzju (t-tfal jieħdu nifs ‘il ġewwa u nifs ‘il   
Petala 3 – Jiena maħbub – minuta silenzju (t-tfal jieħdu nifs ‘il ġewwa u nifs ‘il   
Petala 4 – Jiena nemmen fija nnifsi – minuta silenzju (t-tfal jieħdu nifs ‘il ġewwa u   nifs ‘il  barra)
Petala 5 – Issa jiena se nikkalma – Jiena nemmen fija nnifsi – minuta silenzju (t-tfal jieħdu nifs ‘il ġewwa u nifs ‘il  barra)
Issa stieden it-tfal biex jqumu bil-wieqfa u jkantaw u jiżfnu ma’ din il-kanzunetta.


You’ve Gotta Love Everbody

SuġġerimentIt-tfal mhux biss jisimgħu din il-kanzunetta imma jipparteċipaw fiha wkoll. Flimkien, jisimgħu u jibqgħu jkantawha sakemm jitgħallmuha.


30 minutes


Children recognize how a good deed it is to say sorry.

Learning Outcomes

Children recognize when they do something wrong.


Powerpoint, interactive whiteboard.



Dear children, today we shall continue learning about what we’ve already learnt in the other days.

  1. In the first session, we learned how Jesus went out to search for the lost sheep and continued searching for it until he found it.
  2. Yesterday we learned how to accept everyone, like the flock of sheep that waited for the lost sheep to return and to be united with them.
  3. Today we will learn how to say sorry when we do something wrong that does not please Jesus. Let us sing this song together:

Love Everybody


The Hungry Caterpillar

Four children can read this story.

A Caterpillar Walk

A caterpillar used to live in a garden. In this garden, there were many fruit trees

The caterpillar was very hungry and ate the fruits.

There was a red apple. The caterpillar ate the red apple.

There was a yellow

banana. The caterpillar ate the yellow banana. 

There was an orange orange.  The caterpillar ate the orange orange.

There was a  green pear.  The caterpillar ate the green pear. 

There were purple grapes. The caterpillar ate the purple grapes.

There was a  red cherry.  The caterpillar ate the red cherry. 

There was a purple plum.  There was a purple plum. 

There was an orange peach.  The caterpillar ate the orange peach. 

There was a red strawberry.  The caterpillar ate a red strawberry. 

There was a green kiwi.  The caterpillar ate a green kiwi

There was a yellow melon.  The caterpillar ate a yellow melon. 

There was a  green watermelon.  The caterpillar ate the green watermelon. 

There was a purple fig.  The caterpillar ate the purple fig. 

There was a yellow lemon.  The caterpillar ate the yellow lemon. 

There was a green prickly pear.  The caterpillar ate the green prickly pear. 

The caterpillar got fatter and went to sleep.

The caterpillar covered himself with a sheet and slept soundly.

What happened to the caterpillar when he woke up?

The caterpillar woke up and became a beautiful and colourful butterfly.


  • What did the caterpillar do?  It ate a lot.
  • What did he do after he ate?  It went to sleep.
  • What happened then?  It changed into a beautiful and colourful butterfly.
  • What does the butterfly do?  It flies and go around flowers and nature.
  • When it was still a caterpillar, it used to crawl on the floor in the gardens or on a road. Then, when he passes through the process until he becomes a butterfly, he suffers a bit, but then when it starts flying, it finds freedom and feels better. In the same way we feel better when we forgive someone or say sorry. Let’s see the process of the caterpillar when becoming a butterfly.

One can show this image to the children on an interactive board, a printed image on an A3 paper, or by using your own imagination. While the children are looking at this image, who is leading continues explaining:

First the caterpillar forms itself in an egg.
It comes out of the egg and starts eating leaves and grass.
After eating the leave, it forms the cocoon with the stem.
Then it enters the chrysallis and forms the wings.
Breaks it, comes out and becomes a butterfly.
The caterpillar passes through this process and takes his own time to become a butterfly and fly. In the same way, when we need to forgive someone who hurts us, or when it is necessary to say sorry for something wrong we’ve done, we need time to forgive, and thus we need help.  No worries, like the caterpillar we take our own time. When we succeed to forgive or to say sorry, it means that we came out of our chyrsallis and fly like a butterfly, because we feel happy.


Invite everyone to open his five fingers.
One can draw his hand on an interactive board or whiteboard if there are facilities.
The thumb – think of something wrong you’ve done. (one-minute silence)
The index – think how important it is to forgive u make friends with someone you were not on good terms with. (one-minute silence)
The middle – think about a way how you can forgive, saying sorry (two minutes silence)
The ring – remember that when you forgive, Jesus will forgive you as well and loves you abundantly.
The little – remember that although you are still a young child, you can also learn how to forgive and be friends with everyone.


I’ve Got Peace Like a River


30 minuta


It-tfal jagħrfu kemm hi ħaġa sabiħa li tiskuża ruħek.

Il-Kisbiet għat-Tagħlim

It-tfal jitgħallmu jużaw iktar ta’ spiss it-terminu: Skużani.





Għeżież tfal, illum se nkomplu nitgħallmu ma’ dak li tgħallimna f’dawn il-jumejn li għaddew.

  1. Fl-ewwel sessjoni rajna kif Ġesù mar ifittex in-nagħġa li kienet intlifet u baqa’ jfittxha sakemm sabha.
  2. Ilbieraħ rajna kif aħna għandna naċċettaw lil kulħadd, kif in-nagħaġ l-oħra qagħdu jistennew in-nagħġa li kienet intilfet tiġi lura u terġa’ tingħaqad magħhom.
  3. Illum se naraw kif se nitgħallmu niskużaw ruħna jekk nagħmlu xi ħaġa ħażina, li ma togħġobx lil Ġesù. Ejjew inkantaw din il-kanzunetta flimkien, li jisimha: Love Everybody.


Love – Everybody

Stieden lit-tfal jkantaw u jiżfnu flimkien din il-kanzunetta.


Id-Dudu li kien bil-Ġuħ

Erba’ t’itfal jistgħu jaqraw din l-istorja.

Passiġata ta’ Dudu

Id-dudu kien jgħix ġo ġnien kbir. Fil-ġnien kiem hemm ħafna siġar tal-frott. Id-dudu kellu ħafna ġuħ u beda jiekol il-frott.

Kien hemm tuffieħa ħamra. Id-dudu kiel it-tuffieħa l-ħamra.

Kien hemm banana safra. Id-dudu kiel il-banana s-safra.

Kien larinġa oranġjo. Id-dudu kiel il-larinġa l-oranġjo.

Kien hemm lanġasa ħadra. Id-dudu kiel il-lanġasa l-ħadra.

Ken hemm għeneb vjola. Id-dudu kiel l-għeneb il-vjola.

Kien hemm ċirasa ħamra. Id-dudu kiel iċ-ċirasa l-ħamra.

Kien hemm għajnbaqra vjola. Id-dudu kiel l-għajnbaqra l-vjola.

Kien hemm ħawħa oranġjo. Id-dudu kiel l-ħawħa l-oranġjo.

Kien hemm frawla ħamra. Id-dudu kiel il-frawla l-ħamra.

Kien hemm kiwi ħadra. Id-dudu kiel il-kiwi l-ħadra.

Kien hemm bettieħa safra. Id-dudu kiel il-bettieħa s-safra.

Kien hemm dulliegħa ħadra. Id-dudu kiel id-dulliegħa l-ħadra.

Kien hemm tina vjola. Id-dudu kiel it-tina l-vjola.

Kien hemm lumija safra. Id-dudu kiel il-lumija s-safra.

Kien hemm bajtra rax-xewk ħadra. Id-dudu kiel il-bajtra tax-xewk il-ħadra.

Id-dudu ħxien u ħxien. Id-dudu mar jorqod.

Id-dudu tgerbeb fil-liżar. Id-dudu raqad ħafna.

X’taħsbu li ġralu d-dudu meta qam?

Id-dudu qam u sar farfett sabiħ b’ħafna kuluri.


  • X’għamel id-dudu? Kiel ħafna
  • Wara li kiel, x’għamel? Mar jorqod
  • Imbagħad x’ġara? Inbidel f’farfett
  • U x’jagħmel il-farfett? Itir u jdur fuq ħafna fjuri u madwar in-natura.

Meta kien għadu dudu, kien jimxi/jitkaxkar mal-art fil-ġonna jew f’xi triq. Imbagħad, id-dudu jgħaddi minn process sakemm jsir farfett. Ibati ftit, imma mbagħad meta jibda jtir isib il-libertà u jħossu aħjar. L-istess aħna meta naħfru lil ħadd, jew meta niskużaw ruħna. Ejjew naraw ftit min x’hiex jgħaddi d-dudu biex isir farfett:

Wieħed jista’ juri din l-immaġini lit-tfal fuq interactive board, stampa pprintjata fuq A3 paper, jew uża l-immaġinazzjoni tiegħek. Waqt li t-tfal qed jħarsu lejn l-immaġini, min qed imexxi jkompli bl-ispjega.

1.    L-ewwel ikun bajda
2.    Joħroġ mill-bajda, jkun dudu u jibda jiekol il-weraq u l-ħaxix.
3.    Jagħmel l-cocoon ma zokk tal-werqa wara li jiekol il-werqa
4.    Imbagħad jidħol fil-chrysallis u jifforma l-ġwienaħ
5.    Ikissirha, joħroġ u jsir farfett.

Id-dudu jgħaddi min dan il-proċess u jieħu ftit taż-żmien sakemm isir farfett u jtir. U hekk aħna, meta jkun hemm bżonn li naħfru lil xi ħadd li jkun weġġgħana, jew meta jeħtieġ li aħna niskużaw ruħna ta’ xi ħaġa ħażina li nkunu għamilna, nieħdu ftit taż-żmien biex naslu, u jkollna bżonn l-għajnuna. Ma jimpurtax, bħad-dudu għandna nieħdu ż-żmien tagħna. Imbagħad meta jirnexxielna naħfru, jew nitolbu skuża, noħorġu mill-cocoon u ntiru bħall-farfett, għax nħossuna ferħanin.


Stieden lil kulħadd jiftaħ ħames swaba ta’ jdejh.
Wieħed, jekk ikun hemm faċilitajiet, jista’ jpinġi l-id fuq interactive jew white board.
Is-saba’ l-kbir – aħseb f’xi ħaġa mhux sabiħa li għamilt. (minuta silenzju)
Il-werrej – aħseb kemm hu mportanti li taħfer u terġa’ tagħmel ħbieb mal-persuna li tkun iġġieldet miegħek. (minuta silenzju)
Tan-nofs  – aħseb f’xi mod kif tista’ taħfer, tgħid skużani (żewġ minuti silenzju)
Taċ-ċurkett – ftakar li meta taħfer, Ġesù se jaħfirlek ukoll u jħobbok ħafna.
Iż-żgħir – ftakar li għalkemm għadek żgħir/żgħira, inti wkoll tista’ titgħallem taħfer u tkun ħabib/ħabiba ta’ kulħadd.


Ħu b’idejn xi ħadd u għidlu l-paċi miegħek.

It-tfal jieħdu b’idejn xulxin filwaqt li titkanta din il-kanzunetta:


45 minutes

Aim:  The students will understand the value of humility, which helps you to admit and accept that you are a sinner.

Learning Outcomes

  1. The students will understand that our actions and choice of words can sometimes impact ourselves and others negatively.
  2. The students understand how important it is to accept correction from people who can guide them to become better.


  • The video of the story Astroni Meets ĠuPazzi
  • Interactive whiteboard or projector
  • A blank paper
  • A large dustbin

Remote Preparation

To prepare for the sessions, the animator must watch the video Astroni Meets ĠuPazzi, which can be found on The animator can then contact the school management to prepare resources for the session. The SMT can make arrangements so that the teachers will distribute half an A4 paper to the students during the sessions at school. The SMT will also provide a large dustbin near the room’s front door or hall where the session will occur.


(Slide 2) The animator tells the children that they will see an excerpt from the production Astroni Meets ĠuPazzi so that they will discuss the story. He explains that Astroni is an Astronaut who visits the planets. This is a person who does not believe in God. He doubts everything and always thinks he knows everything. On the interactive board or projector, the animator displays an excerpt from the production Astroni and Meets ĠuPazzi from 0:00 – 26:00.

Development of the session

Step one

(slide 3) The animator asks the children these questions.

  1. What did the voice tell Astroni when he landed in our world?
  2. Why do you think Astroni felt angry when he heard the voice?
  3. Do you agree with Astroni when he said he doesn’t need anyone because he knows everything? Why?

Step two

(slide 4) The animator gives feedback and elaborates on the students’ answers by emphasising that Astroni was not pleased to learn that God created this planet. He did not want anybody to interfere with his behaviour and did not want to obey anyone. He believed that he never made mistakes. The animator refers to another scene from the script where the GuPazzi friends try to be patient with Astroni and help him. If there is time, the animator can let the students watch this short extract from the video, which shows Astroni making mistakes: throwing a banana skin on the the ground; when he forgets to switch off the lights and wasting electricity and when he removes a bucket from underneath a faucet and leaves water dripping on the floor. The animator emphasises that Astroni’s behaviour has consequences not only for himself but also for others. The animator then asks these questions:

(slide 5)

  1. Do you agree that Astroni’s actions are not good? Why?
  2. How can Astroni, Roby, Rango and Grandma Buż help him?
  3. What should you do if you notice someone doing something wrong? How can you help him/her?

Step 3

(Slide 6) The animator explains how important it is to accept the advice we receive from mature people who can guide us and show us where we are going wrong. These people can even be our friends because true friends always give excellent examples to each other and help each other improve. The animator asks the students to share their experiences by asking the following questions:

1. Have you ever said or done something wrong ?

2. Was anyone who corrected you and told you that what you did or said was wrong? How did you feel?

3. What did you say?

4. What did you do?

The animator encourages the students to share their experiences and then uses what they say to explain in detail and draw conclusions about the topic.


(slide 7) The animator concludes the session by projecting a slide with the quotation from Prov 19, 20: Listen to advice and accept discipline,and at the end, you will be counted among the wise.

(Slide 8) To end the session, the animator uses the following prayer activity.

