- Early Years
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Post-Secondary Years

What is Adoration to Jesus in the Eucharist?
Adoration is a prayer-dialogue with Jesus in the Sacrament of the Eucharist; thus, everything said is to be a prayer. It is to be a dialogue between two hearts in Spirit and Truth, where the most essential is not what we are to say but to listen to Jesus to recognise his presence and accomplish it.
Preparation for the adoration
What prayers am I going to include during the adoration?
While we are preparing for this prayer, we must be aware to include these elements:

Silence is the space we give God to cherish his presence and listen to what he wants to tell us. It is the moment when what we’ve heard is transformed into a personal prayer. If there is no silence, we are saying to God that the most important thing is what we are saying and not what he is saying to us.
This silence has to be divided into different parts of this Adoration: at the beginning and in the act of presence, after readings from the Word of God, and during moments of reflection. Silence must take a certain amount of time, for example, for about five minutes or even more if planned.
Singing is a double prayer; thus, hymns have to link with the Eucharist, songs of praise and Adoration, or related to the adoration theme. The animator is to help the persons pray and recognise God’s closeness with them.
Songs of Worship in Maltese
Songs of Worship for Children
Songs of Worship for Youth and Adults
When we adore Christ, we are in a sacred presence and must make a deep personal commitment to be conscious of what this entails. There cannot be other thoughts in our minds; we stop pretending to adore Christ without giving space for this. We need to stop.
Thus we need time to become conscious that we are in the presence of God (like a fish is in the water). But beforehand, we must recollect ourselves to concentrate on our actions through silence. When our minds are focused, we can recognise that we are in God’s presence with our minds and spirit. We are in the presence of God, a Holy God, a God’s Son who became human, the perfect love within the Holy Trinity.
If we pray a visit to Jesus in the Sacrament, this must enhance us to concentrate on ourselves and make ourselves more available for the presence of God.
An extract from the Scriptures (for example, a Psalm or extract from the Scriptures) the Word of God has to be the centermost of the Adoration so that Christ enlightens us and shows us his will for us.
This moment is not a moment where one holds Scripture exegesis or for an explanation of a Scripture text. The reflection must be a prayer as if conversing with Jesus. This reflection prayer is to assist the people in the Adoration of letting the Word of God guide them in their personal lives.

The Adoration is a liturgical prayer, that is, the Adoration of the people of God assembled. Thus, while God’s Spirit is uniting us and praying through us, we are to allow the people gathered to participate in prayer by praying themselves and/or responding to a litany of intercession, and forgiveness prayers and participating in prayer activities. Below there are some examples of prayer activities.
![]() Friendship ChainDuring this prayer one is asked to think of a friend, reflect on the good qualities of their friend and then thank God for them. |
![]() Forgiveness StonesIn this prayer space one reflects on the good feeling of letting go and forgiving someone who caused pain. |
![]() Pipe Cleaner PeopleThis prayer space encourages one to think about, and if they want to, pray for someone special in thier lives in a fun and creative way by making a ‘pipe cleaner model’. |

What objects do we use during the Adoration?
During the preparation time for adoration, we also prepare the objects we shall use for our Adoration of Jesus in the Eucharist.
It would be pleasant to find a moment before the Adoration takes place to explain the objects one needs to organize an adoration to Jesus in the Eucharist and their meaning! Hereunder you may find some suggestions.
Jesus is in the white host, which is shaped like a circle. During the Eucharistic celebration, the bread becomes the body, blood, soul, and divinity of Jesus. When we adore him, Jesus will be delighted to be with us. He looks at us and speaks with us.

The Monstrance is that ornament where the priest places Jesus in the Eucharist for our adoration and prayers and to share our thoughts with Him. Jesus is God and our Best Friend. Thus we must give him a special place! The monstrance is often made of gold or a precious material and has the form of the sun as a sign that Jesus is the centre and the light of our lives. This helps us to focus on the Eucharist. For this reason, other fittings like flowers, candlesticks and other objects are to be limited, so the main focus is Jesus.

