On the 24th of November, Ms Kathleen Spiteri, a pastoral worker within the Spiritual Development in Schools, participated in the pilot project of the Friendship Cards set, ‘On Our Journey: A Way of Life’ organized by the ‘Relationships are Forever Foundation.’
This set of cards is intended to help individuals build meaningful relationships with themselves, with others and also as an accompaniment in one’s spiritual journey. The process of these cards helps a person to form one’s character by strengthening the values and principles which lead to a happy life. The process consists of five steps – Feelings-Moving Backward-Moving Forward-Reflections-Outcomes-Feelings.
The pilot project took place at the Institute of Education in Pembroke. There were sixteen participants of different professions and states of life. Participants were seated on four different tables and formed four different groups. All participants introduced themselves to get to know more each other and to express what they are grateful for.
Afterwards, Mr and Mrs Julian and Joanna Sant Fournier who led the pilot project seminar read a short story and distributed a packet of cards on each table. In the story (which reminded us of the Parable of the Prodigal Son), there were three characters. Every participant on every table had to choose a role, one had to be the father, another one John, Paul and the other the facilitator.

The process started by placing the feeling cards on the table. The facilitator gave a card to each person in the group one after the other and each person read the feeling on the card and placed it on the table. This method was repeated in every step of the process in order that the participants to come across and read all the cards. Every personality had to relate and choose a feeling after the younger son in the family asked his father to give him his money and he left home. And the process continued. After choosing the feelings, the Moving Backward step followed, and then the Moving Forward one.

The other move in the project was to form the story as a team with the Reflection cards, through the choice of our feelings, moving backwards, moving forward and reflection cards. This helped each one of us to reflect on his/her personal journey and to realize how deep is the process in these cards and the process of one’s spiritual life.
The development came to an end with one of the participants finalizing the process using the outcome cards. The outcome cards help one to ponder seriously on the dynamic of spiritual growth in one’s life. Throughout the whole process, interesting discussions took place and again everyone expressed that he/she is grateful to God for this experience, and His plans in our lives.

Thank you Julian and Joanna Sant Fournier for the accomplishment of your project. Thank you to all participants, it was a pleasure getting to know you. Thank you to Fr Reuben Gauci for the opportunity and the other colleagues in the SDS Team for their support.