 The animator invites students to think about someone they hurt with their words or actions. On a paper, each student writes what they did wrong and how they can improve their behaviour. The students ask God to help them. Then each student crushes the paper into a ball and throws it in the dustbin as they leave the room or hall.


45 minuta


L-istudenti jifhmu l-valur tal-umiltà li tgħinek tammetti u taċċetta li inti midneb.

Kisbiet għat-tagħlim

  1. L-istudenti jifhmu li l-azzjonijiet u l-kliem ħażin tagħna (id-dnubiet tagħna), jaffettwaw ħażin mhux biss lilna nfusna imma anki lil ħaddieħor.
  2. L-istudenti jaraw l-importanza li taċċetta korrezzjoni ta’ persuni li jistgħu jiggwidawk biex issir persuna aħjar.


  • Il-vidjo tal-produzzjoni: Astroni jiltaqa’ ma’ ĠuPazzi
  • bord interattiv jew projector
  • karta żgħira vojta
  • dustbin kbir

Preparazzjoni Remota

L-animatur minn xi ġimgħat qabel is-sessjonijiet jara l-vidjo tal-istorja Astroni jiltaqa’ ma’ ĠuPazzi li ser tkun fuq Tajjeb ukoll li jiftiehem mal-management tal-iskola biex dakinhar tas-sessjoni l-għalliema tqassam karta (nofs A4) lill-istudenti u biex ikun hemm dustbin kbir ħdejn il-bieba ta’ barra tal-kamra jew is-sala fejn se ssir is-sessjoni.

Nota għall-animatur

Jekk is-sessjoni ssir f’sala kbira mhux fi klassi, importanti li l-animatur idur mal-istudenti b’mikrofonu ħalli l-istudenti kollha jkunu jistgħu jsegwu sew il-mistoqsijiet u t-tweġibiet kif ukoll l-ispjegazzjoni tal-animatur speċjalment l-istudenti li jkunu fuq wara nett jew fil-ġnub tas-sala.


(Slide 2) L-animatur jgħid lit-tfal li se jaraw silta mill-programm Astroni jiltaqa’ ĠuPazzi biex wara jiddiskutu s-silta. Jispjega li Astroni huwa Astronawta li kien qiegħed iżur il-pjaneti. Dan hu persuna li ma jemmen f’xejn. Jiddubita f’kollox u dejjem jaħseb li jaf kollox. Fuqil-bord interattiv jew projector, l-animatur juri silta mill-istorja Astroni jiltaqa’ ma’ ĠuPazzi mill- 0:00 – 26:00.

Żvilupp tas-sessjoni

L-Ewwel Pass

(slide 3) L-animatur jistaqsi lit-tfal dawn il-mistoqsijiet.

  1. X’qaltlu l-vuċi lil Astroni meta llandja fid-dinja tagħna?
  2. Għaliex taħseb li beda jirrabja Astroni wara li kellmitu l-vuċi?
  3. Intom taqblu ma’ Astroni meta qal li m’għandu bżonn lil ħadd għax jaf kollox? Għaliex?

It-Tieni Pass

(slide 4) Mit-tweġibiet tal-istudenti, l-animatur jenfasiżża li Astroni ma ħax pjaċir li l-pjaneta ħalaqha Alla għax ma ried lil ħadd jindaħallu x’jagħmel u ma ried jobdi lil ħadd. Hu jaħseb li qatt ma jiżbalja.

L-animatur jirreferi għal silta oħra fl-iskript fejn Astroni jiżbalja u

l-ħbieb tiegħu Roby, Ranġo u n-Nanna Buż jippruvaw jgħinuh u jieħdu paċenzja bih. Jekk ikun hemm ħin tista’ tintwera silta qasira  ħafna mill-vidjo li turi x’jiġri meta Astroni jwaddab qoxra ta’ banana fl-art, ħalla d-dawl jixgħel għal xejn fil-kamra u għamel għadira ilma fl-art meta neħħa l-barmil minn taħt il-vit. Biex jenfasiżża li l-imġieba ta’ Astroni taffettwa mhux lilu biss imma lill-oħrajn, l-animatur jistaqsi dawn il-mistoqsijiet: (slide 5)

  1. Taqbel li l-azzjonijiet ta’ Astroni mhumiex tajbin? Għaliex?
  2. Kif taħseb li jistgħu jgħinuh Astroni Roby, Ranġo u n-Nanna Buż?
  3. Jekk xi ħadd li taf ikun qed jagħmel xi ħaġa li int tinduna li hi ħażina, x’tagħmel? Kif tista’ tgħinu/tgħinha?

It-Tielet Pass

(Slide 6) L-animatur jispjega kemm hu importanti li nieħdu l-pariri ta’ dawk

il-persuni li huma maturi biżżejjed li jiggwidawna u juruna fejn inkunu sejrin ħażin. Dawn il-persuni jistgħu wkoll ikunu l-ħbieb tagħna għax il-ħbieb vera jagħtu eżempju tajjeb lil xulxin u jgħinu lil xulxin biex isiru aħjar. L-animatur jirreferi għall-esperjenzi tal-istudenti billi jistaqsi:

  1. Inti ġieli għedt jew għamilt xi ħaġa ħażina ?
  2. Kien hemm xi ħadd li qallek li dak li għamilt jew għedt kien ħażin? Kif ħassejtek?
  3. X’għedt?
  4. X’għamilt?

L-animatur jinkoraġixxi l-istudenti jaqsmu l-esperjenzi tagħhom u jikkummenta jew jispjega xi punti li joħorġu minn dak li jkunu qalu


(slide 7) L-animatur jikkonkludi s-sessjoni billi juri slide bil-kwotazzjoni “Isma’ l-parir u ilqa’ t-tagħlim, biex ikollok l-għerf sal-aħħar ta’ ħajtek.” (Prov 19, 20)

Attività ta’ Talb

(Slide 8) Biex jispiċċa s-sessjoni tista’ tintuża din l-attività ta’ talb:

L-animatur jistieden lil kull student biex jaħseb fuq meta hu weġġa’ lil xi ħadd bil-kliem jew bl-azzjonijiet tiegħu. Fuq karta jikteb dak li għamel jew qal u jiddeċiedi li jġib ruħu aħjar. Jitlob lil Alla biex jgħinu. Imbagħad l-istudenti meta jkunu ħerġin jgħaffġu l-karta f’ballun u jitfgħuha fid-dustbin li jkun qiegħed ħdejn il-bieb tal-kamra jew sala.


30 minutes


The students understand that every person has the freedom to choose how to act and what to say. These choices have consequences and affect the person’s relationship with themselves, with others and with God.

Learning outcomes

  1. The students will be able to explain that every human being is responsible for their words and actions.
  2. They will be able to analyse a situation and explain how our choices affect other people, sometimes negatively.
  3. They will be able to mention different ways how a person can behave correctly in such a situation.


  • Interactive board or projector
  • Cross templates for each student
  • A large crucifix

Remote Preparation

From weeks before the session, the animator contacts the school management so that on the day of the session, each teacher will bring a set of cross templates for her class. These templates need to be cut out in class before the session.


(slide 2) The animator uses the song My Best Friend to introduce the topic of the second session. He instructs the students to stand up and follow the actions of the song and to pay attention to the lyrics of the song.

Development of the session

Step 1

(Slide 3) The animator asks the students: have you ever been in a situation where you are confused about what to do? Or when you see someone doing something wrong and you need to decide what to do? Let’s watch this short video clip together.

show video from 0.58-1.16 minutes only

Step 2

(slide 4) The animator starts a discussion by asking the students the following questions:

1. What decision did Lisa take when she went to the softball team?

2. Do you think it is wrong to reveal a person’s secret to others? Why?

3. How do you think Jessica felt when she noticed everyone knew her secret?

Step 3

(slide 5) Question: If you notice that someone is suffering because of gossip, what can you do to help that person?

(slide 6) The animator uses these questions to explain that every person has the freedom to decide what to say and how to behave. This liberty brings responsibility also as every action or word has positive or negative consequences. When someone trusts you with a secret and you tell others, you are breaking the trust that person placed in you. This can also affect the person’s reputation (the way others percieve or judge that person).

This can happen because rumours or gossip spread and change very quickly and it is very difficult to put a stop to this situation and correct the harm that is done.

Step 4

(slide 7) The animator asks the students to express their opinion and share their experiences about this by asking these questions:

  1. Did anyone ever spread gossip and lies or reveal a secret about you? How did you feel?
  2. If you see someone spreading rumours or gossip about another person, what would you do?
  3. What can you do to give a good example to someone who is gossiping or spreading rumours?


(slide 8) The animator refers to the slide with the quotation from the Gospel: Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God Mat5,9:

(slide 9) Prayer activity  – Asking for Forgiveness

(slide 9) The animator encourages the students to think about someone they might have hurt with their actions or words. They write a prayer on the cross template asking God to forgive them for this.


30 minuta


L-istudenti jifhmu li kull persuna għandna għażla libera kif titkellem u taġixxi imma li din l-għażla ikollha konsegwenzi u taffettwa lilna nfusna kif ukoll ir-relazzjonijiet tagħna ma’ xulxin u ma’ Alla.

Kisbiet it-Tagħlim

  1. L-istudenti jkunu kapaċi jispjegaw li kull persuna hi responsabbli u ħielsa fl-għażla tal-kliem u l-azzjonijiet tagħha.
  2. Ikunu kapaċi janaliżżaw sitwazzjoni li turi kif bil-kliem nistgħu nagħmlu ħafna ħsara lil persuni oħrajn.
  3. Ikunu kapaċi jsemmu modi kif jistgħu jġibu ruħhom tajjeb f’din is-sitwazzjoni.


  • bord interattiv jew projector
  • templates maqtugħin forma ta’ salib għal kull student
  • salib kbir

Preparazzjoni Remota

L-animatur minn xi ġimgħat qabel is-sessjoni jiftiehem mal-management tal-iskola biex dakinhar tas-sessjoni l-għalliema ġġib magħha templates forma ta’ salib għal kull student fil-klassi tiegħu jew tagħha. Dan is-salib jista’ jiġi mqasqas fil-klassi.


(slide 2) L-animatur juża l-kanzunetta My Best Friend biex jintroduċi s-suġġett tat-tieni sessjoni. Hu jgħid u jistieden lill-istudenti jqumu u jagħmlu l-azzjonijiet mal-kanzunetta kif ukoll jifhmu l-lirika tagħha.

Żvilupp tas-sessjoni

L-Ewwel Pass

(Slide 3) L-animatur jistaqsi: qatt sibtu ruħkom f’sitwazzjoni fejn ma tkunx taf xi se taqbad tagħmel? Jew fejn tara lil xi ħadd jagħmel jew jgħid xi ħaġa ħażina u jkollok tiddeċiedi x’se tagħmel? Ejjew naraw din is-silta qasira:

(uri l-filmat minn 0.58-1.16 biss)

It-Tieni Pass

(slide 4) L-animatur iqajjem diskussjoni billi jistaqsi dawn il-mistoqsijiet lill-istudenti:

  1. X’deċiżjoni ħadet Lisa meta marret is-softball team?
  2. Taħseb li hu ħażin li tikxef sigriet ta’ persuna ma’ ħafna nies? Għaliex?
  3. Kif taħseb li ħassitha Jessica meta ndunat li kulħadd kien jaf is-sigriet tagħha?

It-Tielet Pass

(slide 5) Mistoqsija: Jekk xi ħadd li taf ikun qed jagħmel xi ħaġa li int tinduna li hi ħażina, x’tagħmel? Kif tista’ tgħinu/tgħinha?

(Slide 6) B’dawn il-mistoqsijiet, l-animatur jispjega li kull persuna għandha l-libertà li tiddeċiedi kif se titkellem u x’azzjonijiet se tieħu. Din il-libertà ġġib responsabbiltà għax kull azzjoni jew kelma li ngħidu, ikollha konsegwenzi kemm tajbin kemm ħżiena. Li tikxef sigriet ta’ xi ħadd li afdak se tkisser il-fiduċja tal-persuna fik. Se taffettwa wkoll ir-reputazzjoni tal-persuna (il-mod kif ħaddieħor jaħseb u jiġġudika lil dik il-persuna). Dan minħabba li storja tista’ tikber u tinbidel u tixtered ma’ ħafna nies b’mod li ma tkunx tista’ twaqqafha.

Ir-Raba’ Pass

(slide 7) L-animatur jistaqsi biex jisma’ l-oppinjonijiet u l-esperjenzi tal-istudenti:

  1. Qatt ġratlek li xi ħadd kixef sigriet jew xerred gideb fuqek?
  2. Kif ħassejtek? Għaliex?
  3. Kieku ħabiba tiegħek tibda xxerred sigriet jew xnigħat fuq persuna oħra, x’tagħmel inti?
  4.  X’tista’ tagħmel biex tagħti eżempju tajjeb lil min qed ixerred ix-xnigħat?
  5. X’tista’ tagħmel biex tgħin lil dik il-persuna li qed jitkellmu fuqha?


(slide 8) L-animatur jirreferi għas-slide li fiha l-kwotazzjoni mill-Evanġelju:

“Henjin dawk li jġibu l-paċi, għax huma jissejħu wlied Alla.” Mat 5,9

Attività ta’ talb – Nitolbu maħfra

(slide 9) L-animatur iħeġġeġ lill-istudenti biex jaħsbu f’xi ħadd li jkunu weġġgħu bl-azzjonijiet jew il-kliem tagħhom. Jiktbu fuq it-template li jiddispjeċihom u filwaqt li jpoġġu t-template fuq is-salib, jitolbu biex Alla jaħfrilhom.


45 minutes


Students understand that Jesus won over the power of sin and evil through his death and resurrection.

Learning Outcomes

  1. The students will be able to mention different ways we can be peacemakers: forgiveness, love, generosity, bringing peace, giving a good example, and standing up for what is right.
  2. The students will be able to explain that we can only overcome evil with the power of Jesus’ who died and rose again.


  • The video of the story Astroni Meets ĠuPazzi
  • Interactive whiteboard or projector


(Slide 2) The animator asks the students to watch a video clip from Astroni Meets ĠuPazzi so that they can discuss the story. He explains that Astroni is an astronaut who explores the planets. When he lands on planet earth, ĠuPazzi Roby, Truthy, Rango, uncle Ġożi and Nanna Buż want to help him to stop being selfish and become a better person. The animator shows the students the video from 26:00 – 49:25.

