These sessions are about God’s mercy that brings joy in the person that accepts it and is merciful with other people and creation.
- Kinder
- Early Years
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years

Snin Bikrin
X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T)
It-tfal jitgħallmu kif jagħmlu atti ta’ ħniena.
Tletin minuta
- qlub bl-ismijiet tat-tfal
- karti tat-tajr ħomor, sofor u ħodor,
- mudell ta’ salib
- kolla
- bord interattiv
- pitazz/ktieb u pocket, basket żgħir b’xi affarijiet tal-ikel, u pinna (jekk tintagħżel it-tieni attività fit-tieni tappa)
Introduzzjoni (3 minuti)
Pass numru 1
Logħba: Frażi Sabiħa jew Drama: Mima (7 minuti)
L-għalliema tipprepara qlub bl-ismijiet tat-tfal fuqhom. (mudelli mehmużin).
Il-qlub jitpoġġew f’kaxxa. It-tfal wieħed wieħed itellgħu isem, u jgħidu frażi li tferraħ lil dak it-tifel jew tifla. Min ikun qed imexxi is-sessjoni jew adult jgħaddi l-kaxxa minn tifel għall-ieħor biex it-tfal jibqgħu f’posthom. Kull tifel/tifla itellgħu isem u jgħid xi ħaġa sabiħa lil dak it-tifel/dik it-tifla li ismu/isimha ikun fuq il-qalb.
(Years 1, 2 and 3)
Sitwazzjoni 1: Tifel jgħin lill-tifel ieħor jagħmel il-homework. (żewġt itfal)
Sitwazzjoni 2: Tfal jgħinu n-nanna ssajjar. (tlett itfal)
Sitwazzjoni 3: Tifla tiġbor pinna jew ktieb li jkun waqgħu lill-għalliema. (żewġt itfal)
Sitwazzjoni 4: Żewġt itfal jgħinu tifel li jkun qed jiġri u jaqa’. (tlett itfal)
It-tfal jagħmlu mima tas-sitwazzjonijiet. Wara li jkunu raw is-sitwazzjonijiet kollha (jew wieħed jista’ jagħżel), min ikun qed imexxi jistaqsi dawn il-mistoqsijiet lit-tfal:
- Kif taħseb li ħassewhom it-tfal li kienu ta’ għajnuna għal ħaddieħor?
- Kif taħseb li ħassewhom l-għalliema, n-nanna, it-tifel li waqa’ u t-tifel li kien qed jagħmel il-homework wara li rċevew l-għajnuna?
Pass numru 2
Diskussjoni Żgħira: Is-Sinjali tat-Traffiku tar-Randan (7 minuti)
Kif nista’ nsir tifel/tifla iktar tajjeb/tajba?
Titpoġġa l-istampa tat-traffic lights fuq l-interactive board. Wieħed jista’ juża’ tal-kulur mill-ewwel jew l-black and white u tiimtela bil-kulur dak il-ħin.
Nitkellmu mat-tfal dwar:

- affarijiet li ma tantx huma sbieħ u jkun aħjar li ma nagħmluhomx iktar. Inniżżluhom fiċ-ċirku l-aħmar. Eż. ma nqattgħux ħafna ħin naraw it-televixin. Inniżżluhom fiċ-ċirku l-aħmar.
- affarijiet li hemm bżonn nagħmlu kuljum biex insiru persuni aħjar. Inniżluhom fiċ-ċirku l-isfar. Eż. nitolbu, nagħmlu l-homework mingħajr tgergir,
- affarijiet tajba li qed nagħmlu u nitħeġġu biex inkomplu nagħmluhom.Inniżluhom fiċ-ċirku l-aħdar. Eż. nobdu lil dawk li jieħdu ħsiebna.
Pass numru 3
Eżerċizzju (10 minuti)
Noffru dawn l-affarijiet kollha li għamilna lil Ġesù. U kif se noffruhom? Billi nuruh li aħna lesti li nagħmlu iktar l-affarijiet sbieħ li ktibna fiċ-ċirku l-aħdar biex nferrħu lil xulxin.
It-tfal jagħmlu collage fuq is-salib (mudell mehmuż ) billi jwaħħlu biċċiet tal-karti tat-tajr ħomor, ħodor u sofor madwar is-salib. Kull tifel ikollu l-karti tiegħu bil-lest fuq il-mejda, jqumu wieħed wieħed u kulħadd iwaħħal tiegħu.
Konklużjoni (3 minuti)
Early Years
What are we learning to?
