During this prayer space we will reflect about the Shoah and how we are still called today to fight against war and terror in the world

Equipment: a battery-powered candle, two sheets of yellow paper cut into triangles, a yellow crayon or pencil, a pen or pencil

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



We often hear news of wars and violence around the world, realizing that many people suffer and live in fear. How does this make you feel? During World War II, Anne Frank, a 13-year-old Jewish-German, was saddened by the suffering and death of millions of Jews and people from other nations, known as the Shoah. Anne, also a victim, is now a symbol of unity for people of all backgrounds. Her message of hope and the fight for freedom lives on through her diary, inspiring resistance to discrimination, war, and oppression.

  • Draw the Star of David, and around the angles of these two triangles, write the names of people or countries suffering from war, racism, unfair imprisonment and prejudice.
  • Place the candle in the middle of the star and pray for the strength to fight for the freedom of suffering and oppressed people.


Spiss nisimgħu bi gwerrer u vjolenza madwar id-dinja u nindunaw kemm nies ibatu u jgħixu fil-biżgħa. Kif iħossok b’dan? Fit-Tieni Gwerra Dinjija, Anne Frank, tifla Lhudija-Ġermaniża ta’ telttax -il sena, kienet imdejqa bit-tbatija u l-mewt ta’ miljuni ta’ Lhud u nies minn nazzjonijiet oħra, avveniment magħruf bħala ix-Shoah. Anne, ukoll vittma, hija llum simbolu ta’ għaqda bejn nies ta’ għeruq differenti. Il-messaġġ tagħha ta’ tama u l-ġlieda li għamlet għall-ħelsien, tgħix illum permezz tad-djarju tagħha, li jispira reżistenza għal kull diskriminazzjoni, gwerrer, u opressjoni.

  • Pinġi l-Istilla ta’ David, u madwar l-angoli ta’ dawn iż-żewġ triangoli, ikteb l-ismijiet ta’ nies jew popli li qed ibatu gwerrer, razziżmu, priġonerija Inġusta, u preġudizzju.
  • Poġġi x-xemgħa f’nofs l-istilla u itlob għan-nies kollha fid-dinja li qed ibatu minn nuqqas ta’ libertà, oppressjoni u mill-gwerer.


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