Development of the session

Step one

(slide 3) After watching the video clip, the animator asks these questions to check the student’s understanding and to create a discussion.

  1. What was Uncle Gożi’s experiment?
  2. Why did the balloon burst when they inserted the needle?
  3. Why didn’t the balloon burst when they stuck tape around it?
  4. What do you think Astroni learnt from the balloon experiment?
  5. What do you think this story teaches us?

Step two

(slide 4) The animator uses the students’ answers to explain the meaning of the experiment in-depth and emphasises the following teaching points.

  • When we choose to follow Jesus and obey His teaching, we become better persons, less selfish and more loving.
  • Without Jesus, we are like the balloon without tape – when we encounter difficulties in life, we won’t be able to face them. We need Jesus’ help and the strength of the Holy Spirit.
  • Jesus helps us to avoid sin because He won over sin by dying and rising again.
  • Jesus helps us change by sending adults or other responsible people (who could be our friends) to guide us when we do something wrong. It is important to accept their advice and guidance, and when we realise that we have hurt someone with our words or actions, we ask the person we hurt and God to forgive us.

Step 3

(slide 5) To explain how Jesus helps us to overcome temptation, the animator will show the students a short video clip.

After the video clip, the animator asks the students what struck them and whether they had any questions.


(slide 6) To conclude the session, the animator instructs the students to look at the figure of Jesus on the cross and reads the bible quotation : The crucifix reminds us that God loves each human being personally. God sent His only Son to be near and understand us, so He took on human nature. Jesus understands our struggles, and if we let Him, he will give us the strength to overcome the evil we encounter in ourselves and around us.

The animator ends the session by inviting the students to sing the song they learnt the day before – Jesus is My Best Friend.


45 minuta


L-istudenti jifhmu li meta Ġesù miet u rxoxta hu rebaħ il-qawwa tal-ħażen u għalhekk jgħinna biex nikkonvertu u nsiru strumenti ta’ paċi.

Kisbiet għat-Tagħlim

  1.  L-istudenti jkunu kapaċi jsemmu modi differenti kif aħna nistgħu nkunu strumenti ta’ paċi: naħfer, inħobb, inkun ġeneruż, inġib il-paċi, nagħti eżempju tajjeb, naqbeż għas-sewwa.
  2. L-istudenti jkunu kapaċi jispjegaw li nistgħu nirbħu d-dnub bil-qawwa ta’ Ġesù li miet u rxoxta.


  • Il-vidjo tal-istorja Astroni jiltaqa’ ma’ ĠuPazzi
  • bord interattiv jew projector


(slide 2) L-animatur jgħid lit-tfal li se jaraw silta mill-istorja Astroni jiltaqa’ ma’ ĠuPazzi biex wara jiddiskutu s-silta. Jispjega li Astroni huwa Astronawta li kien qiegħed iżur il-pjaneti. Meta jasal fuq il-pjaneta li hi d-dinja, il-GuPazzi Roby, Truthy Ranġo, iz-ziju Ġożi u n-Nanna Buż jixtiequ jgħinuh biex isir persuna aħjar u ma jibqax iġib ruħu b’mod egoist . Fuq il-bord interattiv jew projector, l-animatur juri silta mill-istorja Astroni jiltaqa’ ma’ ĠuPazzi mis-26:00 – 49:25.

Żvilupp tas-sessjoni

L-Ewwel Pass

(slide 3) Wara li jaraw is-silta, l-animatur jistaqsi dawn il-mistoqsijiet biex jiċċekkja li l-istudenti fehmu s-silta u joħloq diskussjoni magħhom.

  1. X’kien l-esperiment taz-ziju Ġożi?
  2. Għaliex infaqgħet il-bużżieqa meta daħħlulha l-labra?
  3. Għaliex ma nfaqgħetx il-bużżieqa meta għamlulha t-tape?
  4. X’taħseb li tgħallem Astroni mill-esperiment tal-bużżieqa?
  5. X’taħsbu li tgħallimna din l-istorja?

It-tieni pass

(slide 4) L-animatur ikompli jibni fuq it-tweġibiet li tawh it-tfal billi jaċċenna fuq it-tagħlima li ttina l-istorja tal-esperiment:  

  • Li fil-ħajja jekk nimxu wara Ġesù u nobdu t-tagħlim tiegħu, insiru persuni aħjar, inqas egoisti u nafu nħobbu lil ħaddieħor.
  • Mingħajr Ġesù nkunu bħall-bużżieqa bla tape – meta niltaqgħu mal-iebes fil-ħajja ma nkunux kapaċi niffaċċjawh għax m’għandniex l-għajnuna ta’ Ġesù u s-saħħa li jagħtina permezz tal-Ispirtu s-Santu.
  • Li Ġesù jgħinna nevitaw li nagħmlu l-ħażin għax Hu stess rebaħ il-ħażen bil-mewt u l-qawmien tiegħu.
  • Li kultant Ġesù jinqeda bin-nies ta’ madwarna eżempju xi adulti li huma responsabbli tagħna jew anki xi ħabib/a biex aħna nindunaw li qed ngħidu jew nagħmlu xi ħaġa ħażina. Importanti li meta nindunaw u naċċettaw li stajna weġġgħajna ‘l xi ħadd bi kliemna jew l-azzjonijiet tagħna, nitolbu maħfra lil dik il-persuna u lil Alla.

It-tielet pass

(slide 5) Biex l-istudenti jifhmu iktar fil-prattika kif Ġesù jgħinna negħlbu

t-tentazzjoni li nagħmlu l-ħażin, l-animatur jurihom dan il-vidjo qasir

Wara l-vidjo, l-animatur jistaqsi lill-istudenti x’laqathom mill-vidjo u jekk għandhomx xi mistoqsijiet dwar dak li semgħu fil-klipp.


(slide 6) Biex tingħalaq is-sessjoni, l-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex inħarsu lejn il-figura ta’ Ġesù fuq is-salib. Ġesù fuq is-salib ifakkarna kemm Alla jħobbna b’mod personali. Li biex ikun qrib tagħna u jifhimna bagħat lil Ibnu li sar bniedem bħalna. Ġesù għalhekk jifhem dak li ngħaddu minnu u jtina l-qawwa jekk inħalluh, biex jgħinna nirbħu l-ħażin li hemm ġo fina u madwarna għax għalhekk miet u qam mill-mewt. Nagħlqu s-sessjoni billi nerġgħu nkantaw il-kanzunetta li tgħallimna lbieraħ – Jesus is my best friend:


30 minutes


Students will understand that Lent is a time of reflection where one continues to grow, and today we will focus on our relationships with others.

Learning Outcomes

  • Students understand the value of relationships with themselves and with others.
  • Students understand that conflicts are a natural part of any relationship, but how we handle them can make a difference.
  • Actions and unkind words that we say to each other affect not only ourselves but also other people.
  • Students are aware of approaching conflicts with a humble and open heart, ready to listen actively to others and to seek common ground.
  • Understand the importance of forgiveness not just as a moral obligation but also frees them from the negative emotions accompanying conflict.
  • Rely on the power of prayer in resolving conflicts and trust in God’s guidance and wisdom.


  • Interactive board or projector
  • Powerpoint presentation

Note to the animator

Student participation is very important. If the session takes place in a large hall and not in a classroom, the animator must go around the students with a microphone so that all the students can properly follow the questions and answers as well as the explanation of the animator, especially the students who are at the very back or on the sides of the hall.


The animator tells the students to look carefully at the pictures in the PowerPoint from slide 2 to slide 7.


Step 1

The animator invites the students to describe what is happening in each picture situation.

Step 2

Slide 8 – The animator invites the students to share examples of various experiences of personal or social conflicts with others.

Step 3

From the students’ answers, the animator emphasizes the importance of effective communication to resolve a conflict.

The facilitator can ask the students what they mean by effective communication. Then he gives examples: by listening to the opinion of others, expressing your thoughts clearly and understandably and finding what is common between people.

Slide 9 – The animator invites the students to watch this short video:

Conflict Resolution – Learning to Deal With Conflict

Step 4

Slide 10 – The facilitator invites the students to focus on how they feel when someone purposely says harsh words or hurts them.

He tells them to imagine that they are catching these emotions in the palm of their hands and pressing them into their fists.

Slide 11 – Now he tells them to raise their tight hands full of emotions and raise their hands while they slowly open them and let their feelings go up to God.

Step 5

Slide 12 – The animator invites the students to think of a person they want to forgive for the harsh words he said to them or when he hurt them on purpose and encourages them to pray for forgiveness in their hearts and ask God to help to forgive them. If they are still in the process where they are finding it difficult to forgive, the animator invites them to ask if they wish to forgive and therefore talk to God about this desire. Forgiveness is difficult and a process that takes time. We have to try to forgive, but when we forgive, we feel better.


Slide 13 – “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us” (Mt 6, 12). In the prayer of Our Father, Jesus teaches us how to ask God to forgive us our sins in the same way that we can forgive those who fail us. Every time we forgive, we do so freely because we know what we are doing. Forgiveness is never a habit, but a demanding walk, which Jesus tells us to pray for every day as we pray for our daily bread.


30 minuta


L-istudenti jifhmu li r-Randan huwa żmien ta’ riflessjoni fejn wieħed ikompli jikber, u llum se niffukaw fuq ir-relazzjonijiet tagħna mal-oħrajn.

Il-Kisbiet għat-Tagħlim

  • L-istudenti jifhmu l-valur tar-relazzjonijiet magħhom infushom u mal-oħrajn.
  • L-istudenti jifhmu li l-kunflitti huma parti naturali f’kull relazzjoni, imma l-mod kif nipproċessawhom tagħmel differenza kbira.
  • L-azzjonijiet u l-kliem iebes li ngħidu lil xulxin, jaffettwaw ħażin mhux biss lilna nfusna imma anki lil ħaddieħor.
  • L-istudenti jagħrfu jkunu umli u b’qalb miftuħa biex jisimgħu lill-oħrajn u jsibu dak li hemm komuni bejniethom.
  • Jifhmu l-importanza tal-maħfra mhux biss bħala obbligazzjoni morali imma wkoll għax teħlishom minn emozzjonijiet negattivi u kunflitti.
  • Jifhmu l-qawwa tat-talb biex issolvi kunflitt u jafdaw f’Alla biex jiggwidhom u jimliehom bl-għerf.


  • Bord interattiv jew projector
  • Powerpoint presentation

Nota għall-animatur

Il-parteċipazzjoni tal-istudenti hija importanti ħafna. Jekk is-sessjoni ssir f’sala kbira mhux fi klassi, importanti li l-animatur idur mal-istudenti b’mikrofonu ħalli l-istudenti kollha jkunu jistgħu jsegwu sew il-mistoqsijiet u t-tweġibiet kif ukoll l-ispjegazzjoni tal-animatur speċjalment l-istudenti li jkunu fuq wara nett jew fil-ġnub tas-sala.


L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex iħarsu sew lejn l-istampi fil-powerpoint minn slide 2 sa slide 7.

Żvilupp tas-Sessjoni

L-Ewwel Pass

L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex jiddeskrivu x’qed jiġri f’kull sitwazzjoni tal-istampi minn slide 2 sa slide 7.

It-Tieni Pass

Slide 8 – L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex jaqsmu eżempji ta’ esperjenzi diversi ta’ kunflitti personali jew soċjali mal-oħrajn.

It-Tielet Pass

Mit-tweġibiet tal-istudenti, l-animatur jemfasizza l-importanza tal-komunikazzjoni effettiva biex issolvi kunflitt.

L-animatur jista’ jistaqsi lill-istudenti x’jifhmu huma b’komunikazzjoni effettiva. Wara jagħti eżempji: billi tisma’ l-opinjoni tal-oħrajn, tesprimi l-ħsibijiet tiegħek b’mod ċar u li jiftiehem u li ssib dak li hemm komuni bejn il-persuni.

Slide 9 – L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti jaraw dan il-filmat qasir:

Conflict Resolution – Learning to Deal With Conflict

Ir-Raba’ Pass

Slide 10 – L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex jiffukaw fuq kif iħossuhom meta xi ħadd jgħidilhom kliem iebes jew iweġġagħhom apposta.

Jgħidilhom biex jimmaġinaw li qed jaqbdu dawn l-emozzjonijiet fil-pala ta’ jdejhom u jagħfsuhom f’idejhom marsusa.

Slide 11 – Issa jgħidilhom biex jgħollu l-idejn marsusa bl-emozzjonijet fihom, u jibdew jgħollu jdejhom ‘il fuq waqt li jiftħuhom bil-mod il-mod u jitilqu l-emozzjonijiet tagħhom ‘il fuq lejn Alla.

Il-Ħames Pass

Slide 12 – L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti jaħsbu f’persuna li jridu jaħfru għall-kliem iebes li qaltilhom jew ta’ meta weġġagħthom apposta u jħeġġiġhom jgħidu talba ta’ maħfra f’qalbhom u jitolbu l’Alla jgħinhom biex jaħfrulhom. Jekk għadhom fil-proċess fejn qed iħossuha diffiċli biex jaħfru, l-animatur jistedinhom biex isaqsu jekk jixtiequx li jaħfru u għalhekk jitkellmu ma’ Alla dwar din ix-xewqa. Il-maħfra hija diffiċli u hija proċess li tieħu ż-żmien. Irridu nagħmlu sforz biex naħfru imma meta naħfru nħossuna aħjar. 


Slide 13 – “Aħfrilna dnubietna, bħalma naħfru lil min hu ħati għalina” (Mt 6, 12). Fit-talba tal-Missierna,  Ġesu jgħallimna kif aħna nistgħu nitolbu ʹl Alla jaħfrilna n-nuqqasijiet tagħna, bl-istess mod li bih aħna jkollna l-ħila naħfru ʹl min jonqosna. Kull darba li naħfru, inkunu qed nagħmlu dan b’mod liberu għax nafu x’qed nagħmlu. Il-maħfra qatt m’hi drawwa, imma mixja impenjattiva, li Ġesù jgħidilna nitolbu għaliha kuljum, l-istess kif nitolbu għall-ħobża tagħna ta’ kuljum.

