Dear friends,

We are nearly into the Spring season, and with that, brings warmer weather, the relaxing of restrictions and lots of sunny walks. Schools have recently reopened in the UK and Ireland and the word that seems to frame many of our discussions is ‘recovery’. We hope and pray that our families, teachers, schools workers and children are able to experience peaceful recovery from a difficult year.

Prayer Spaces and Recovery
We are excited to announce our 3rd instalment of ‘The Prayer Spaces Sessions’ will be running on 22nd of March, 2021. The Prayer Spaces Sessions are a series of online seminars, interview and discussions to help us host the best possible prayer spaces in schools. With schools reopening, the opportunity and the need for prayer spaces is going to increase rapidly. This session, themed around ‘Recovery’, will include interviews with prayer space practitioners, some new ‘wellbeing’ prayer activities, and time to swap ideas with others. Join us on Monday 22nd March at 7:30pm. To register your free place, visit our Eventbrite webpage.
Switzerland’s First Prayer Space
We were thrilled to hear about the very first prayer space in Switzerland! It was run this week in Gossau, Switzerland by a ‘Mums in Prayer’ group. More to come on this story, once we get feedback. We would love your prayers that this would be an opening for more prayer spaces in Switzerland. Additionally, we anticipate that there will be an increase in prayer spaces as our children and young people return to school after a tough year and find there are big emotions and questions they need to process. If you know of any prayer spaces happening in your local area, please do let us know by registering your prayer space or emailing
Prayer Space in a Bag
Joanna Jones ran a brilliant ‘Prayer Space in a Bag’ at Chelsea Academy in Kensington during the Advent season last year. It is a creative and effective way of running a prayer space in a safe and Covid-secure way. To find out more about what she did, and to get inspiration for running prayer spaces of your own in this season, check out her story.Let’s be praying for pupils and teachers as they return to school. Let’s pray for their peace, safety and mental well-being this term as they try to readjust to school life.

May the God of Peace go before you today, and always.

Ebony Fennell

Coordinator, Prayer Spaces in Schools