During this prayer space one is invited to reflect about ways how to make less the use of plastic.
Equipment: Laminated pages with facts about plastic and the Planet Earth, a fishing net, used single-use plastics on display, luggage tags, pens.
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Post-Secondary Years

The world we live in is very beautiful. Sadly through such human acts and decisions, our planet is slowly being destroyed. When the usage of plastic is poorly managed it can pollute the environment. Plastic pollution is having a negative impact on our oceans as well as on our health.
- Read the facts about our planet earth and plastic. (https://www.lessplastic.org.uk/the-power-of-individual-action)
- Read the ways to help reduce the use of plastic.
- What can you do to help in the reduction of the usage of plastic on our planet? Think.
- Write a promising agreement or a prayer on a luggage label. Hang it onto the net among the other promises.
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