Ejjew nitolbu lill-Missier, nilqgħu d-don tal-imħabba bla tarf t’Alla u l-grazzja li jgħallimna dejjem nixbħu Lilu saħansitra li naħfru ʹl ħutna b’qalb kbira, ġurnata wara l-oħra.

L-animatur jgħid talba billi jitlob lil Alla jiggwida u jgħin lill-istudenti isibu mod paċifiku kif isolvu l-kunflitti li jiltaqgħu magħhom fil-ħajja personali tagħhom u fil-komunità.

Fakkarhom li t-talb mhux attività ta’ darba imma konverżazzjoni kontinwa ma’ Alla.

L-animatur jagħlaq din is-sessjoni b’talba ta’ ringrazzjament.


30 minutes


Students will understand that Lent is a time of reflection where one continues to grow, and today we will focus on inner peace and world peace.

Learning Outcome

  1. Students understand the value of peace in their life.
  2. Actions and unkind words that we say to each other affect not only ourselves but also other people.
  3. Understand the power of forgiveness and prayer to be peaceful within me, in my family, wherever I am in everyday life and peace in the world.


  • Interactive board or projector
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • 5 cardboard paper (kartonċin)
  • Markers

Remote preparation

A few weeks before the session, the animator informs the school management that the teacher will provide five pieces of cardboard paper and markers for group work on the day of the session. Each group of students is given a piece of cardboard and enough markers to create a Venn Diagram and compare and contrast it.

Note to the animator

Student participation is very important. If the session takes place in a large hall and not in a classroom, the animator must go around the students with a microphone so that all the students can properly follow the questions and answers as well as the explanation of the animator, especially the students who are at the very back or on the sides of the hall.


Slide 2 – The animator tells the students to watch the video clip about forgiveness.

Signs of Forgiveness


Step 1

Slide 3 – The animator asks the students what struck them in the video clip.

Step 2

From the students’ answers, the animator emphasizes the importance of living peacefully in everyday life. When we forgive those who have done something wrong, we eliminate negative emotions such as anger, sadness and bitterness that consume us from the inside and hold us back from being at peace with ourselves.

Step 3

The animator opens a short discussion by asking them these questions related to real experiences in their lives.

Slide 5 – How do you live peace in your daily life?

  • meditate
  • practice breathing in & out
  • take a break from social media
  • take a walk in nature,
  • laugh
  • express yourself
  • eating right
  • get plenty of sleep exercise
  • read a good book that inspires you to live in peace

Slide 6 – What do you do with your past hurts?

  • forgive others
  • stop allowing yourself to be the victim,
  • repeat positive affirmations to yourself-say I am a wonderful, worthy person
  • get the support you need
  • focus on something positive

Slide 7 – Do you find ways to ask for forgiveness and forgive others?

  • acknowledge your mistake
  • explain what went wrong and take responsibility
  • truly repent and be genuine

Step 4

Slide 8 – Venn Diagram – Compare and Contrast ‘Inner Peace’ and ‘World Peace

The animator tells the students to look at the pictures in the PowerPoint showing an empty Venn Diagram with the words “Inner Peace” and “World Peace”.

The animator invites the students to get up and form 4 or 5 groups, depending on the number of students.

Each group of students is given a cardboard paper and some smarkers. A student is chosen to draw a Venn Diagram with two circles on the cardboard as they see in the slide on the powerpoint. On one side of a circle, they write “Inner Peace”, and on the other side of the circle, they write “World Peace”.

In these circles, they will write words, ideas or expressions about inner peace and world peace.

Slide 9 – Inner Peace – Ideas and questions for students to help them write in the “Inner Peace” circle:

  1. What do you mean by inner peace? How do you define it? Write down the words that come to your mind.
  2. What things or activities make you calm and happy from the inside? Write them down.
  3. Reflect on personal experiences of inner peace that came, for example, during meditation, quiet moments, appreciation of nature or when you are with people you love and who love you. Write them down.
  4. What common factors disturb your inner peace? For example, anxiety, stress, fear, and talking negatively about yourself. Write them down.
  5. Reflect on the relationship between inner peace and positive emotions such as gratitude, love, and happiness. Write them down.
  6. Explore how the quest to have many material things, and gain fame and power, in truth, hinder my inner peace. What do you think? Write your thoughts.

Slide 10 – World Peace – Ideas and questions for students to help them write in the “World Peace” circle:

  1. What do you understand by world peace? How do you define it? Write the words that come to your mind.
  2. What destroys world peace? What leads to conflicts and violence in countries?
  3. Do you think there is peace in the world? Why?
  4. Write how you, as a young person, can contribute to peace in the world, for example
    • by participating in discussions or debates in favour of peace
    • make your voice heard on social media in favour of peace and against violence
    • participate in a peaceful event in the community
    • by voluntarily donating your time and skills to peace-building initiatives.
    • By using creativity, art, music… to bring peace

The animator allocates time to complete the Venn Diagram.

Slide 11 – Then, a representative from each group will say what his fellow students wrote. The animator compares and contrasts what has been reported in each group.


The animator calls the students back to their seats in silence.

The animator reads a sentence from the Bible related to the subject of peace.

Slide 12 – “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9). Here, Jesus is encouraging his followers to seek inner peace for themselves and actively work towards creating peace in the world around them.

Slide 13 – The animator tells the students to close their eyes and says:

  • Think how you can be a person of peace at school, home and everywhere, that is, how you will bring peace.

Slide 14 – The animator prays to God to bless the students as they seek to live in love and peace. He reminds them that prayer is not a one-time activity but a continuous conversation with God.

Let us listen and sing along to this song called “Peace”.

The animator closes this session with a thanksgiving prayer.


30 minuta


L-istudenti jifhmu li r-Randan huwa żmien ta’ riflessjoni fejn wieħed ikompli jikber, u llum se niffukaw fuq il-paċi nterjuri u l-paċi dinjija.

Il-Kisbiet għat-Tagħlim

  1. L-istudenti jifhmu l-valur  tal-paċi fil-ħajja tagħhom.
  2. L-azzjonijiet u l-kliem iebes li ngħidu lil xulxin, jaffettwaw ħażin mhux biss lilna nfusna imma anki lil ħaddieħor u jtellfulna l-paċi ta’ ġo fina u mal-oħrajn.
  3. Jifhmu l-qawwa tal-maħfra u l-qawwa tat-talb għall-paċi fija nnifsi, fil-familja tiegħi fl-ambjenti li nkun fihom ta’ kuljum kif ukoll il-paċi madwar id-dinja.


  • Bord interattiv jew projector
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • 5 kartonċin
  • Markers

Preparazzjoni Remota

  • L-animatur minn xi ġimgħat qabel is-sessjoni jiftiehem mal-management tal-iskola biex dakinhar tas-sessjoni l-għalliema tipprovdi  5 kartonċiniet u markers għall-group work. Kull grupp ta’ studenti jingħata kartonċina u markers biżżejjed biex jikkreaw Venn Diagram u jikkumparaw u jikkuntrastaw permezz tagħha.

Nota għall-animatur

Jekk is-sessjoni ssir f’sala kbira mhux fi klassi, importanti li l-animatur idur mal-istudenti b’mikrofonu ħalli l-istudenti kollha jkunu jistgħu jsegwu sew il-mistoqsijiet u t-tweġibiet kif ukoll l-ispjegazzjoni tal-animatur speċjalment l-istudenti li jkunu fuq wara nett jew fil-ġnub tas-sala.


Slide 2 – L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti jsegwu filmat qasir dwar il-maħfra.

Signs of Forgiveness

Żvilupp tas-Sessjoni

L-Ewwel Pass

Slide 3 – L-animatur jistaqsi lill-istudenti x’laqathom fil-filmat.

It-Tieni Pass

Slide 4 – Mit-tweġibiet tal-istudenti, l-animatur jemfasiżża l-importanza li ngħixu fil-paċi fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Meta naħfru lil dawk li jkunu għamlulna xi ħaġa ħażina, inkunu qegħdin neħilsu minn emozzjonijiet negattivi bħal  rabja, dwejjaq u mrar li jixorbuna minn ġewwa u jżommuna lura milli nkunu fil-paċi magħna nfusna.

It-Tielet Pass

Slide 5 – L-animatur jiftaħ diskussjoni qasira billi jistaqsihom dawn il-mistoqsijiet relatati mal-esperjenzi reali f’ħajjithom.

  • Kif tgħix il-paċi fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum?
  • immedita
  • ipprattika n-nifs ‘il ġewwa u ‘l barra
  • ħu pawża mill-midja soċjali
  • mur mixja fin-natura,
  • idħaq
  • Esprimi ruħek
  • kul tajjeb
  • orqod sew
  • agħmel eżerċizzju
  • aqra ktieb tajjeb li jispirak biex tgħix fil-paċi

Slide 6 – X’tagħmel bil-weġgħat tal-passat tiegħek?

  • aħfer lil ħaddieħor
  • ieqaf milli tħalli lilek innifsek tkun il-vittma,
  • irrepeti affermazzjonijiet pożittivi miegħek innifsek-għid jien persuna mill-isbaħ u denja
  • fittex l-appoġġ li għandek bżonn
  • iffoka fuq xi ħaġa pożittiva

Slide 7 – Issib modi kif titlob maħfra u taħfer lill-oħrajn?

  • irrikonoxxi l-iżball tiegħek
  • spjega x’ġara ħażin u ħu r-responsabbiltà
  • indem tassew u kun ġenwin

Ir-Raba’ Pass

Slide 8 – Venn Diagram – Qabbel u Kkuntrastja ‘Paċi Interjuri’ u ‘Paċi Dinjija’

L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex iħarsu lejn l-istampi  fil-powerpoint li qed turi Venn Diagram vojta bil-kelma Paċi Interjuri u Paċi Dinjija.

L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti jqumu u jiffurmaw 4 jew 5 gruppi skont in-numru ta’ studenti.

Kull grupp jingħata kartonċina u markers. Jintgħażel student biex fuq il-kartonċina, ipinġi żewġ ċrieki Venn Diagram bħalma qed jaraw fl-islide fuq il-powerpoint. Fuq naħa ta’ ċirku jiktbu Paċi Interjuri u fuq naħa taċ-ċirku l-ieħor jiktbu Paċi Dinjija.

F’dawn iċ-ċrieki se jiktbu kliem, ideat, espressjonijiet dwar il-paċi interjuri u l-paċi dinjija.

Slide 9 – Paċi Interjuri – Ideat u mistoqsijiet lill-istudenti biex jgħinuhom jiktbu fiċ-ċirku ta’ “Paċi Interjuri”:

  1. X’tifhem b’paċi interjuri? Kif tiddefenixxiha? Ikteb il-kliem li jiġuk f’moħħok.
  2. Liema huma dawk l-affarijiet jew attivitajiet li jagħmluk kalm u kuntent minn ġewwa? Iktibhom
  3. Irrifletti fuq esperjenzi personali ta’ paċi interjuri li ġew pereżempju waqt meditazzjoni, mumenti fil-kwiet, apprezzament tan-natura jew meta tkun ma’ persuni li tħobb u li jħobbuk. Iktibhom.
  4. Liema fatturi komuni  jtellfulek il-paċi nterjuri? Pereżempju ansjetà, stress, biżgħat, titkellem negattiv dwarek innifsek. Iktibhom.
  5. Irrifletti dwar ir-relazzjoni bejn il-paċi interjuri u emozzjonijiet pożittivi bħal gratitudni, imħabba, hena. Iktibhom.
  6. Esplora kif fit-tfittxija biex ikolli ħafna affarijiet materjali, li nikseb fama u li jkolli l-poter, fil-verità jxekkluli l-paċi interjuri. X’taħseb inti?

Slide 10

Slide 10 – Paċi Dinjija – Ideat u mistoqsijiet lill-istudenti biex jgħinuhom jiktbu fiċ-ċirku ta’ “Paċi Dinjija”:

  1. X’tifhem b’paċi dinjija? Kif tiddefenixxiha? Ikteb il-kliem li jiġuk f’moħħok.
  2. Xi jtellef il-paċi dinjija? Xi jwassal għall-kunflitti u vjolenza fil-pajjiżi?
  3. Taħseb li hawn paċi fid-dinja? Għala?
  4. Ikteb kif inti bħala żagħżugħ/a tista’ tikkontribwixxi għal-paċi fid-dinja pereżempju
    • billi tipparteċipa f’diskussjonijiet jew f’dibattiti favur il-paċi
    • issemma leħnek fuq il-midja soċjali favur il-paċi u kontra l-vjolenza
    • tipparteċipa f’avveniment paċifiċi fil-komunità,
    • billi b’mod volontarju tagħti ħinek u l-ħiliet tiegħek f’inizjattivi li jibnu l-paċi.
    • Billi tuża l-kreattività, l-arti, il-mużika ..  biex twassal il-paċi

L-animatur jalloka ħin biex jimlew il-Venn Diagram.

Slide 11 – Imbagħad rappreżentant minn kull grupp ser jgħid x’kitbu l-istudenti sħabu. L-animatur iqabbel u jikkuntrastja dak li jkun inkiteb f’kull grupp.


L-animatur isejjaħ lill-istudenti lura f’posthom u jinġabru fis-skiet.

Slide 12 – L-animatur jaqra sentenza mill-Bibbja relatat mas-suġġett tal-paċi.

“Ħenjin dawk li jġibu l-paċi għax huma jissejħu wlied Alla.” Ġesù jinkoraġġixxina  li mhux biss inffittxu l-paċi interjuri għalina biss, imma biex b’mod konkret u attiv naħdmu biex noħolqu l-paċi fid-dinja ta’ madwarna.

Slide 13 – L-animatur jgħidilhom biex jagħlqu għajnejhom u jgħid:

  • Aħseb kif inti ser tkun persuna ta’ paċi fl-iskola, fid-dar u kullimkien jiġifieri, kif  inti ser ġġib il-paċi.

Slide 14 – L-animatur jitlob lil Alla jbierek lill-istudenti hekk kif ikomplu jfittxu kif jgħixu fl-imħabba u l-paċi.

Fakkarhom li t-talb mhux attività ta’ darba imma konverżazzjoni kontinwa ma’ Alla.

Slide 15 – Ejjew nisimgħu u nkantaw ma’ din il-kanzunetta bl-isem ta’ “Peace”.

L-animatur jagħlaq din is-sessjoni b’talba ta’ ringrazzjament.