The Eucharist is to be placed always on a white tablecloth. This is a sign of worship and respect for the Eucharist.
Some candles are put around the Eucharist to decorate the environment. The candles remind us that Jesus is the world’s light and that we are called to the world’s light.
A Template Schedule for An Adoration to the Eucharist
Before the Adoration
- Students imitate the adults. Educators must be role models of ethical behaviour during the Eucharistic adoration.
- Invite the students to keep silent and to give all their attention to Jesus in the Eucharist. This is a precious time “between me and God only.”
- Together, you may pray the Jesus Prayer
During the Adoration Time
- Cheerful and adoration singing
- The priest, deacon or another person with permission places the monstrance on the table. Eucharistic hymns shall animate the exposition of the sacrament.
- Five minutes of silence
- Singing helps reflection.
- An extract from the Gospel or Psalm (Example: John 6:51-58, Matthew 26:26-28, 1 Corinthians 11:23-26, Psalm 34:8, Luke 24: 30-31)
- Five minutes of silence
- If it is helpful, the students may participate in prayer activities to share their prayers in more practical ways.
- Students are invited to write what they want to say to Jesus in their journals.
- Joyful singing and conclusion
Prayers and reflections related to the Eucharist

Carlo Acutis
“The Eucharist is my highway to heaven.”
“Always to be united with Jesus; that is my life’s programme.”
“If we get in front of the sun, we get sun tans…but when we get in front of Jesus in the Eucharist, we become saints.”
“Jesus is my great friend.”
“To the Lord, I can always confide anything. I can also complain, question him in silence, tell him what I don’t understand.”
“The more Eucharist we receive, the more we will become like Jesus so that on earth we will have a foretaste of heaven.”
“Always be close to Jesus; that is my life plan.”
“Those who approach the Eucharist every day go straight to heaven.”
“Jesus Christ speaks to us within, and we should listen to Him and follow Him in everything.”
“By standing before the Eucharist Christ, we become holy.”
“The only thing we have to ask God for, in prayer, is the desire to be holy.”
St Maria Goretti
“The Holy Eucharist is the perfect expression of the love of Jesus Christ for Man.”
St John Paul II
“Let Jesus present in the Blessed Sacrament speak to your hearts.”
“From the Eucharist comes the strength to share the Christian life with others.”
St Peter Julian Eymard
“The Eucharist is the supreme proof of the love of Jesus.”
“The Holy Eucharist is like a divine Storehouse filled with every virtue.”
“The Eucharist is, in a word, the great Mystery of our faith to which all Catholic truths lead.”
St Peter of Alcantara
“Our Lord in the Blessed Sacrament has his hands full of graces.”
St John Marie Vianney
“There is nothing so great as the Eucharist.”
Pope Francis
“The Eucharist is essential for us: it is Christ who wishes to enter our lives and fill us with his grace.”
Mother Theresa
“When you look at the Sacred Host, understand how much Jesus loves you now.”
“Jesus has made Himself the Bread of Life to give us life.”
St Therese of Lisieux
“Jesus comes to find an empty tent within us.”
Pope Benedict XVI
“In the Eucharist, the Son of God meets us and desires to become one with us.”
This is a feast that honours the Sacred Heart. In 1675, Jesus told St Margaret Mary that He wanted the Feast of the Sacred Heart to be celebrated on the Friday after the Corpus Christi octave. In 1856, the Feast of the Sacred Heart became a universal feast.
St. John Paul II, a great devotee of the Sacred Heart, said, “This feast reminds us of the mystery of the love of God for the people of all times.”
♥ Prayer to the Sacred Heart
O most holy Heart of Jesus, a fountain of every blessing,
I adore you; I love you and with lively sorrow for my sins.
I offer you this poor heart of mine.
Make me humble, patient, pure, and obedient to your will.
Grant, good Jesus, that I may live in you and for you.
Protect me amid danger; comfort me in my afflictions;
give me health of body, assistance in my temporal needs,
your blessings on all that I do, and the grace of a holy death.
Within your heart, I place my every care.
In every need, let me come to you with humble trust saying,
Heart of Jesus, help me.

