In this prayer space, one is given time to think of those things/persons which strengthen them and to pray in thanks for resilience.

Equipment: Bricks and markers

Related to Bible: Matthew 5: 3-11   

Response: Write/Draw

Relationship: Me & Myself

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



Sometimes we find life hard, we can feel knocked down, defeated or low. Certain things and or certain people, encourage, strengthen and build us up. It’s different for everyone. This can be called resilience, the ability to recover quickly from difficulties.

  • Think of something or someone that strengthens you or helps you recover when you’re having a hard time.
  • Choose a brick, and on it, you can write or draw the thing or the person who strengthens you.
  • Take some time to thank God for making us resilient, and so he gave us the ability to recover from our difficulties. 


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