Children will learn how to perform acts of mercy
Thirty minutes
- hearts with children’s names
- red, yellow, and green kite papers
- template of a cross
- glue
- interactive board
- copybook/book and pencil case, small bag with groceries and pen (if choosing the second activity in step 2)
Introduction Song
First Step
Game – Say Something Nice or Drama – Miming (7 minutes)
The educator or adult prepares hearts with the children’s names on them. (sheet attached) These hearts will be placed in a box.
The person who is delivering the session or an adult pass on the box from a child to another so the students will remain in their places. Every child picks up a name and says nice to the child whose name is written on the heart.
Situation 1: A boy helping a child while doing his/her homework (two children)
Situation 2: A girl buying groceries for her grandparents (three children)
Situation 3: A girl picks up a pen that falls from the teacher’s hands. (two children)
Situation 4: Two children helping another child who fell while he was running. (three children)
Children perform the miming and the others watching try to guess what the situation is. After all, situations are done (or one can choose), the adult delivering the sessions asks these questions to the children:
- What do you think were the feelings of the children who gave a helping hand?
- How do you think the teacher, grandparents, the boy who fell, and the other one who was doing his homework felt after receiving help?
Second Step
A short discussion: Lent Traffic Lights (7 minutes)
How can I become a more dutiful boy/girl?
Place the image of the traffic lights on the interactive board for all to see. One can either use the colour one or the black and white to be filled together with the students.
Chat with the students about:

- things that are not good and better to avoid doing them, such as spending too much time watching TV and playing computer games. Write them in the red circle.
- things that one should carry out daily to become a better person, such as doing our homework without grumbling. Write them in the yellow circle.
- good things one practises every day and must be encouraged to continue doing them, such as obeying those who take care of us.
Third Step
Exercise (10 mins)
Let us offer all these things we’ve done to Jesus. How? By showing him that we are ready to accomplish the good things we put down in the green circle to make each other happy.
The students in turn make a collage on the cross template by sticking pieces of red, yellow, and green kite papers around the cross (templated attached). Every student will take his turn to stick the pieces of paper which will be placed on every students’ table before the session starts.
Conclusion Song (3 minutes)
Biex nifhmu l-ħniena t’Alla u kif aħna wkoll irridu nħennu għall-oħrajn b’mod speċjali billi naħfru lil dawk li jkunu weġġgħuna.
Ir-raba’, il-ħames u s-sitt
X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T)
- L-istudenti jkunu kapaċi jagħtu eżempji ta’ kif nistgħu nġibu ruħna bil-ħniena mal-oħrajn.
- Jifhmu li l-ħniena u l-maħfra jtunu l-ferħ u l-libertà.
- Handout 1 – Kieku Taħfer Int?
- PowerPoint Presenation – Joyful Mercy-Upper Primary MT PPT- bl-islides kollha tas-sessjoni biex l-animatur ikollu kollox f’sekwenza.
Noti importanti għall-animatur:
Il-handout tinsab ukoll mas-slides tal-Powerpoint tas-sessjoni. L-animatur jista’ jipproġettaha minn fuq l-interactive board biex jispjegaha u joħloq diskussjoni fuqha
Id-diskussjonijiet jistgħu jsiru bħala diskussjoni fi grupp sħiħ mal-animatur jew jekk l-edukaturi jkunu disponibbli, fi gruppi żgħar. L-animatur jista’ jiċċekkja kemm edukaturi se jkunu disponibbli qabel ma ssir is-sessjoni tal-eżerċizzi biex l-istudenti jinqasmu fi gruppi iżgħar għad-diskussjonijiet. Dan huwa aktar ta’ benefiċċju għall-istudenti għax jippermettilhom jipparteċipaw aktar u jisimgħu lil xulxin.
Importanti li fil-bidu tas-sessjoni, l-animatur javża lill-istudenti biex waqt id-diskussjonijiet, ma jsemmux ismijiet veri ta’ tfal oħra jew membri tal-istaff fl-iskola.
L-animatur jista’ jagħti fotokopja tal-handouts lill-istudenti sabiex ikunu jistgħu jsegwu s-sessjoni faċilment. Dawn jistgħu wkoll ipproġettati fuq il-whiteboard interattiv.
Introduzzjoni (3 minuti)
L-animatur jista’ jintroduċi s-suġġett billi jistaqsi lill-istudenti jekk jistgħux jiftakru f’persuna jew sitwazzjoni li weġġgħethom jew irrabjathom. Urihom dan il-filmat qasir b’xi eżempji ta’ sitwazzjonijiet li t-tfal ta’ età tagħhom jistgħu jiffaċċjaw:
Pass numru 1
L-ewwel attivita’ (5 minuti)
Handout numru 1: Kieku Taħfer Int?