30 minutes


Students will understand that Lent is a time of reflection where one continues to grow, and today we will focus on how I can be an instrument of peace.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students understand the value of promoting peace through our actions in everyday life.
  2. Students encourage each other to follow Jesus on the path of love, compassion and peace.
  3. Students be an instrument of peace in the world by being friendly with each other, loving each other and understanding each other.


  • Interactive board or projector
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • Table
  • Musical instruments

Remote Preparation

From weeks before the session, the animator informs the school management to provide some musical instruments for the day of the session so that students can play them and make different musical sounds with the provided instruments.

On the day of the session, the management prepares the musical instruments on a table, so the animator will find them ready to display.

Note to the animator

Student participation is very important. If the session takes place in a large hall and not in a classroom, the animator must go around the students with a microphone so that all the students can properly follow the questions and answers as well as the explanation of the animator, especially the students who are at the very back or on the sides of the hall.


The animator invites the students to look at the various instruments on the table and tells them that each instrument plays a beautiful and unique melody.

He gives the instruments to the students to play for some moments.

Slide 2

An alternative just in case it won’t be possible to provide the instruments.

The animator tells the students to watch the video clip about musical instruments.

Fun Movie Music on A Lot of Musical Instruments!!!


Step 1

The animator asks the students:

  • How did you feel when you played the instrument or watched the video showing different musical instruments? (Wait for answers)

The animator continues to say:

  • Just as every instrument plays a beautiful and harmonious melody, we are also every one of us beautiful instrument in the hands of God.
  • How we live, our actions and the words we say, our life becomes a beautiful melody.

Slide 4

Step 2

Testimony of a person as an instrument of peace.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was a missionary nun, known in the Catholic church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who dedicated her life to the care of the sick and the poor, the blind, the disabled, the elderly and lepers. In 1979, she received the Nobel Prize for Peace for her humanitarian work. She died in September 1997.

Mother Teresa’s powerful speech on Love, works and peace.

The animator asks the students to think of themselves as an instrument of peace, for example:

  • An instrument of peace in relationships.

Slide 6

• An instrument of peace in my faith.

Slide 7

• Instrument of peace through the talents that God has given me.

Slide 8

• Instrument of Peace through my involvement in the community.

Slide 9

Step 4

Jesus is a source of peace and compassion.

The animator shows examples of how Jesus is an instrument of peace in the world: Slides 11 – 16

Sermon on the Mount

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his followers to love their enemies, to turn the other cheek, and to pray for those who persecute them.

Slide 11

Jesus denounces what is unjust and does this without anger, without violence, on the contrary, with kindness. We don’t repay evil for evil but overcome evil with good.

Slide 12

Healing the Sick

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus is depicted as healing the sick and helping those in need. He offered peace and comfort to those suffering and showed them they were valued and loved.

Slide 13


Jesus taught his followers to forgive those who wronged them and to seek forgiveness for their own mistakes. He promoted peace and understanding between individuals and communities.

Slide 14

What does Jesus show us?

Jesus shows us that every person who brings peace is a friend of God and can bring peace around him and the whole world.

Slide 15

Jesus shows us that peace is one of the fruits of the spirit. Peace is a fruit that God wants us to have.

Slide 16

Pair discussion


The animator invites the students to read the points for discussion from slide 18 to 21.

Tell the students to think individually, then turn to the person sitting next to them to discuss the slide in pairs. Finally, they share with the big group.

  • How will you use your talents, skills, and hobbies to spread love and peace?

Slide 18

  • How will you show compassion to others and help people?

Slide 19

  • Do you listen carefully to others and understand their point of view?

Slide 20

  • Do you promote justice and help someone who is oppressed, bullied, rejected or alone?

Slide 21

The animators invites the students to share some points discussed in pairs so that everyone could listen and we could learn from each other.

Slide 22


The animator encourages the students to live what Jesus teaches us.

  1. To love one another as He loved us.
  2. To forgive each other as He forgave us.
  3. To serve one another, love and show compassion.
  4. To treat others as we would like others to treat us.
  5. To do acts of kindness even in difficult moments.
  6. To be instruments of peace wherever we are.

Slide 24

The animator asks God to bless the students as they continue to be instruments of peace in everyday life.

Remind the students that prayer is not a one-time activity but a continuous conversation with God.

The animator closes this activity with a prayer of thanks.


30 minuta


L-istudenti jifhmu li r-Randan huwa żmien ta’ riflessjoni fejn wieħed ikompli jikber, u llum se niffukaw kif jien nista’ nkun strument ta’ paċi.

Il-Kisbiet għat-Tagħlim

  1. L-istudenti jifhmu l-valur li nippromwovu l-paċi permezz tal-azzjonijet tagħna fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum.
  2. L-istudenti jinkoraġixxu lil xulxin isegwu lil Ġesù fit-triq tal-imħabba, kompassjoni u paċi.
  3. L-istudenti jkunu strumenti ta’ paċi fid-dinja billi jkunu dħulin ma’ xulxin, jħobbu lil xulxin u jifhmu lil xulxin.


  • Bord interattiv jew projector
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • Mejda
  • Strumenti mużikali

Preparazzjoni Remota

L-animatur minn xi ġimgħat qabel is-sessjoni jiftiehem mal-management tal-iskola biex jipprovdu xi strumenti tal-mużika għal dakinhar tas-sessjoni biex l-istudenti ikollhom l-oppportunità jagħmlu ħsejjes mużikali differenti bl-istrumenti provduti.

Dakinhar tas-sessjoni, il-management jipprepara l-istrumenti fuq mejda biex l-animatur isibhom lesti armati.

Nota għall-animatur

Jekk is-sessjoni ssir f’sala kbira mhux fi klassi, importanti li l-animatur idur mal-istudenti b’mikrofonu ħalli l-istudenti kollha jkunu jistgħu jsegwu sew il-mistoqsijiet u t-tweġibiet kif ukoll l-ispjegazzjoni tal-animatur speċjalment l-istudenti li jkunu fuq wara nett jew fil-ġnub tas-sala. Il-parteċipazzjoni attiva hija essenzjali f’dawn is-sessjoniiet.


Slide 2 – L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex iħarsu lejn id-diversi strumenti li hemm fuq il-mejda u jgħidilhom li kull strument joħroġ minnu melodija sabiħa u unika.

Jagħti l-istrument lill-istudenti biex idoqquh għal ftit ħin.

Slide 3 – Alternattiva f’każ li l-istrumenti ma jkunx possibli li jkunu provduti.

 L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex isegwu l-filmat dwar strument mużikali.

Fun Movie Music on A Lot of Musical Instruments!!!

Żvilupp tas-Sessjoni

Slide 4 – L-Ewwel Pass

L-animatur jistaqsi lill-istudenti:

  • Kif ħassejtek meta daqqejt l-istrument jew meta segwejt il-filmat li juri strumenti differenti tal-mużika qegħdin jindaqqu? (Stenna t-tweġibiet)

L-animatur ikompli jgħid:

  • Bħalma kull strument idoqq melodija sabiħa u armonjuża, aħna wkoll kull wieħed u waħda minna strumenti sbieħ f’idejn Alla.
  • Bil-mod kif ngħixu, bl-azzjonijiet tagħna, bil-kliem li ngħidu, ħajjitna ssir melodija sabiħa.

It-Tieni Pass

Slide 5

Testimonjanza ta’ persuna bħala strumenti ta’ paċi

Madre Tereża kienet soru missjunarja, magħrufa fil-knisja Kattolika bħala Santa Tereża ta’ Kalkutta, iddedikat ħajjitha għall-kura tal-morda u l-foqra, għal persuni neqsin mid-dawl, persuni b’diżabilita, anzjani u lebbrużi. Fl-1979, rċeviet il-Premju Nobel għall-Paċi għax-xogħol umanitarju tagħha. Hija mietet f’Settembru tal-1997.

L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti jsegwu l-filmat qasir.

Mother Teresa powerful speech on Love, works and peace.

It-Tielet Pass

L-animatur jistaqsi lill-istudenti biex jaħsbu dwarhom infushom bħala strument ta’ paċi minn Slide 6 sa Slide 9

Slide 7 – Strument ta’ paċi fil-fidi tiegħi

Slide 8 – Strument ta’ paċi permezz tat-talenti li Alla tani


30 minutes


Students will understand that Lent is a time of reflection where one continues to grow, and today we will focus on our relationships with others.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students understand the value of relationships with themselves and with others.
  2. Actions and unkind words that we say to each other affect not only ourselves but also other people.
  3. Students understand that conflicts are a natural part of any relationship, but how we handle them can make a difference.
  4. Students are aware of approaching conflicts with a humble and open heart, ready to listen actively to others and to seek common ground.
  5. Understand the importance of forgiveness not just as a moral obligation but also as it frees them from the negative emotions accompanying conflict.
  6. Understand the importance of what Jesus emphasized; love, forgiveness and reconciliation in dealing with conflicts.
  7. Understand that God blesses peacemakers.
  8. Rely on the power of prayer in resolving conflicts and trust in God’s guidance and wisdom.


  • Interactive board or projector
  • Powerpoint presentation

Nota to the animator

Student participation is very important. If the session takes place in a large hall and not in a classroom, the animator must go around the students with a microphone so that all the students can properly follow the questions and answers as well as the explanation of the animator, especially the students who are at the very back or on the sides of the hall.


The animator tells the students to look carefully at the pictures in the PowerPoint from slide 2 to slide 7.


Step 1

The animator invites the students to describe what is happening in each picture situation.

Step 2

The animator invites the students to share examples of various experiences of personal or social conflicts with others.

Slide 8

Step 3

From the students’ answers, the animator emphasizes the importance of effective communication to resolve a conflict.

The facilitator can ask the students what they mean by effective communication. Then he gives examples: by listening to the opinion of others, expressing your thoughts clearly and understandably and finding what is common between people.

Slide 9 – The animator invites the students to watch this short video:

Conflict Resolution – Learning to Deal With Conflict

Step 4

Slide 10 – The facilitator invites the students to focus on how they feel when someone purposely says harsh words or hurts them.

He tells them to imagine that they are catching these emotions in the palm of their hands and pressing them into their fists.

Slide 11 – Now he tells them to raise their tight hands full of emotions and raise their hands while they slowly open them and let their feelings go up to God.

Step 5

Slide 12-The animator invites the students to think of a person or situation they want to forgive.

Here are some examples:

  • A friend who betrayed you talked behind your back, shared secrets or excluded you from social events.

The animator tells them that forgiving a friend who hurt them can help them overcome the negative emotions and move on with the friendship.

  • Parents may seem strict, controlling, and overprotective, which can cause tension and conflicts.

The animator tells them that forgiving their parents can help them understand that they only want the best for them and that their actions come from a place of love.

  • A brother or a sister whom you had conflicts with. The animator tells them that forgiving their siblings can help them repair their relationships, communicate better, and create stronger bonds with their family members.
  • Someone who bullied you and caused anger and fear. Forgiving your bullies can help you let go of the negative emotions and gain a sense of empowerment and control over their lives.
  • Yourselves as sometimes, you might hold yourself to high standards and beat yourself up for your mistakes or lack of achievements.

Forgiving yourself can help them accept their imperfections, learn from their mistakes, and move forward with self-compassion.

Slide 13 – The animator encourages them to be like Jesus. Encourage them to pray for forgiveness and ask God to help them forgive them. If they are still in the process where they are finding it difficult to forgive, the animator invites them to ask if they wish to forgive and therefore talk to God about this desire. Forgiveness is difficult and a process that takes time. We have to make an effort to forgive, but when we forgive we feel better.

Slide 14 – Jesus teaches us how to resolve conflicts and forgive even in situations where it may seem difficult or unjust. For example, when a woman caught in adultery was brought before him, the crowd wanted to stone her to death according to the law of Moses. Jesus responded by saying, “Let any one of you who is without sin be the first to throw a stone at her” (John 8:7). By showing mercy and offering forgiveness, Jesus defused the situation and prevented violence.


Slide 15 – “Forgive us our sins, as we forgive those who sin against us” (Mt 6, 12). In the prayer of Our Father, Jesus teaches us how to ask God to forgive us our sins in the same way that we can forgive those who fail us. Every time we forgive, we do so freely because we know what we are doing. Forgiveness is never a habit, but a demanding walk, which Jesus tells us to pray for every day, as we pray for our daily bread.

The animator says a prayer asking God to guide and help the students find a peaceful way to resolve conflicts in their personal lives and the community.

Remind them that prayer is not a one-time activity but a continuous conversation with God.

The animator closes this session with a thanksgiving prayer.


30 minuta


L-istudenti jifhmu li r-Randan huwa żmien ta’ riflessjoni fejn wieħed ikompli jikber, u llum se niffukaw fuq ir-relazzjonijiet tagħna mal-oħrajn.

Il-Kisbiet għat-Tagħlim

  1. L-istudenti jifhmu l-valur tar-relazzjonijiet magħhom infushom u mal-oħrajn.
  2. L-istudenti jifhmu li l-kunflitti huma parti naturali f’kull relazzjoni, imma l-mod kif nipproċessawhom tagħmel differenza kbira.
  3. L-azzjonijiet u l-kliem iebes li ngħidu lil xulxin, jaffettwaw ħażin mhux biss lilna nfusna imma anki lil ħaddieħor.
  4. L-istudenti jagħrfu jkunu umli u b’qalb miftuħa biex jisimgħu lill-oħrajn u jsibu dak li hemm komuni bejniethom.
  5. Jifhmu l-importanza tal-maħfra mhux biss bħala obbligazzjoni morali imma wkoll għax teħlishom minn emozzjonijiet negattivi u kunflitti.
  6. Jifhmu l-qawwa tat-talb biex issolvi kunflitt u jafdaw f’Alla biex jiggwidhom u jimliehom bl-għerf.


  • Bord interattiv jew projector
  • Powerpoint presentation

Nota għall-animatur

Il-parteċipazzjoni tal-istudenti hija importanti ħafna. Jekk is-sessjoni ssir f’sala kbira mhux fi klassi, importanti li l-animatur idur mal-istudenti b’mikrofonu ħalli l-istudenti kollha jkunu jistgħu jsegwu sew il-mistoqsijiet u t-tweġibiet kif ukoll l-ispjegazzjoni tal-animatur speċjalment l-istudenti li jkunu fuq wara nett jew fil-ġnub tas-sala.


