This prayer space helps in processing grief and in turning to God who is with us in such a difficult time.

Equipment: Long ribbon, empty paper, markers

  • Early Years
  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



When someone we love leaves or dies, they leave a gap in our lives. You struggle with sorrow and difficult questions. It is important to allow ourselves to grieve and to deal with our sorrow in a positive way. Remembering that God is with us also in our grief and difficulties.

  • Think of someone dear who has left or died and write their name on the paper.
  • Holding the ribbon, come in touch with your feelings about this person and their loss.
  • Talk or write to God about your feelings or thank Him for a positive memory you have about this person.

Meta xi ħadd li tħobb jitlaq jew imut, iħalli vojt kbir f’ħajtek. Tista’ tħossok imdejjaq u tispiċċa tistaqsi mistoqsijiet diffiċli. Hu naturali li tħossok imnikket imma importanti li tipproċessa dan in-niket b’mod pożittiv filwaqt li tiftakar li Alla dejjem lest jgħinek.

  • Aħseb f’persuna li telqet jew mietet u ikteb isimha fuq il-karta.
  • Żomm iż-żigarella f’idejk filwaqt li taħseb fuq kif iħossok għal din il-persuna u t-telfa tagħha.
  • Tkellem ma’ jew ikteb lil Alla fuq kif iħossok jew irringrazzjah ta’ rikordju sabiħ li għandek ta’ din il-persuna.


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