Down in adoration falling,
This great Sacrament we hail;
Over ancient forms of worship
Newer rites of grace prevail;
Faith will tell us Christ is present,
When our human senses fail.
To the everlasting Father,
And the Son who made us free,
And the Spirit, God proceeding
From them Each eternally,
Be salvation, honor, blessing,
Might and endless majesty. Amen
Let us pray! Lord Jesus Christ, you gave us the eucharist as the memorial of your
suffering and death. May our worship of this sacrament of your body and blood help us to experience
the salvation you won for us and the peace of the kingdom where you live with the Father and the
Holy Spirit, one God, forever and ever. Amen.
Blessing of the Sacrament
Blessed be God.
Blessed be his holy name.
Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true man.
Blessed be the name of Jesus.
Blessed be his most Sacred Heart.
Blessed be his most Precious Blood.
Blessed be Jesus in the most holy sacrament of the altar.
Blessed be the Holy Spirit, the Paraclete.
Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most holy.
Blessed be her holy and Immaculate Conception.
Blessed be her glorious Assumption.
Blessed be the name of Mary, virgin and Mother.
Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse.
Blessed be God in his angels and in his saints.
Psalm 116
Praise the Lord, all you nations;
extol him, all you peoples.
For great is his love toward us,
and the faithfulness of the Lord endures forever.
Praise the Lord. Amen.
Hail, Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with thee.
Blessed art thou amongst women
and blessed is the fruit of thy womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
Related Resources
![]() Prayer WallIn this prayer space one is encouraged to be one of the builders of a wall of faith by writing and sticking his prayer onto the wall. |
X’inhi l-adorazzjoni lil Ġesù Ewkaristija?
L-adorazzjoni hija talba-djalogu ma’ Ġesù fis-Sagrament ta’ l-Ewkaristija għalhekk kull ma jingħad irid ikun talba. Irid ikun djalogu bejn iż-żewġt’iqlub fl-Ispirtu u l-Verità, fejn l-iktar importanti mhux x’se ngħidu imma li nisimgħu lill-Mulej biex nagħrfu l-preżenza tiegħu u nwettquha.
Preparazzjoni qabel l-adorazzjoni
X’talb ser ninkludi waqt l-adorazzjoni?
Waqt li qed nippreparaw għal dal-mument ta’ talb, għandna ninkludu dawn l-elementi:

Is-Silenzju huwa l-ispazju li aħna nagħtu lill-Alla biex niggustaw il-preżenza tiegħu u nisimgħu dak li għandu jgħidilna. Huwa dan il-mument fejn dak li nkunu smajna jinbidel f’talba personali. Jekk ma nħallux silenzju, qisna qegħdin ngħidu lil Alla bħallikieku li l-aktar importanti huwa dak li qed ngħidu aħna u mhux dak li għandu jgħidilna hu.
Dan is-silenzju irid ikun mqassam f’diversi mumenti ta’ l-adorazzjoni: fil-bidu u fl-att tal-preżenza, wara xi qari tal-Kelma t’Alla, mumenti ta’ riflessjoni. Is-silenzju irid jieħu ċertu ammont ta’ ħin, per eżempju, madwar 5 minuti u anke aktar jekk ikun ippjanat.
Il-kant huwa talba għall-darbtejn. Għalhekk dan għandu jkollu x’jaqsam mal-Ewkaristija, kant ta’ tifħir u qima jew relatat mat-tema tal-adorazzjoni. Min ikun qed imexxi irid jgħin lill-persuni biex jitolbu aktar u jagħrfu li Alla hu tant qrib tagħhom.
Kant ta’ tifħir bil-Malti
Kant ta’ tifħir għat-tfal
Kant ta’ tifħir għal żgħażagħ u adulti
Meta qegħdin naduraw lill-Mulej, qegħdin fi preżenza tant qaddisa li rridu nagħmlu impenn fina nfusna biex niġu konxji tagħha. Ma nistgħux inkunu għaddejjin bil-ħafna ħsibijiet li jkollna għaddejjin f’moħħna, nieqfu u nippretendu li qegħdin naduraw lill-Mulej bla ma nieqfu ftit qabel.
Għalhekk irridu ħin biex niġu konxji li qiegħdin fil-preżenza ta’ Alla , (bħal ma’ ħuta tinsab fl-ilma). Imma qabel kollox, irridu ninġabru fina nfusna ħalli nikkonċentraw f’dak li se nagħmlu permezz tas-silenzju. Wara li nkunu kkonċentrati bil-moħħ tagħna, nkunu nistgħu nagħrfu bil-moħħ u l-ispirtu tagħna li ninsabu fil-preżenza t’Alla. Qegħdin fil-preżenza ta’ Alla li hu Qaddis, Alla Iben li sar bniedem, l-Imħabba perfetta fi ħdan it-Trinità.
Jekk nitolbu il-viżta lil Ġesù Sagramentat, trid tgħinna biex nikkonċentraw fina nfusna u nagħmlu lilna nfusna aktar disponbli għall-preżenza tal-Mulej.
Is-silta mill-Iskrittura (eżempju Salm jew silta mill-iskrittura) Il-Kelma ta’ Alla trid tkun ċ-ċentru tal-adorazzjoni biex il-Mulej idawwalna u jurina x’inhi r-rieda tiegħu għalina.
Dan il-mument mhuwiex mument fejn nispjegaw l-Evanġelju jew xi tfisser din is-silta. Ir-riflessjoni trid tkun talba fiha nfisha u bħallikieku qed tkellem lill-Mulej. Din ir-riflessjoni–talba trid tgħin lin-nies miġbura biex huma jħallu l-Kelma t’Alla tigwidhom fil-ħajja personali tagħhom.