L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex iħarsu sew lejn l-istampi fil-powerpoint minn slide 2 sa slide 7.

Żvilupp tas-Sessjoni

L-Ewwel Pass

L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex jiddeskrivu x’qed jiġri f’kull sitwazzjoni tal-istmpi minn slide 2 sa slide 7.

It-Tieni Pass

Slide 8 – L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex jaqsmu eżempji ta’ esperjenzi diversi ta’ kunflitti personali jew soċjali mal-oħrajn.

It-Tielet Pass

Mit-tweġibiet tal-istudenti, l-animatur jemfasizza l-importanza tal-komunikazzjoni effettiva biex issolvi kunflitt.

L-animatur jista’ jistaqsi lill-istudenti x’jifhmu huma b’komunikazzjoni effettiva. Wara jagħti eżempji: billi tisma’ l-opinjoni tal-oħrajn, tesprimi l-ħsibijiet tiegħek b’mod ċar u li jiftiehem u li ssib dak li hemm komuni bejn il-persuni.

Slide 9 – L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti jaraw dan il-filmat qasir:

Conflict Resolution – Learning to Deal With Conflict

Ir-Raba’ Pass

Slide 10 – L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex jiffukaw fuq kif iħossuhom meta xi ħadd jgħidilhom kliem iebes jew iweġġagħhom apposta.

Jgħidilhom biex jimmaġinaw li qed jaqbdu dawn l-emozzjonijiet fil-pala ta’ jdejhom u jagħfsuhom f’idejhom marsusa.

Slide 11 – Issa jgħidilhom biex jgħollu l-idejn marsusa bl-emozzjonijet fihom, u jibdew jgħollu jdejhom ‘il fuq waqt li jiftħuhom bil-mod il-mod u jitilqu l-emozzjonijiet tagħhom ‘il fuq lejn Alla.

Il-Ħames Pass

Slide 12 – L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex jaħsbu f’persuna jew sitwazzjoni li jridu jaħfru.

Dawn huma xi eżempji:

  • Ħabib li ttradik, tkellem minn wara dahrek, kixef xi sigrieti jew eskludek minn avvenimenti soċjali.

L-animatur jgħidilhom li meta taħfer lill-ħabib li jkun weġġgħek,  jista’ jgħinek tħalli l-emozzjonijiet negattivi u timxu ‘l quddiem fil-ħbiberija.

  • Ġenituri li jistgħu jidhru li huma stretti, kontrollanti, u protettivi żżejjed ma’ wliedhom, li jistgħu jikkawżaw tensjoni u kunflitti.

L-animatur jgħidilhom li jekk taħfer lill-ġenituri tiegħek tista’ tifhem li huma jridu biss l-aħjar għalik u li l-azzjonijiet tagħhom jagħmluhom frott ta’ kemm iħobbuk.

  • Ħuk jew oħtok li kellek xi kunflitt magħhom. L-animatur jgħidilhom li jekk taħfer lil ħutek tista’ tgħin biex tirranġa r-relazzjonijiet tagħkom, tikkomunikaw aħjar, u toħolqu rabtiet aktar b’saħħithom mal-membri tal-familja tagħkom.
  • Xi ħadd li bbuljak u kkaġuna rabja u biża’. Li taħfer lill-bully,  tista’ tgħinek tħalli l-emozzjonijiet negattivi u terġa ssib sens ta’ kontroll fuq ħajtek.
  • Int innifsek għad-drabi li kellek standards għoljin u kissirt lilek innifsek għall-iżbalji li għamilt jew għal dak li ma wasaltx għalih.

Li taħfer lilek innifsek tistaʼ tgħinek taċċetta l-​imperfezzjonijiet tiegħek, titgħallem mill-​iżbalji tiegħek, u timxu ‘l quddiem bil-ħlewwa miegħek innifsek.

Slide 13 – “Aħfrilna dnubietna, bħalma naħfru lil min hu ħati għalina” (Mt 6, 12). Fit-talba tal-Missierna,  Ġesu jgħallimna kif aħna nistgħu nitolbu ʹl Alla jaħfrilna n-nuqqasijiet tagħna, bl-istess mod li bih aħna jkollna l-ħila naħfru ʹl min jonqosna. Kull darba li naħfru, inkunu qed nagħmlu dan b’mod liberu għax nafu x’qed nagħmlu. Il-maħfra qatt m’hi drawwa, imma mixja impenjattiva, li Ġesù jgħidilna nitolbu għaliha kuljum, l-istess kif nitolbu għall-ħobża tagħna ta’ kuljum.

Ejjew nitolbu lill-Missier, nilqgħu d-don tal-imħabba bla tarf t’Alla u l-grazzja li jgħallimna dejjem nixbħu Lilu saħansitra li naħfru ʹl ħutna b’qalb kbira, ġurnata wara l-oħra.

L-animatur jgħid talba billi jitlob lil Alla jiggwida u jgħin lill-istudenti isibu mod paċifiku kif isolvu l-kunflitti li jiltaqgħu magħhom fil-ħajja personali tagħhom u fil-komunità.

Fakkarhom li t-talb mhux attività ta’ darba imma konverżazzjoni kontinwa ma’ Alla.

L-animatur jagħlaq din is-sessjoni b’talba ta’ ringrazzjament.

Slide 13 – L-animatur jinkorraġihom jixbħu Ġesù. Ħeġġiġhomjgħidu talba ta’ maħfra f’qalbhom u jitolbu l’Alla jgħinhom biex jaħfrulhom. Jekk għadhom fil-proċess fejn qed iħossuha diffiċli biex jaħfru, l-animatur jistedinhom biex isaqsu jekk jixtiequx li jaħfru u għalhekk jitkellmu ma’ Alla dwar din ix-xewqa. Il-maħfra hija diffiċli u hija proċess li tieħu ż-żmien. Irridu nagħmlu sforz biex naħfru imma meta naħfru nħossuna aħjar. 

Slide 14Ġesù jgħallimna kif insolvu l-kunflitti u naħfru anke f’sitwazzjonijiet fejn jidhru diffiċli jew inġusti. Pereżempju, meta mara li nqabdet f’adulterju tressqet quddiemu, il-​folla riedet tħaġġarha sal-​mewt skont il-​liġi taʼ Mosè. Ġesù wieġeb billi qal, “Min fostkom hu bla dnub jitfgħalha hu l-ewwel ġebla.” (Ġwanni 8:7). Bil-ħniena u l-maħfra li wera, Ġesù ġab fix-xejn is-sitwazzjoni u evita l-vjolenza.


Slide 15 – “Aħfrilna dnubietna, bħalma naħfru lil min hu ħati għalina” (Mt 6, 12). Fit-talba tal-Missierna,  Ġesu jgħallimna kif aħna nistgħu nitolbu ʹl Alla jaħfrilna n-nuqqasijiet tagħna, bl-istess mod li bih aħna jkollna l-ħila naħfru ʹl min jonqosna. Kull darba li naħfru, inkunu qed nagħmlu dan b’mod liberu għax nafu x’qed nagħmlu. Il-maħfra qatt m’hi drawwa, imma mixja impenjattiva, li Ġesù jgħidilna nitolbu għaliha kuljum, l-istess kif nitolbu għall-ħobża tagħna ta’ kuljum.

L-animatur jgħid talba billi jitlob lil Alla jiggwida u jgħin lill-istudenti isibu mod paċifiku kif isolvu l-kunflitti li jiltaqgħu magħhom fil-ħajja personali tagħhom u fil-komunità.

Fakkarhom li t-talb mhux attività ta’ darba imma konverżazzjoni kontinwa ma’ Alla.

L-animatur jagħlaq din is-sessjoni b’talba ta’ ringrazzjament.


30 minutes


Students will understand that Lent is a time of reflection where one continues to grow, and today we will focus on inner peace and world peace.

Learning Outcome

  1. Students understand the value of peace in their life.
  2. Students understand that inner peace allows them to become more aware of their thoughts and emotions, which can help them better understand themselves and their actions.
  3. Understanding inner peace can help one clarify their values and priorities and focus on what truly matters.
  4. Actions and unkind words that we say to each other affect not only ourselves but also other people.
  5. Understand the power of forgiveness and prayer to be peaceful within me, in my family, wherever I am in everyday life and peace in the world.


  • Interactive board or projector
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • Five cardboard paper (kartonċin)
  • Markers

Remote preparation

A few weeks before the session, the animator informs the school management that the teacher will provide five pieces of cardboard paper and markers for group work on the day of the session. Each group of students is given a piece of cardboard and enough markers to create a Venn Diagram and compare and contrast it.

Note to the animator.

Student participation is very important. If the session takes place in a large hall and not in a classroom, the animator must go around the students with a microphone so that all the students can properly follow the questions and answers as well as the explanation of the animator, especially the students who are at the very back or on the sides of the hall.


The animator tells the students to look carefully at the pictures in the PowerPoint from slide 2 to slide 7.

Slide 2 – The animator tells the students to watch the video clip about forgiveness.

Signs of Forgiveness


Step 1

Slide 3 – The animator asks the students what struck them in the video clip.

Step 2

From the students’ answers, the animator emphasizes the importance of living peacefully in everyday life. When we forgive those who have done something wrong, we eliminate negative emotions such as anger, sadness and bitterness that consume us from the inside and hold us back from being at peace with ourselves.

Step 3

The animator opens a short discussion by asking them these questions related to real experiences in their lives.

Slide 5 – How do you live peace in your daily life?

  • meditate
  • practice breathing in & out
  • take a break from social media
  • take a walk in nature,
  • laugh
  • express yourself
  • eating right
  • get plenty of sleep exercise
  • read a good book that inspires you to live in peace

Slide 6 – What do you do with your past hurts?

  • forgive others
  • stop allowing yourself to be the victim,
  • repeat positive affirmations to yourself-say I am a wonderful, worthy person
  • get the support you need
  • focus on something positive

Slide 7 – Do you find ways to ask for forgiveness and forgive others?

  • acknowledge your mistake
  • explain what went wrong and take responsibility
  • truly repent and be genuine

Step 4

Slide 8 – Venn Diagram – Compare and Contrast ‘Inner Peace’ and ‘World Peace’

The animator tells the students to look at the pictures in the PowerPoint showing an empty Venn Diagram with the words “Inner Peace” and “World Peace”.

The animator invites the students to get up and form 4 or 5 groups, depending on the number of students.

Each group of students is given a cardboard paper and some smarkers. A student is chosen to draw a Venn Diagram with two circles on the cardboard as they see in the slide on the powerpoint. On one side of a circle they write “Inner Peace”, and on the other side of the circle they write “World Peace”.

In these circles, they will write words, ideas or expressions about inner peace and world peace.

Slide 9 – Inner Peace – Ideas and questions for students to help them write in the “Inner Peace” circle:

1. What do you mean by inner peace? How do you define it? Write down the words that come to your mind.

2. What things or activities make you calm and happy from the inside? Write them down.

3. Reflect on personal experiences of inner peace that came, for example, during meditation, quiet moments, appreciation of nature or when you are with people you love and who love you. Write them down.

4. What common factors disturb your inner peace? For example, anxiety, stress, fear, and talking negatively about yourself. Write them down.

5. Reflect on the relationship between inner peace and positive emotions such as gratitude, love, and happiness. Write them down.

6. Explore how the quest to have many material things, and gain fame and power, in truth, hinder my inner peace. What do you think? Write your thoughts.

Slide 10 – World Peace – Ideas and questions for students to help them write in the “World Peace” circle:

  1. What do you understand by world peace? How do you define it? Write the words that come to your mind.
  2. What destroys world peace? What leads to conflicts and violence in countries?
  3. Do you think there is peace in the world? Why?
  4. Write how you, as a young person, can contribute to peace in the world, for example
    • by participating in discussions or debates in favour of peace
    • make your voice heard on social media in favour of peace and against violence
    • participate in a peaceful event in the community
    • by voluntarily donating your time and skills to peace-building initiatives.
    • By using creativity, art, music… to bring peace

The animator allocates time to complete the Venn Diagram.

Slide 11 – Then, a representative from each group will say what his fellow students wrote. The animator compares and contrasts what has been reported in each group.

Slide 12 – Prayer for Inner Peace

Dear God,

I come before you today seeking inner peace. I know many things can cause us anxiety, worry, and fear. But I also know that everything is possible with you, and your peace transcends all understanding.

So I ask you, Lord, to fill me with your peace. Help me to let go of the things that are weighing me down, the things that are causing me stress and anxiety. I pray that you would calm my mind and heart and that I would rest in the knowledge that you are in control.

I pray that you would help me to trust in you, even when things don’t make sense, and that you would help me to have faith that you will work all things out for my good. May your peace be a shield around me, protecting me from the storms of life.

Thank you, God, for your love and your peace. I trust in you and know you will guide me through my challenges.

In Jesus’ name, I pray,


Slide 13 – Prayer for World Peace

We come before you today with heavy hearts as we see the violence and unrest plague our world. We know you are a God of peace and ask that you pour your peace upon our world today.

We pray to end war and conflict and heal those affected by violence and hatred. We ask that you bring a spirit of reconciliation and forgiveness so people may live in harmony.

We pray for our leaders that you would give them the wisdom to make decisions that promote peace and justice. May they work together to solve the problems that divide us and strive to build bridges of understanding and cooperation.

We pray for the oppressed and the marginalized that you would lift them and give them a voice. May they know that they are loved and valued, and may they be treated with the dignity and respect that they deserve

We pray that your love and compassion will reign in our world and that people of all nations, races, and religions will come together in unity and peace.

We trust in your goodness and your power to bring about change, Lord. May your peace reign in our hearts and in our world today and always.

We know that true peace can only come from you, Lord. So we pray that you would pour your peace on the earth, starting with each of us. Help us to be peacemakers, spreading love and kindness wherever we go. In Jesus’ name, we pray. Amen.


The animator calls the students back to their seats in silence.

The animator reads a sentence from the Bible related to the subject of peace.

Slide 14 – “Blessed are the peacemakers, for they will be called children of God.” (Matthew 5:9). Here, Jesus is encouraging his followers to seek inner peace for themselves and actively work towards creating peace in the world around them.