L-animatur jipproġetta l-handout 1 (li qegħda fi slide numru 3 fil-Power Point presentation) fuq il-bord interattiv u jistieden lill-istudenti biex jaħsbu dwar sitwazzjoni jew persuna li weġġgħethom Kieku Taħfer Int? (li qegħda wkoll fil-powerpoint tas-sessjoni). L-istudenti jistgħu jiktbu kelma jew ipinġu espressjoni tal-wiċċ biex juru kif iħossuhom dwar il-persuna jew il-persuni li jweġġgħuhom fuq karta vojta jew fuq il-handout numru 1.
Pass numru 2
It-tieni attivita’ (5 minuti)
Spjegazzjoni tal-Parabbola tal-Qaddej li ma Jaħfirx bil-filmat jew Power Point
L-animatur jintroduċi s-suġġett tal-maħfra billi jistaqsi: Qatt ippruvajt taħfer lil xi ħadd li L-animatur jintroduċi s-suġġett tal-maħfra billi jistaqsi: Qatt ippruvajt taħfer lil xi ħadd li weġġgħek? L-ewwel l-animatur juri dan il-filmat bħala introduzzjoni:
Tista’ tispjega l-parabbola bil-għajnuna ta l-islides tal-parabbola mill-Powerpoint tas-sessjoni (slides numru 6 sa 15)
L-animatur jista’ jenfasizza dawn il-punti li ġejjin mill-parabbola:
- Ir-Re kien ġeneruż ħafna għax minflok ta lill-qaddej iktar żmien biex iħallas id-dejn, qabad u ħafirlu d-dejn kollu li kellu.
- Ir-rabja tal-qaddej ħażin tgħallimna li meta ma nħennux għal ħaddieħor insiru persun vendikattivi u kattivi.
- Il-qaddej ħażin ma rrealizzax li hu wkoll kellu jagħti l-flus (kien midjun) lir-re u li kif ir-re ħafer lilu, kellu jaħfer lil sieħbu .
- Il-vendetta u l-mibegħda ma tħalliniex inkunu persuni liberi imma nsiru skjavi jew priġunieri ta ‘dik il-persuna jew sitwazzjoni. Ir-rabja u l-mibegħda ma jħalluniex inkunu ferħanin.
Pass numru 3
It-tielet attivita’ (8 minuti)
Mistoqsijiet u diskussjoni flimkien mal-animatur jew fi gruppi
Biex ikun jaf kemm l-istudenti fehmu l-parabbola u x’jaħsbu dwarha, l-animatur jista’ jagħmel diskussjoni sħiħa fi grupp (jew diskussjoni fi gruppi żgħar jekk possibbli) dwar il-parabbola billi jistaqsi mistoqsijiet u joħloq diskussjoni bbażata fuq it-tweġibiet tal-istudenti. L-animatur jista’ jiġbor fil-qosor it-tweġibiet tal-istudenti billi jikteb kliem jew frażijiet għal kulħadd fuq il-whiteboard interattiv.
Dawn il-mistoqsijiet jistgħu jintużaw għad-diskussjoni:
- Għaliex taħseb li r-Re ħafer id-dejn kollu tal-qaddej ħażin minflok ma tah iktar żmien biex iħallsu?
- X’azzjoni turina li l-qaddej ħażin kien irrabjat lejn ir-raġel li tah il-flus?
- Għaliex taħseb li l-impjegati l-oħra rrabjaw għall-qaddej ħażin meta tefa’ lil sieħbu l-ħabs?
- Għaliex taħseb li r-Re tefa’ l-qaddej “ħażin” il-ħabs?
- Taħseb li r-Re kellu raġun ipoġġih fil-ħabs? Għaliex?
Punti importanti ta’ tagħlim li tista’ tislet mill-parabbola
- Ir-Re jirrappreżenta l-ħniena ta ‘Alla li jaħfrilna dnubietna mingħajr ma jkun jistħoqqilna u saħansitra jinsa (ma jibqax jiftakar fi) dnubietna.
- Alla jridna nkunu umli jiġifieri li nirrealizzaw li aħna wkoll inweġġgħu lil ħaddieħor bid-difetti u l-għemil ħażin tagħna. Veru li persuni oħrajn jistgħu jweġġgħuna imma billi Alla jaħfrilna d-dnubiet li nagħmlu aħna, għandna naħfru wkoll lil ħaddieħor mill-qalb.