L-adorazzjoni hija talba liturġika, jiġifieri, il-qima tal-Poplu t’Alla miġbur. Għalhekk fil-waqt li hemm l-Ispirtu t’Alla li qed jgħaqqadna li u jitlob permezz tagħna, irridu nagħtu opportunità lill-komunità miġbura biex jipparteċipaw fit-talb, billi jagħmlu t-talb huma stess u/jew iwieġbu għal xi litanija, talb ta’ interċessjoni u talb ta’ maħfra u anke jieħdu sehem f’attivitajiet ta’ talb. Hawn tħat hawn xi eżempju ta’ attivitajiet ta’ talb:
![]() Friendship ChainDuring this prayer one is asked to think of a friend, reflect on the good qualities of their friend and then thank God for them. |
![]() Forgiveness StonesIn this prayer space one reflects on the good feeling of letting go and forgiving someone who caused pain. |
![]() Pipe Cleaner PeopleThis prayer space encourages one to think about, and if they want to, pray for someone special in thier lives in a fun and creative way by making a ‘pipe cleaner model’. |

X’oġġetti għandi bżonn għall-adorazzjoni?
Fil-preparazzjoni tal-adorazzjoni, nħejju wkoll l-oġġetti li ser nużaw waqt l-Adorazzjoni lil Ġesù fl-Ewkaristija.
Hija ħaġa sabiħa li nsibu mument barra l-ħin tal-adorazzjoni biex nispjegaw lit-tfal l-oġġetti li għandna bżonn biex norganizzaw ħin ta’ adorazzjoni lil Ġesù fl-Ewkaristija u x’inhi t-tifsira tagħhom! Hawn taħt għandek xi għajnuniet.
Ġesù jinsab f’dik l-ostja bajda li jkollha forma ta’ ċirku abjad. Hija l-ħobż li fil-quddiesa sar il-ġisem, id-demm, ir-ruħ u d-divinità ta’ Ġesù. Meta nagħmlu adorazzjoni, Ġesù jkun qiegħed jieħġu gost ikun magħna, iħares lejna u jitkellem magħna.

L-Ostensorju huwa dak l-ornament fejn is-saċerdot ipoġġi lil Ġesù fl-Ewkaristija biex nadurawh, nitolbuh u naqsmu l-ħsibijiet tagħna miegħu. Ġesù huwa Alla u ħabib speċjali. Għalhekk nagħtuh post speċjali! Ħafna drabi tkun tidher tad-deheb jew materjal sabiħ u jkollu l-għamla ta’ xemx bħala sinjal li Ġesù hu ċ-ċentru u li Hu qed jagħtina d-dawl għal ħajjitna. Dan jgħinna biex aħna niffukaw fuq l-Ewkaristija. Għal din ir-raġuni, armar ieħor bħall-fjuri, gandlieri u oġġetti oħra għandhom jkunu ftit ħafna ħalli l-attenzjoni tagħna tibqa’ fuq Ġesù.

