Prayer Spaces for kindergarten at Theresa Nuzzo School Marsa

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On a weekly basis, during Lent, prayer spaces were organized in our school. Each week a theme was chosen. Activities related to each theme took place according to the creativity of each class teacher. 
The themes were: “Jesus I love you”, were the kids made a heart craft and then offered it to Jesus by putting it near a large cross in the school hall while reciting the prayer “Jesus, I love you.” 
Children offered love hearts to Jesus
The second prayer space was “Jesus hold my hand.” The children drew or painted their hands and offered it to Jesus, by putting it in one of the baskets in front of the Via Crucis made up of Playmobil toys by our headmistress and one of our kindergarten assistants. 
Children painted their hands and  put it in a basket in front of  the Via Crucis
The last prayer space is called “Jesus is my light.” In the chapel, the children formed a single line, and while passing a candle to each other, they recited the prayer “Jesus is my light.” 
Children reciting the prayer ‘Jesus is my light’
At the end of this moment of prayer together we sang the songs, “This Little Light of Mine” and “Jump into the Light.” Through these moments, the kids, although very young, began to learn how to relate with their best friend, Jesus.


Jesus is my Light prayer space

Thanks to Ms Kathleen Spiteri for the write-up and photos.