- Ir-rabja tal-qaddej ħażin tgħallimna li n-nuqqas ta’ maħfra tagħmilna persuni ħżiena, irrabjati u kattivi.
- Alla jaħfrilna mingħajr kundizzjonijiet, iżda rridu nkunu lesti li aħna wkoll naħfru lil dawk li jweġġgħuna kif ngħidu fil-Missierna
Pass numru 4
It-raba’ attivita’ (6 minuti)
Video u diskussjoni mal-istudenti flimkien jew fi gruppi
L-animatur jista’ juri lill-istudenti l-filmat li ġej biex jispjega għaliex il-maħfra tagħtina ferħ:
L-animatur jista’ jistaqsi dawn il-mistoqsijiet lill-istudenti: kif tħossok meta jkollok rabja jew mibegħda lejn xi ħadd li weġġgħek?
L-animatur juża dawn il-mistoqsijiet biex joħloq diskussjoni:
- Qatt ippruvajt taħfer?
- Kif naħfer?
- Għaliex għandek taħfer?
- Għaliex hu tajjeb għalija nnifsi li naħfer?
- Li naħfer lil xi ħadd ifisser li dan jista’ jibqa’ jweġġagħni jew jagħmel bullying fuqi?
- X’jiġri jekk naħfer imma xorta nħossni rrabjat u mweġġgħa?
- Nista’ naħfer imma ma ninsiex?
- Alla kif jaħfirli?
- Qatt ippruvajt taħfer? Issibha diffiċli jew faċli li taħfer? Għaliex?
- Għaliex taħseb li huwa daqshekk importanti li taħfer?
- Xi kultant meta xi ħadd iweġġagħna, ninsew li aħna wkoll inweġġgħu lil ħaddieħor. Għaliex taħseb li Ġesù jinsisti tant li jaħfru lil ħaddieħor?
Punti importanti ta’ tagħlim:
- Il-maħfra hija proċess u deċiżjoni li trid tiġġedded kuljum.
- Meta taħfer lil xi ħadd, ma tinsiex l-azzjoni ħażina, imma kull darba li tiftakar, iġġedded il-maħfra tiegħek billi titlob għal dik il-persuna.
- Il-maħfra tfisser li inti ma żżommx f’qalbek sentimenti ta ‘mibegħda u rabja lejn il-persuna li se taħfrilha. Kull darba li tħoss dawn l-emozzjonijiet, tista’ titlob fuqhom u toffrihom lil Alla.
- Il-maħfra ttik il-liberta’ u l-ferħ għax il-ħsibijiet, is-sentimenti u l-imġiba tiegħek huma rregolati mir-rabja, l-imrar, ir-riżentiment jew emozzjonijiet u ħsibijiet negattivi.
- Li taħfer ma jfissirx li taċċetta li persuna tweġġgħek jew tagħmel bullying fuqek. Xi kultant ma jkunx possibbli li titkompla ħbiberija jew relazzjoni. F’dan il-każ, nitolbu għal dik il-persuna u nħalluha f’idejn Alla.
- Ma nistgħux naħfru mingħajr l-għajnuna ta’ Alla.
Pass numru 5 (5 minuti)
Eżerċizzju: Is-Swaba tal-Maħfra
L-istudenti jistgħu mbagħad jagħmlu l-Eżerċizzju: Is-Swaba tal-Maħfra minn handout 2. Dan hu eżerċizzju ta’ talb u riflessjoni li jgħinhom jidentifikaw is-sentimenti tagħhom.
Riflessjoni, talb u kant-(5 minuti)
L-animatur se jtemm din is-sessjoni billi jkanta u jitlob il-kliem tal-kanzunetta Maħfra:
Jistgħu jispiċċaw fuq nota ferrieħa billi jkantaw il-kanzunetta dwar il-ħniena u l-ferħ li fihom l-istudenti jistgħu jipparteċipaw:
Dawn huma attivitajiet FOLLOW-UP li jistgħu jsiru qabel jew wara s-sessjoni biex isaħħu l-fehim tal-istudienti:
Tpinġija u l-logħba tas-sekwenzjar tal-istampi
Uża l-karti bl-istampi biex tpoġġi l-Parabbola tal-Qaddej li ma Jaħfirx f’sekwenza.
L-istudenti jistgħu jużaw dawn l-istampi bħala logħba li fiha jgħidu l-istorja fi kliemhom, jiktbuha, ipinġuha jew jirrakkontawha lil xulxin fi grupp. Jistgħu wkoll ikomplu jiddiskutu fi gruppi dwar il-parabbola u t-tifsira tagħha.