Inpoġġu dvalja bajda fuq il-mejda fejn ser inpoġġu l-Ewkaristija. Dan bħala sinjal ta’ qima u rispett lejn l-Ewkaristija.
Nagħmlu xi sitt xemgħat madwar l-ostensorju bl-Ewkaristija biex inżejnu l-ambjent. Ix-xemgħat ifakkarna li Ġesù huwa d-dawl tad-dinja u li aħna msejħin biex inkunu wkoll id-dawl tad-dinja.
Eżempju ta’ Adorazzjoni lil Ġesù Ewkaristija
Qabel l-adorazzjoni
- L-istudenti ser jimitaw lill-adulti. L-edukaturi għandhom ikunu mudelli ta’ kif wieħed għandu jġib ruħu waqt l-adorazzjoni.
- Stieden lill-istudenti iżommu s-silenzju, u jitfgħu l-attenzjoni kollha fuq Ġesù Ewkaristija. Enfassizza li dan huwa ħin “bejni u bejn Alla biss.”
- Tistgħu titolbu flimkien il-Jesus Prayer
Waqt il-ħin tal-adorazzjoni
- Kant ferrieħi u ta’ adorazzjoni
- Is-saċerdot jew id-djaknu jew xi persuna oħra li għandna l-permess tagħmel dan tpoġġi l-Ewkarisitja fl-ostensorju. Waqt li tesponi ikun hemm kant ta’ adroazzjoni.
- Ħames minuti silenzju
- Kant ta’ ġabra u li jgħin fir-riflessjoni
- Silta mill-Evanġelju jew Salm (Eżempju: Ġwanni 6:51-58, Mattew 26:26-28, 1 Korintin 11:23-26, Salm 34:8, Luqa 24:30-31)
- Ħames minuti silenzju
- Jekk tkun ta’ għajnuna, l-istudenti jistgħu jipparteċipaw f’attivitajiet ta’ talb biex jressqu t-talb tagħhom aħjar.
- L-istudenti jiġu mistiedna biex fuq il-Journal personali tagħhom, jiktbu dak li jixtiequ jgħidu lil Ġesù.
- Kant ta’ ferħ u konklużjoni
Talb u riflessjonijiet relatati mal-Ewkaristija

Carlo Acutis
“L-Ewkaristija hija t-triq li tagħti għall-Ġenna.”
“Li nkun dejjem kun magħqud ma’ Ġesù, dak hu l-pjan tal-ħajja tiegħi.”
“Jekk noqgħodu għax-xemx, teħodna….imma meta noqgħodu quddiem Ġesù Ewkaristija, aħna nsiru qaddisin.”
“Ġesù huwa l-akbar ħabib tiegħi.”
“Dejjem nista’ nafda kollox ma’ Ġesù. Nista’ ngerger, nistaqsih mistoqsijiet fis-skiet, ngħidlu x’minix nifhem.”
“Iktar ma nirċievu l-Ewkaristija, iktar nsiru bħal Ġesù, u b’hekk fid-dinja aħna ntiegħmul-Ġenna.”
“Li nkun dejjem qrib ta’ Ġesù, dak il-pjan tal-ħajja tiegħi.”
“Dawk li jirċievu l-Ewkaristija kuljum, imorru dritt il-Ġenna.”
“Ġesù Kristu jkellimna fil-ġewwieni tagħna, u aħna għandna nisimgħu minnu u mmorru warajH f’kollox.”
“Jekk noqogħdu quddiem Ġesù Ewkaristija spiss, nsiru qaddisin.”
“L-unika ħaġa li għandna nitolbu lil Alla, hija x-xewqa li nkunu qaddisin.”
St Maria Goretti
“L-Ewkaristija Mqaddsa hija l-espressjoni perfetta tal-imħabba ta’ Kristu għall-bniedem.”
St John Paul II
Ħalli lil Ġesù preżenti fl-Ewkaristija Mqaddsa jkellem lil qalbkom.”
“Mill-Ewkaristija toħroġ l-enerġija li taqsam il-ħajja Nisranija mal-oħrajn.”
St Peter Julian Eymard
“L-Ewkaristija hija l-prova ewlenija tal-imħabba ta’ Ġesù.”
“L-Ewkaristija Mqaddsa hija bħal maħżen mimlija b’kull virtu.”
“L-Ewkaristija hija, f’kelma waħda, l-Misteru l-kbir tal-fidi tagħna li għalih iwasslu l-veritajiet Insara kollha.”
St Peter of Alcantara
“Alla Sidna fl-Ewkaristija, għandu jdejh mimlijin grazzji.”
St John Marie Vianney
“There is nothing so great as the Eucharist.”
“M’hemm xejn daqshekk kbir daqs l-Ewkaristija.”
Papa Franġisku
“L-Ewkaristija hija essenzjali għalina: Hija Kristu li jixtieq jidħol fil-ħajja tagħna u jimliena bil-grazzja tiegħu.”
Madre Teresa
“Meta inti tħares lejn l-Ostja Mqaddsa tifhem kemm Ġesù qed iħobbok issa.”
“Ġesù għamel lilu nnifsu l-ħobż tal-Ħajja biex jagħtina l-ħajja.”
Santa Tereża ta’ Lisieux
“Ġesù jiġi jfittex tinda vojta ġewwa fina.”
Papa Benedittu XVI
“Fl-Ewkaristija, l-Iben ta’ Alla jiġi jiltaqa’ magħna u jkun jixtieq isir parti minna.”