Slide 16 – The animator tells the students to close their eyes and says:

  • Think how you can be a person of peace at school, home and everywhere, that is, how you will bring peace.

Slide 17 – Let us listen and sing along to this song called “Peace”.

The animator closes this session with a thanksgiving prayer.


30 minuta


L-istudenti jifhmu li r-Randan huwa żmien ta’ riflessjoni fejn wieħed ikompli jikber, u llum se niffukaw fuq il-paċi nterjuri u l-paċi dinjija.

Il-Kisbiet għat-Tagħlim

  1. L-istudenti jifhmu l-valur  tal-paċi fil-ħajja tagħhom.
  2. L-istudenti jifhmu li bil-paċi interjuri isiru aktar konxju tal-ħsibijiet u l-emozzjonijiet tiegħhom, li jistgħu jgħinuhom jifhmu aħjar lilhom infushom u l-azzjonijiet tagħhom.
  3. Jifhmu li l-paċi interjuri  tgħinhom jiċċaraw il-valuri u l-prijoritajiet tiegħhom, u jiffokaw fuq dak li verament jgħodd f’ħajjithom.
  4. L-azzjonijiet u l-kliem iebes li ngħidu lil xulxin, jaffettwaw ħażin mhux biss lilna nfusna imma anki lil ħaddieħor u jtellfulna l-paċi ta’ ġo fina u mal-oħrajn.
  5. Jifhmu l-qawwa tal-maħfra u l-qawwa tat-talb għall-paċi fija nnifsi, fil-familja tiegħi fl-ambjenti li nkun fihom ta’ kuljum kif ukoll il-paċi madwar id-dinja.


  • Bord interattiv jew projector
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • 5 kartonċin
  • Markers

Preparazzjoni Remota

L-animatur minn xi ġimgħat qabel is-sessjoni jiftiehem mal-management tal-iskola biex dakinhar tas-sessjoni l-għalliema tipprovdi  5 kartonċiniet u markers għall-group work. Kull grupp ta’ studenti jingħata kartonċina u markers biżżejjed biex jikkreaw Venn Diagram u jikkumparaw u jikkuntrastaw permezz tagħha.

Nota għall-animatur

Jekk is-sessjoni ssir f’sala kbira mhux fi klassi, importanti li l-animatur idur mal-istudenti b’mikrofonu ħalli l-istudenti kollha jkunu jistgħu jsegwu sew il-mistoqsijiet u t-tweġibiet kif ukoll l-ispjegazzjoni tal-animatur speċjalment l-istudenti li jkunu fuq wara nett jew fil-ġnub tas-sala.


Slide 2 – L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti jsegwu filmat qasir dwar il-maħfra.

Signs of Forgiveness

Żvilupp tas-Sessjoni

L-Ewwel Pass

Slide 3 – L-animatur jistaqsi lill-istudenti x’laqathom fil-filmat.

It-Tieni Pass

Slide 4 – Mit-tweġibiet tal-istudenti, l-animatur jemfasiżża l-importanza li ngħixu fil-paċi fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum. Meta naħfru lil dawk li jkunu għamlulna xi ħaġa ħażina, inkunu qegħdin neħilsu minn emozzjonijiet negattivi bħal  rabja, dwejjaq u mrar li jixorbuna minn ġewwa u jżommuna lura milli nkunu fil-paċi magħna nfusna.

It-Tielet Pass

Slide 5 – L-animatur jiftaħ diskussjoni qasira billi jistaqsihom dawn il-mistoqsijiet relatati mal-esperjenzi reali f’ħajjithom.

  • Kif tgħix il-paċi fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum?
  • immedita
  • ipprattika n-nifs ‘il ġewwa u ‘l barra
  • ħu pawża mill-midja soċjali
  • mur mixja fin-natura,
  • idħaq
  • Esprimi ruħek
  • kul tajjeb
  • orqod sew
  • agħmel eżerċizzju
  • aqra ktieb tajjeb li jispirak biex tgħix fil-paċi

Slide 6 – X’tagħmel bil-weġgħat tal-passat tiegħek?

  • aħfer lil ħaddieħor
  • ieqaf milli tħalli lilek innifsek tkun il-vittma,
  • irrepeti affermazzjonijiet pożittivi miegħek innifsek-għid jien persuna mill-isbaħ u denja
  • fittex l-appoġġ li għandek bżonn
  • iffoka fuq xi ħaġa pożittiva

Slide 7 – Issib modi kif titlob maħfra u taħfer lill-oħrajn?

  • irrikonoxxi l-iżball tiegħek
  • spjega x’ġara ħażin u ħu r-responsabbiltà
  • indem tassew u kun ġenwin

Ir-Raba’ Pass

Slide 8 – Venn Diagram – Qabbel u Kkuntrastja ‘Paċi Interjuri’ u ‘Paċi Dinjija’

L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex iħarsu lejn l-istampi  fil-powerpoint li qed turi Venn Diagram vojta bil-kelma Paċi Interjuri u Paċi Dinjija.

L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti jqumu u jiffurmaw 4 jew 5 gruppi skont in-numru ta’ studenti.

Kull grupp jingħata kartonċina u markers. Jintgħażel student biex fuq il-kartonċina, ipinġi żewġ ċrieki Venn Diagram bħalma qed jaraw fl-islide fuq il-powerpoint. Fuq naħa ta’ ċirku jiktbu Paċi Interjuri u fuq naħa taċ-ċirku l-ieħor jiktbu Paċi Dinjija.

F’dawn iċ-ċrieki se jiktbu kliem, ideat, espressjonijiet dwar il-paċi interjuri u l-paċi dinjija.

Slide 9 – Paċi Interjuri – Ideat u mistoqsijiet lill-istudenti biex jgħinuhom jiktbu fiċ-ċirku ta’ “Paċi Interjuri”:

  1. X’tifhem b’paċi interjuri? Kif tiddefenixxiha? Ikteb il-kliem li jiġuk f’moħħok.
  2. Liema huma dawk l-affarijiet jew attivitajiet li jagħmluk kalm u kuntent minn ġewwa? Iktibhom
  3. Irrifletti fuq esperjenzi personali ta’ paċi interjuri li ġew pereżempju waqt meditazzjoni, mumenti fil-kwiet, apprezzament tan-natura jew meta tkun ma’ persuni li tħobb u li jħobbuk. Iktibhom.
  4. Liema fatturi komuni  jtellfulek il-paċi nterjuri? Pereżempju ansjetà, stress, biżgħat, titkellem negattiv dwarek innifsek. Iktibhom.
  5. Irrifletti dwar ir-relazzjoni bejn il-paċi interjuri u emozzjonijiet pożittivi bħal gratitudni, imħabba, hena. Iktibhom.
  6. Esplora kif fit-tfittxija biex ikolli ħafna affarijiet materjali, li nikseb fama u li jkolli l-poter, fil-verità jxekkluli l-paċi interjuri. X’taħseb inti?

Slide 10

Slide 10 – Paċi Dinjija – Ideat u mistoqsijiet lill-istudenti biex jgħinuhom jiktbu fiċ-ċirku ta’ “Paċi Dinjija”:

  1. X’tifhem b’paċi dinjija? Kif tiddefenixxiha? Ikteb il-kliem li jiġuk f’moħħok.
  2. Xi jtellef il-paċi dinjija? Xi jwassal għall-kunflitti u vjolenza fil-pajjiżi?
  3. Taħseb li hawn paċi fid-dinja? Għala?
  4. Ikteb kif inti bħala żagħżugħ/a tista’ tikkontribwixxi għal-paċi fid-dinja pereżempju
    • billi tipparteċipa f’diskussjonijiet jew f’dibattiti favur il-paċi
    • issemma leħnek fuq il-midja soċjali favur il-paċi u kontra l-vjolenza
    • tipparteċipa f’avveniment paċifiċi fil-komunità,
    • billi b’mod volontarju tagħti ħinek u l-ħiliet tiegħek f’inizjattivi li jibnu l-paċi.
    • Billi tuża l-kreattività, l-arti, il-mużika ..  biex twassal il-paċi

L-animatur jalloka ħin biex jimlew il-Venn Diagram.

Slide 11 – Imbagħad rappreżentant minn kull grupp ser jgħid x’kitbu l-istudenti sħabu. L-animatur iqabbel u jikkuntrastja dak li jkun inkiteb f’kull grupp.

Slide 12 – Talb għall-Paċi Interjuri

Għażiż Alla,

Nitolbok għall-paċi ġewwa fija. Naf li f’din id-dinja, hemm ħafna affarijiet li jistgħu jikkawżawlna ansjetà, inkwiet, u biża’. Imma naf ukoll li miegħek, kollox huwa possibbli, u l-paċi tiegħek tnissel l-għaqda.

Mulej, nitolbok timlieni bil-paċi tiegħek. Għinni nħalli l-affarijiet li qed itaqqluni, l-affarijiet li qed jikkawżawli stress u ansjetà. Nitolbok tikkalmali moħħi u qalbi, u li nkun kapaċi nistrieħ bl-għarfien li inti fil-kontroll.

Nitolbok tgħinni nafda fik, anki meta l-affarijiet ma jagħmlux sens, għinni biex nafda fik għall-ġid tiegħi. Jalla l-paċi tiegħek tkun tarka madwari, li tħarisni mill-maltempati tal-ħajja.

Grazzi, O Alla, għall-imħabba u l-paċi tiegħek. Jiena nafda fik, u naf li inti tiggwidani fi kwalunkwe sfidi li niffaċċja.

Slide 13 – Talb għall-Paċi Dinjija

Għażiż Alla,

Niġu quddiemkom illum b’qalbna magħfusa, hekk kif naraw il-vjolenza u l-inkwiet li jolqot id-dinja tagħna. Aħna nafu li inti Alla tal-paċi, nitolbuk  tferra l-paċi tiegħek fuq id-dinja tagħna llum.

Nitolbu għat-tmiem tal-gwerra u l-kunflitt, u għall-fejqan ta’ dawk li ġew affettwati mill-vjolenza u l-mibegħda. Ibgħat spirtu ta’ rikonċiljazzjoni u ta’ maħfra, sabiex in-nies jgħixu f’armonija ma’ xulxin.

Nitolbu għall-mexxejja tagħna,  li tagħtihom l-għerf biex jieħdu deċiżjonijiet li jippromwovu l-paċi u l-ġustizzja. Jalla jaħdmu flimkien biex isibu soluzzjonijiet għall-problemi li jifirduna, u jalla jagħmlu ħilithom biex jibnu pontijiet ta’ fehim u kooperazzjoni.

Nitolbu għall-oppressi u l-emarġinati, li inti tgħollihom u tagħtihom leħen. Jalla jkunu jafu li huma maħbubin u apprezzati, u jalla jkunu trattati bid-dinjità u r-rispett li jixirqilhom

Nitolbu għall-imħabba u l-kompassjoni tiegħek biex issaltan fid-dinja, biex kull poplu u ġens, razez u reliġjonijiet kollha jingħaqdu flimkien fl-għaqda u l-paċi.

Aħna nafdaw fit-tjubija u fil-qawwa tiegħek li ġġib il-bidla, Mulej. Jalla l-paċi tiegħek issaltan fi qlubna u fid-dinja tagħna llum u dejjem.

Nafu li l-paċi vera tista’ tiġi biss mingħandek, Mulej. Għalhekk nitolbuk tferra’ l-paċi tiegħek fuq l-art, ibda minn kull wieħed minna. Għinna nkunu dawk li jġibu l-paċi, inxerrdu l-imħabba u l-qalb tajba kull fejn immorru.


L-animatur isejjaħ lill-istudenti lura f’posthom u jinġabru fis-skiet.

Slide 14 – L-animatur jaqra sentenza mill-Bibbja relatat mas-suġġett tal-paċi.

“Ħenjin dawk li jġibu l-paċi għax huma jissejħu wlied Alla.” Ġesù jinkoraġġixxina  li mhux biss inffittxu l-paċi interjuri għalina biss, imma biex b’mod konkret u attiv naħdmu biex noħolqu l-paċi fid-dinja ta’ madwarna.

Slide 15 – L-animatur jgħidilhom biex jagħlqu għajnejhom u jgħid:

  • Aħseb kif inti ser tkun persuna ta’ paċi fl-iskola, fid-dar u kullimkien jiġifieri, kif  inti ser ġġib il-paċi.

Slide 16 – L-animatur jitlob lil Alla jbierek lill-istudenti hekk kif ikomplu jfittxu kif jgħixu fl-imħabba u l-paċi.

Fakkarhom li t-talb mhux attività ta’ darba imma konverżazzjoni kontinwa ma’ Alla.

Slide 17 – Ejjew nisimgħu u nkantaw ma’ din il-kanzunetta bl-isem ta’ “Peace”.

L-animatur jagħlaq din is-sessjoni b’talba ta’ ringrazzjament.


30 minutes


Students will understand that Lent is a time of reflection where one continues to grow, and today we will focus on how I can be an instrument of peace.

Learning Outcomes

  1. Students understand the value of promoting peace through our actions in everyday life.
  2. Students encourage each other to follow Jesus on the path of love, compassion and peace.
  3. Students be an instrument of peace in the world by being friendly with each other, loving each other and understanding each other.


  • Interactive board or projector
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • Table
  • Musical instruments

Remote Preparation

From weeks before the session, the animator informs the school management to provide some musical instruments for the day of the session so that students can play them and make different musical sounds with the provided instruments.

On the day of the session, the management prepares the musical instruments on a table, so the animator will find them ready to display.

Note to the animator

Student participation is very important. If the session takes place in a large hall and not in a classroom, it is important that the animator goes around the students with a microphone so that all the students can properly follow the questions and answers as well as the explanation of the animator especially the students who are at the very back or on the sides of the hall.


The animator invites the students to look at the various instruments that are on the table and tells them that each instrument plays a beautiful and unique melody.

He gives the instruments to the students to play for some moments.

Slide 2

An alternative just in case it won’t be possible to provide the instruments.

Slide 3 – The animator tells the students to watch the video clip about musical instruments.

Fun Movie Music on A Lot of Musical Instruments!!!


Step 1

The animator asks the students:

  • How did you feel when you played the instrument or watched the video that showed different musical instruments being played? (Wait for answers)

Slide 4 – The animator continues to say:

  • Just as every instrument plays a beautiful and harmonious melody, we are also every one of us beautiful instrument in the hands of God.
  • How we live, our actions and the words we say, our life becomes a beautiful melody.