L-istudenti jiktbu script qasir fi grupp jew jużaw il-handout 5: Il-Parabbola tal-Qaddej li ma Jaħfirx Skript Qasir biex jippreparaw reċta jew mima qasira tal-parabbola u t-tagħlima li nieħdu minnha.
L-istudenti jaħdmu fi gruppi biex joħolqu verżjoni moderna tal-parabbola billi jaħsbu jew japplikawha għal sitwazzjoni moderna. Din jistgħu jirreċtawha waqt is-sessjoni tal-eżerċizzi spiritwali.
L-istudenti jaraw il-video tal-Esperiment tal-Maħfra:
u wara, bil-għajnuna ta’ xi ħadd adult, jagħmlu dan l-esperiment huma wkoll.
(N.B. Hu rrakkomandat li l-istudenti ma jagħmlux l-esperiment mingħajr l-għajnuna tal-adulti). Wara jiddiskutu dwar il-maħfra u jagħmlu xi mument ta’ riflessjoni.)
Jistgħu jsir ukoll Esperiment Xjentifiku dwar il-Maħfra billi jaraw dan il-filmat:
L-istudenti jistgħu jaraw il-filmat: Is-Sapun u L-Bżar tal-Maħfra. Wara jistgħu jagħmlu l-esperiment huma stess u jitolbu dwar il-maħfra. Jirriflettu fuq xi sitwazzjoni jew persuna li weġġgħethom u li ħolqitilhom rabja, riżentiment jew sens ta’ vendetta. Huma jistgħu jiktbu l-ismijiet tal-persuni li jixtiequ jaħfrulhom u jitolbu ‘l Alla jfejjaqhom u jgħinhom jieħdu d-deċiżjoni li jibdew il-proċess tal-maħfra.
To understand the mercy of God and how we also need to be merciful with others especially by forgiving those who have hurt us.
Primary years 4, 5 and 6
What are we learning (W.A.L.T.)
- To understand that God loves us unconditionally by showing us mercy and forgiving our sins.
- To be able to give examples of how we can behave mercifully towards others.
- To understand that mercy gives us joy and freedom.
- Handout 1 – Would you forgive if?
- Handout 2 – Forgiving Fingers
- Power Point: The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant
- Handout 3 – Picture Sequencing Cards Game
- Handout 4 – The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant Short Script
Important notes for the animator:
Discussions can be held with the animator and the whole group or if educators are available, in small groups. If possible, the animator can check how many educators will be available before the session and split the students io smaller groups. This is more beneficial for the students because it will allow them to participate more and listen to each other.
It is important to point out that the students should not mention any names of other students or persons in the school.
Handouts can be photocopied and given to the students so they can follow the session easily or they can be projected on the interactive whiteboard.
The Follow-Up activities listed at the end can be used to enhance understanding either before or after the Spiritual Exercises session.
Introduction (3 minutes)
The animator may introduce the topic of Forgiveness by asking the students if they can remember a person or situation that made them feel upset, hurt and angry. To give examples of such hurtful situations show them the following short video clip:
Step 1
Activity 1 (5 minutes)
Handout 1: Would You Forgive If?
The animator asks the students to think of a situation or person who hurt them badly in their life and draw the situation (or write about it briefly) using handout 1: Would You Forgive If? Ask the students to write down a word or draw a facial expression to show how they feel about the person or persons who hurt them.
Step 2
Activity 2 (8 minutes)
The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant using the video clip and/or Powerpoint Presentation
The animator introduces the topic of forgiveness by asking: Have you ever forgiven someone who hurt you? Introduce the parable of the unforgiving servant by showing the students this video:
Then use the ppt presentation The Parable of the Unforgiving Servant to explain it. The animator can then discuss the parable with the students or the students can discuss in small groups if possible.
The list of follow up activities can help to reinforce understanding of the parable.
The animator/educator can emphasise the following important points from the parable:
- The King was very generous and merciful in that he did not give the bad servant more time to pay his debt but forgave him his debt.
- The anger of the bad servant shows that when we are unmerciful towards others, we can do spiteful and hurtful things in our revenge.
- The bad servant did not realise that he was also a person in debt (sinful) and that his sins were forgiven even though he did not deserve it.
- Revenge and hatred towards someone who hurts us makes us slaves or prisoners of that person or situation. We will become angry, resentful, cold and hateful which will stop us from having joy.
Step 3
Activity 3 (8 minutes)
Questions and discussion with the animator or in group work
The animator can get feedback about the students’ understanding and response towards the parable in two ways. He/she can do a whole group discussion (or a discussion in small groups if possible) about the parable by asking questions and creating a discussion based on the students’ responses. The animator can summarise the students’ answers by writing words or phrases for all to see on the interactive whiteboard.