Dal-misteru, għarkopptejna,
ejjew mela naduraw u
quddiem ir-riti ġodda
suriet qodma jispiċċaw;
bit-twemmin ġo qalbna nħossu
dak li s-sensi le jaraw.
Lill-Missier inroddu,
u ’l Iben b’qalbna kollha kull tifħir,
lejhom mat-tberik ta’ qalbna,
omħabbitna ‘l fuq ittir;
lill-Ispirtu li ġej minnhom ħajr ukoll,
xejn inqas kbir. Ammen.
Nitolbu. O Alla, inti f’dan is-sagrament tal-għaġeb ħallejtilna t-tifkira tal-passjoni tiegħek; agħtina, nitolbuk, li nqimu l-misteru tal-Ġisem u d-Demm tiegħek hekk li nħossu fina bla heda dak li rebbħitilna l-fidwa tiegħek. Inti, li tgħix u ssaltan għal dejjem ta’ dejjem. Ammen.
Tingħata l-Barka bis-Santissmu Sagrament.
Ikun imbierek Alla.
Imbierek l-Isem Imqaddes tiegħu.
Imbierek Ġesù Kristu, veru Alla u veru bniedem.
Imbierek l-Isem ta’ Ġesù.
Imbierka l-Qalb Imqaddsa tiegħu.
Imbierek id-Demm għażiż tiegħu.
Imbierek Ġesù fis-Santissmu Sagrament tal-artal.
Imbierek l-Ispirtu s-Santu Paraklitu.
Imbierka l-kbira Omm Alla Marija Santissima.
Imbierka l-Imqaddsa u Immakulata Konċezzjoni tagħha.
Imbierek it-tlugħ glorjuż tagħha fis-sema.
Imbierek l-Isem ta’ Marija Verġni u Omm.
Imbierek San Ġużepp għarus kastissimu tagħha.
Imbierek Alla fl-Anġli u l-Qaddisin kollha tiegħu.
Salm 116
Faħħru l-Mulej, intom ġnus kollha; *
sebbħuh, o popli kollha.
Għax kbira hi tjubitu magħna *
u kellmet il-Mulej tibqa’ għal dejjem.
Glorja lill-Missier u lill-Iben,*
u lill-Ispirtu s-Santu.
kif kien mill-bidu, issa u dejjem,*
u jibqa’ għal dejjem ta’ dejjem. Ammen.
Sliem għalik Marija, bil-grazzja mimlija, il-Mulej miegħek, imbierka inti fost in-nisa, u mbierek il-frott tal-ġuf tiegħek Ġesù. Qaddisa, Marija, Omm Alla, itlob għalina midinbin, issa u fis-siegħa tal-mewt tagħna. Ammen.
Riżorsi relatati
![]() Prayer WallIn this prayer space one is encouraged to be one of the builders of a wall of faith by writing and sticking his prayer onto the wall. |
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