Step 2

Testimony of a person as an instrument of peace.

Mother Teresa

Mother Teresa was a missionary nun, known in the Catholic church as Saint Teresa of Calcutta, who dedicated her life to the care of the sick and the poor, the blind, the disabled, the elderly and lepers. In 1979, she received the Nobel Prize for Peace for her humanitarian work. She died in September 1997.

Mother Teresa powerful speech on Love, works and peace.

The animator asks the students to think of themselves as an instrument of peace for example:

  • An instrument of peace in relationships.

Slide 6

• An instrument of peace in my faith.

Slide 7

• Instrument of peace through the talents that God has given me.

Slide 8

• Instrument of Peace through my involvement in the community.

Slide 9

Step 4

Jesus is a source of peace and compassion.

The animator shows examples of how Jesus is an instrument of peace in the world: Slide 11 – 16

Sermon on the Mount

In the Sermon on the Mount, Jesus taught his followers to love their enemies, to turn the other cheek, and to pray for those who persecute them.

Slide 11

Jesus denounces what is unjust and does this without anger, without violence, on the contrary, with kindness. We don’t repay evil for evil but overcome evil with good.

Jesus denounces what is unjust and does this without anger, without violence, on the contrary, with kindness. We don’t repay evil for evil but overcome evil with good.

Slide 12

Healing the Sick

Throughout the Gospels, Jesus is depicted as healing the sick and helping those in need. He offered peace and comfort to those suffering and showed them they were valued and loved.

Slide 13


Jesus taught his followers to forgive those who wronged them and to seek forgiveness for their own mistakes. He promoted peace and understanding between individuals and communities.

Slide 14


In his life and teachings, Jesus demonstrated a commitment to nonviolence, even in the face of significant opposition and persecution. He encouraged his followers to respond to violence and hatred with love and compassion and to seek peace whenever possible.

Slide 15

Bringing people together

Jesus spent much of his time bringing people together across cultural, economic, and social divides. He welcomed all people, regardless of their background or station in life, and taught that all are equal in the eyes of God. This message of unity and equality has been a source of peace and hope for generations.

Slide 16

What does Jesus show us?

Jesus shows us that every person who brings peace is a friend of God and can bring peace around him and to the whole world. God wants peace in the world and has left this peace mission in our hands. Today we see clearly that where man no longer sees God, peace ends in nothing and violence and harshness dominate. Let us be people of peace.

Slide 17

Jesus shows us that peace is one of the fruits of the spirit. Peace is a fruit that God wants us to have.

We can choose to stay at peace no matter what happens. The more we trust in God, the more we can remain in peace. God wants us to rest in Him, be still, and know He is God.

The animator invites the students to sing the song:

Hope Darst – Peace Be Still (Official Lyric Video)

Slide 20

Step 4

Pair discussion


The animator invites the students to read the points for discussion from slide 22  to 27.

Tell the students to think individually, then turn to the person sitting next to them to discuss the slide in pairs. Finally, they share with the big group.

  • How will you use your talents, skills, and hobbies to spread love and peace?
  •  How will you show compassion to others and help people?
  •  Do you listen carefully to others and understand their point of view?
  • Do you speak with kindness and respect even when you disagree with someone?
  • Do you promote justice and help someone who is oppressed, bullied, rejected or alone?

Slide 25

  • Do you serve others in the family, school, or community? How?

Slide 26

  • Do you do volunteer work, visit the elderly, or help the sick?

Slide 27


The animator encourages the students to live what Jesus teaches us.

  1. To love one another as He loved us.
  2. To forgive each other as He forgave us.
  3. To serve one another, love and show compassion.
  4. To treat others as we would like others to treat us.
  5. To do acts of kindness even in difficult moments.
  6. To be instruments of peace wherever we are.

Slide 24

The animator asks God to bless the students as they continue to be instruments of peace in everyday life.

Remind the students that prayer is not a one-time activity but a continuous conversation with God.

The animator closes this activity with a prayer of thanks.


30 minuta


L-istudenti jifhmu li r-Randan huwa żmien ta’ riflessjoni fejn wieħed ikompli jikber, u llum se niffukaw kif jien nista’ nkun strument ta’ paċi.

Il-Kisbiet għat-Tagħlim

  1. L-istudenti jifhmu l-valur li nippromwovu l-paċi permezz tal-azzjonijet tagħna fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum.
  2. L-istudenti jinkoraġixxu lil xulxin isegwu lil Ġesù fit-triq tal-imħabba, kompassjoni u paċi.
  3. L-istudenti jkunu strumenti ta’ paċi fid-dinja billi jkunu dħulin ma’ xulxin, jħobbu lil xulxin u jifhmu lil xulxin.


  • Bord interattiv jew projector
  • Powerpoint presentation
  • Mejda
  • Strumenti mużikali

Preparazzjoni Remota

L-animatur minn xi ġimgħat qabel is-sessjoni jiftiehem mal-management tal-iskola biex jipprovdu xi strumenti tal-mużika għal dakinhar tas-sessjoni biex l-istudenti ikollhom l-oppportunità jagħmlu ħsejjes mużikali differenti bl-istrumenti provduti.

Dakinhar tas-sessjoni, il-management jipprepara l-istrumenti fuq mejda biex l-animatur isibhom lesti armati.

Nota għall-animatur

Jekk is-sessjoni ssir f’sala kbira mhux fi klassi, importanti li l-animatur idur mal-istudenti b’mikrofonu ħalli l-istudenti kollha jkunu jistgħu jsegwu sew il-mistoqsijiet u t-tweġibiet kif ukoll l-ispjegazzjoni tal-animatur speċjalment l-istudenti li jkunu fuq wara nett jew fil-ġnub tas-sala. Il-parteċipazzjoni attiva hija essenzjali f’dawn is-sessjoniiet.


Slide 2 – L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex iħarsu lejn id-diversi strumenti li hemm fuq il-mejda u jgħidilhom li kull strument joħroġ minnu melodija sabiħa u unika.

Jagħti l-istrument lill-istudenti biex idoqquh għal ftit ħin.

Slide 3 – Alternattiva f’każ li l-istrumenti ma jkunx possibli li jkunu provduti.

 L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti biex isegwu l-filmat dwar strument mużikali.

Fun Movie Music on A Lot of Musical Instruments!!!

Żvilupp tas-Sessjoni

Slide 4 – L-Ewwel Pass

L-animatur jistaqsi lill-istudenti:

  • Kif ħassejtek meta daqqejt l-istrument jew meta segwejt il-filmat li juri strumenti differenti tal-mużika qegħdin jindaqqu? (Stenna t-tweġibiet)

L-animatur ikompli jgħid:

  • Bħalma kull strument idoqq melodija sabiħa u armonjuża, aħna wkoll kull wieħed u waħda minna strumenti sbieħ f’idejn Alla.
  • Bil-mod kif ngħixu, bl-azzjonijiet tagħna, bil-kliem li ngħidu, ħajjitna ssir melodija sabiħa.

It-Tieni Pass

Slide 5

Testimonjanza ta’ persuna bħala strumenti ta’ paċi

Madre Tereża kienet soru missjunarja, magħrufa fil-knisja Kattolika bħala Santa Tereża ta’ Kalkutta, iddedikat ħajjitha għall-kura tal-morda u l-foqra, għal persuni neqsin mid-dawl, persuni b’diżabilita, anzjani u lebbrużi. Fl-1979, rċeviet il-Premju Nobel għall-Paċi għax-xogħol umanitarju tagħha. Hija mietet f’Settembru tal-1997.

L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti jsegwu l-filmat qasir.

Mother Teresa’s powerful speech on Love, works and peace.

It-Tielet Pass

L-animatur jistaqsi lill-istudenti biex jaħsbu dwarhom infushom bħala strument ta’ paċi minn Slide 6 sa Slide 9

Slide 6 – Strument ta’ paċi fir-relazzjonijiet mal-ħbieb u ma’ persuni oħra.

Slide 7 – Strument ta’ paċi fil-fidi tiegħi

Slide 8 – Strument ta’ paċi permezz tat-talenti li Alla tani

Ir-Raba’ Pass

Ġesù huwa sors ta’ paċi u kompassjoni.

L-animatur jaqsam mal-istudenti eżempji ta’ kif Ġesù hu strument ta’ paċi fid-dinja:

Id-diskors tal-Muntanja

Fid-diskors tal-muntanja, Ġesù għallem lid-dixxipli tiegħu biex iħobbu lill-għedewwa tagħhom, li min itik bil-ħarta fuq naħa waħda, dawwarlu wiċċek biex itik fuq l-oħra u  jitolbu għal min jippersegwitahom. (Li ddawwar wiċċek in-naħa l-oħra ma jfissirx li ċċedi għall-inġustizzja.

Slide 11

Ġesù jiddenunzja dak li hu inġust u dan jagħmlu mingħajr rabja, mingħajr vjolenza, anzi, bil-ġentilezza. Ma npattux il-ħażin bil-ħażen imma nirbħu lill-ħażin bit-tajjeb.

Slide 12

Fejjaq il-morda

Fl-Evanġelji naraw li Ġesù fejjaq il-morda u għin lil batut. Hu offra paċi u faraġ lil dawk li kienu qed ibatu, u wriehom li huma stmati u maħbubin.

Slide 14


Ġesù għallem lid-dixxipli  tiegħu biex jaħfru lil dawk li għamlulhom xi ħaġa ħażina, u biex jitolbu maħfra għall-iżbalji tagħhom stess. Huwa ppromwova l-paċi u l-ftehim bejn l-individwi u l-komunitajiet.

Slide 15

Ġesù għadda ħafna mill-ħin tiegħu jlaqqa’ lin-nies bejn qasmiet kulturali, ekonomiċi u soċjali. Hu laqa’ lin-nies kollha, irrispettivament mill-background jew l-istat tagħhom u għallem li l-bnedmin kollha huma ugwali f’għajnejn Alla. Dan il-messaġġ ta’ għaqda u ugwaljanza kien sors ta’ paċi u tama għall-ġenerazzjonijiet.

Slide 16

Dan il-messaġġ ta’ għaqda u ugwaljanza kien sors ta’ paċi u tama għall-ġenerazzjonijiet.

Slide 17

Bla vjolenza

Fil-ħajja u t-tagħlim tiegħu, Ġesù wera impenn għall-ħajja mingħajr vjolenza anke quddiem oppożizzjoni kbira u persekuzzjoni. Hu ħeġġeġ lid-dixxipli tiegħu biex iwieġbu għall-​vjolenza u l-​mibegħda bl-​imħabba u l-​mogħdrija, u biex ifittxu l-​paċi kull meta jkun possibbli.

Slide 18

Ġesù  jurina li kull bniedem li jġib l-paċi huwa ħabib t’Alla u jista’ jġib il-paċi madwaru u fid-dinja kollha. Alla jrid il-paċi fid-dinja u ħalla din il-biċċa xogħol f’idejn il-bnedmin. Illum naraw ċar li fejn il-bniedem ma jibqax jara lil Alla, il-paċi tispiċċa fix-xejn u tiddomina l-vjolenza u l-ħruxija. Ejjew inkunu nies ta’ paċi.

Slide 19

Ġesù  jurina li l-paċi hija wieħed mill-frottijiet tal-ispirtu. Il-paċi hija frott li Alla jrid li aħna jkollna.

Slide 20

Aħna nistgħu nagħżlu li nkunu fil-paċi akkost ta’ dak li jkun qed jiġri. Aktar ma nafdaw f’Alla, aktar jirnexxielna nibqgħu fil-paċi. Alla  jridna nistrieħu fih, nisktu u nagħrfu li Hu Alla.

L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti jkantaw ma’ din il-kanzunetta.

Slide 22

Hope Darst – Peace Be Still (Official Lyric Video)

Ir-Raba’ Pass

Diskussjoni f’pari


L-animatur jistieden lill-istudenti jsegwu l-mistoqsijiet għad-diskussjoni minn slide 24 sa 27.

Għid lill-istudenti biex l-ewwel jaħsbu b’mod individwali, imbagħad iduru fuq il-persuna li hemm bilqegħda ħdejhom biex f’pari, jidddiskutu slide, slide.  Fl-aħħar jaqsmu mal-grupp il-kbir.

  • Kif ser tuża t-talenti tiegħek, ħiliet, passatempi biex ixerred l-imħabba u l-paċi?

Slide 24

  • Kif ser turi kompassjoni mal-oħrajn u tgħin persuni?

Slide 25

  • Tisma’ b’attenzjoni lill-oħrajn u tifhem l-perspettiva tagħhom?

Slide 26

  • Tippromwovi l-ġustizzja billi taqbeż għal xi ħadd li jkun maħqur, bullied, imwarrab, waħdu?

Slide 27

  • Taqdi lill-oħrajn fil-familja, fl-iskola, fil-komunità? ?Kif?

Slide 28

  • Tagħmel volontarjat, iżżur l-anzjani, tgħin lil min hu batut? Semmi eżempji.

Slide 29

L-animaturi jistieden lill-istudenti jaqsmu xi punti li ddiskutew meta kienu f’pari biex b’hekk jisma’ kulħadd u nitgħallmu minn xulxin. 


L-animatur iħeġġeġ lill-istudenti jgħixu dak li jgħallimna Ġesù stess;

  • Li nħobbu lil xulxin kif iħobbna Hu.
  • Li naħfru lil xulxin kif jaħfrilna Hu.
  • Li naqdu lil xulxin, inħobbu u nuru kompassjoni.
  • Li nittrattaw lill-oħrajn bħal ma nixtiequ li ħaddieħor jagħmel magħna.
  • Li nagħmlu attijiet ta’ tjubija anke f’mumenti diffiċli.
  • Li nkunu strumenti ta’ paċi kull fejn inkunu.

 L-animatur jitlob lil Alla jbierek lill-istudenti hekk kif ikomplu jkunu strumenti ta’ paċi fil-ħajja ta’ kuljum.

Fakkarhom li t-talb mhux attività ta’ darba imma konverżazzjoni kontinwa ma’ Alla.

L-animatur jagħlaq din l-attività b’talba ta’ ringrazzjament.

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