These questions can be used for discussion:
- Why do you think the King forgave the bad servant his debt instead of giving him more time to pay the money?
- What action shows us that the bad servant was angry at the man who owed him money?
- Why do you think the other servants were very angry when they noticed that the bad servant had sent the man who owed him money to prison?
- Why do you think the King called the bad servant ‘wicked’ and put him in prison?
- Do you think the King was right to put him in prison? Why?
Important teaching points to elicit from the parable
- The King represents God’s mercy who forgives us with incredible generosity, and does not remember our sins.
- God wants us to be humble, to realise that although some person could indeed have hurt us badly with their actions or words, we also hurt others in many ways and have our faults and wrongdoings.
- The anger of the bad servant teaches us that not forgiving makes us cruel, wicked and unkind persons.
- God forgives us unconditionally, but we must be ready to forgive the people who hurt us as we say in the Our Father.
Step 4
Activity 4 (6 minutes)
Video and discussion with the animator or in group work
The animator can show the students the following video clip, which explains why forgiveness gives us joy.
Ask these questions to the students: how do you feel when you have a grudge, anger or hatred towards someone who hurt you?
Explore the topic of forgiveness with these questions:
- Have you ever tried to forgive?
- How do I forgive?
- Why should I forgive?
- How does it help me to forgive someone?
- Does forgiving mean that the other person will be allowed to keep bullying or hurting me?
- What happens if I forgive but still feel angry and hurt later on?
- Does forgiving mean forgetting?
- How does God forgive me?
- Have you ever tried to forgive? Do you find forgiveness difficult or easy? Why?
- Why do you think it is so important to forgive?
- Sometimes when we are hurt, we forget that we also hurt others in many ways. Why do you think Jesus insists so much on forgiving others?
Important teaching points:
- Forgiveness is a process, it is a decision that has to be renewed daily.
- When you forgive someone, you do not forget what he has done to you, but every time you remember, you renew your forgiveness by praying for that person.
- Forgiveness means that you do not harbour or encourage feelings of anger hatred towards the person who hurt you. Every time you feel these emotions, you can pray about them.
- When you do not forgive, you are not a free person, but your thoughts, feelings, and behaviour are ruled by your anger, bitterness, resentment, or other negative emotions and thoughts. Forgiveness gives you freedom and joy because it frees you from the negative impact of unforgiveness.
- Forgiveness does not mean that you accept that a person bullies or hurts you. Sometimes it is not possible to continue a friendship or relationship. In this case, we can pray for that person’s wellbeing and leave them in God’s hands.
- We cannot forgive without God’s help.
Step 5
Activity 5 (5 minutes)
Finger Forgiveness Exercise
Using handout 2 Finger Forgiveness, the students reflect and pray as they fill in the handout and identify their feelings.
Activity 6 (5 minutes)
Prayer, reflection and Song
The animator will end this session by singing and praying the words of the reflective song about Forgiveness.
You can end on a joyful note by singing the action song about mercy and joy in which the students can participate:
These are Follow-up activities to reinforce the students’ understanding of the session.
Drawing, colouring and Picture Cards Sequencing Cards
Use picture cards to place the story in chronological order.
The students can write the story in their own words, draw it or relate it to each other if they are in a group. These activities can be followed-up with a group discussion about the parable and its meaning.
Ask the students to write a short script or use the script provided. They can also do a role play to act their play version.
The students can work in groups to create a story and transfer it to a script which will be their modern version of the parable. They can then perform it in class or during the spiritual exercises.
The students watch an adult or watch the video of the Forgiveness Experiment. (N.B. It is recommended that the students will do this activity with adult supervision only). During group work, the students can watch the forgiveness Experiment video and discuss.
The students can do these experiments as shown in the video clips and pray about it.
Pepper and Soap Forgiveness
The students can watch the video clip and do the experiment themselves. Then they can pray about forgiveness. They can make a list of the person or persons and situations where they feel they need to heal from anger, resentment, bitterness or feelings of revenge. Then they ask God to heal them and make a decision to start the forgiveness process.
Li nilqgħu l-ħniena t’Alla biex nikbru f’persuni aħjar.
Snin Medji
X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T):
- Nifhmu li Alla huwa mħabba.
- Li jħobbna u juri ħniena magħna u jaħfrilna dnubietna
- Biex nifhmu li l-ħniena tferraħna u tatina l-libertà
- Ser nitgħallem nagħraf l-izbalji tiegħi u nitlob maħfra mill-qalb.
40 minuta
- Filmati qosra
- The Prodigal (Lost) Son – Luke 15:11-32
- Act of Forgiveness
- Karta b’forma ta’ barmil
- Karta vojta
- Pinna/lapes
- Power Point Presentation:
Merħba (5 minuti)
L-animatur isellem lill-istudenti u lill-edukaturi preżenti għal din is-sessjoni
L-Ewwel Attività – The Prodigal Son – 15 minuti
Pass 1 – Filmat qasir – 4.07 min
L-animatur jibda billi juri dan il-filmat fuq l-interactive whiteboard. – The Prodigal (Lost) Son – Luke 15:11-32
Pass 2 – Diskussjoni għall-klassi kollha
Fil-filmat rajna ġrajja important dwar żewġt aħwa u kif dawn ġabu ruħhom ma’ missierhom u kif missierhom ġab ruħu magħhom.
L-animatur isaqsi dawn il-mistoqosijiet dwar il-filmat.
- Ġieli smajtu l-Parabbola tal-Iben il-Ħali?
- X’laqgħetkom fiha?
- Taħsbu li għamel sew it-tifel iż-żgħir li telaq lill-missieru? Għala?
- Taħsbu li l-missier iddispjaċih meta ibnu ż-żgħir telaq u ħallih?
- X’giegħel lill-iben iż-żgħir imur lura għand missieru?
- Kif ġab ruħu l-missier meta ra lill-ibnu ġej lura? Taħsbu li kien ferħan?
- Lil min jirrapreżenta l-missier?
- Ġieli għamiltu xi ħaġa li biha tbiegħedtu minn Alla?
- Kif taħsbu li jħossu Alla meta l-kreazzjoni tiegħu – intom u jiena, nagħtuh il-ġenb biex infittxu affarijiet oħra?
- X’tagħmlu biex terġgħu tingħaqdu mal-missier? Kif tħossukom wara?
Pass 3 – Naħsbu b’mod aktar personali.
L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex jippreparaw karta u biro biex min jixtieq, jikteb jew iniżżel xi punti. Jagħti spjegazzjoni qasira dwar il-filmat u l-pass tagħna ‘l quddiem.
Fil-filmat rajna li meta nagħmlu affarijiet jew nidħlu f’sitwazzjonijiet li ma jogħġbux lil Alla, aħna stess nitfarrku għax nitbiegħdu minn Alla stess.
- X’qed tfittex f’ħajtek? X’joffri Ġesù li xejn u ħadd ma jista’ jagħtina?
- Ġesù miet fuq is-salib għalina biex jagħtina l-ħajja lura.
- Tħossok qiegħed timxi wara Ġesù?
- Tfittxu lil Ġesù fit-talb?
- Qegħdin nagħżlu l-imħabba kif uriehilna Ġesù?
- Kif se twieġeb għar-rigal kbir tal-imħabba ta’ Ġesù, il-ħniena tiegħu li twasslek għall-ferħ?
It-Tieni Attività: Prayer Space – Barmil Ta’ Ndiema (15 minuti)
Ser nagħmlu prayer space biex nagħraf li jien irrid nitlob skuża/maħfra lil Alla tal-azzjonijiet tiegħi lejn l-oħrajn u lejn il-ħolqien.
Pass 1 – Filmat qasir 3.56 min
L-animatur juri dan il-filmat: Act of Forgiveness
Pass 2 – Mistoqsjiet għall-klassi kollha
L-animatur isaqsi dawn il-mistoqosijiet dwar il-filmat Act of Forgiveness
- Dan il-filmat jismu Act of Forgiveness. X’taħsbu dwar il-messaġġ tal-filmat?
- X’tip ta’ azzjoni ħadu l-ġenituri tat-tifel?
- Kif wieġeb sid il-ħanut għall-azzjoni ħażina li rċieva mingħand it-tifel li seraqlu ħafna ċikkulata?
- Kieku kontu intom li rċevejtu xi azzjoni simili milli rajna fil-filmat, x’kontu tagħmlu? Pereżempju jisirqukom?
- Kontu taħfru?
- Għala?
Kif rajna, meta titlob maħfra, fil-verità tkun qed twiegħed lilek inniffsek, li ser tipprova tarmi minn ġo fik dik l-azzjoni jew vizzju ħazin. Bl-għajnuna t’Alla nistgħu nsiru persuni aħjar u ferħana.
Pass 3 – Mistoqsijiet biex naħsbu b’mod aktar personali.
L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex jippreparaw il-karta b’forma ta’ barmil u biro jew lapes. Imbagħad isaqsi dawn il-mistoqsijiet biex l-istudenti jaħsbu b’mod aktar personali:
- Ġieli għamilt xi ħaġa ħażina u wara ddispjaċik?
- Tista’ tiftakar meta kienet l-aħħar darba li kellek titlob maħfra?
Aħsbu fuq dawn il-mistoqsijiet:
- Forsi tista’ tkun meta ġġelidt ma’ ħutek, mal-ġenituri jew persuni oħra li jieħdu ħsiebek?
- Forsi meta tkellimt wara dahar xi ħadd u gdibt fuqu/ha, meta ibbuljajt lil xi ħadd iżgħar minnek jew għaddejt kummenti iebsa u ta’ tgħajjir fuq il-medja soċjali?
Pass 4 – Għaffeġ u Armi
L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti x’għandhom jagħmlu:
- Fuq il-karta b’forma ta’ barmil, ikteb l-affarijiet jew l-azzjonijiet ħżiena li għamilt u li tixtieq titlob maħfra għalihom.
- Żomm din il-karta b’għożża kbira f’idejk, u itlob maħfra lil Alla mhux biss għal dawn l-azzjonijiet imma wkoll għad-drabi meta l-maħfra tiegħek ma kinitx ġejja mill-qalb.
- Bħala sinjal li verament qed jiddispjaċik, għaffeġ il-karta fejn ktibt il-vizzji jew l-azzjonijiet ħżiena tiegħek u armihom fil-barmil.
- Jalla din l-azzjoni tfakkrek biex tipprova mill-aħjar li tista’ twarrab il-vizzji u l-azzjonijiet ħżiena minn ġo fik u tibda titlob apoloġija għal dak li tagħmel.

Konklużjoni: Nitolbu flimkien (5 minuti)
Pass 1 – Talba ta’ Maħfra
Ngħiduha flimkien u kulħadd jaħseb f’qalbu għalxiex jiddispjaċih.
Għażiż Alla, Jiddispjaċini talli ________________________. Nitolbok taħfirli għal din il-ħaga u għal kull darba li għidt li jiddispjaċini imma ma għidthiex mill-qalb u m’għamilt xejn biex inwaqqaf il-vizzji u l-azzjonijiet ħżiena tiegħi. Aħfirli ta’ meta nsejt li bl-għajnuna u l-grazzja tiegħek, jiena nista’ ninħeles minn l-affarijiet ħżiena ta’ ġo fija.
Pass 2 -Talba ta’ ringrazzjament
Grazzi Ġesù talli tieħu ħsiebi anke permezz ta’ nies li jieħdu ħsiebi. (Aħseb fihom u għid grazzi għalihom f’qalbek) ___________________________________.
Grazzi li tagħtini direzzjoni permezz tal-Kelma tiegħek fl-Evanġelji. Grazzi talli taħfirli dejjem u b’hekk nirċievi l-grazzja tiegħek u nkun ferħan. Nitolbok tgħinni biex jien nimxi fuq il-passi tiegħek u nkun kapaċi naħfer lil ħaddieħor ukoll.
To receive God’s mercy and grow into better persons.
Middle Years
We Are Learning To (W.A.L.T):
- Understand that God is Love.
- Understand that God loves us unconditionally by showing us mercy and forgives our sins.
- Understand that mercy gives us joy and freedom.
- Know our mistakes (sins) and ask for forgiveness.
40 minutes
- Video clips
- The Prodigal (Lost) Son – Luke 15:11-32
- Act of Forgiveness
- Dustbin template
- Pen/Pencil
PowerPoint Presentation
Welcome (5 minutes)
The animator greets the students and educators present for this session.
First Activity – The Prodigal Son (15 minutes)
Step 1 – Video clip
The animator starts by showing the video clip on the interactive whiteboard: The Prodigal (Lost) Son – Luke 15:11-32
Step 2 – Whole class discussion
The video tells an important story about two brothers and how they get along with their father and how their father deals with them.
The animator asks questions about the video:
- Have you ever heard the Parable of the Prodigal Son?
- What impact the story has on you?
- Do you think the younger son who left his father did well? Why?
- Do you think the father was upset when his young son left him?
- What caused the youngest son to return to his father?
- How did the father react when he saw his son coming back? Do you think he was happy?
- Who does the father represent?
- Have you ever done something wrong and turned away from God?
- How do you think God feels when His creation – you and I, set Him aside to seek other things?
- What do you do to reunite/reconcile with the father? How do you feel afterwards?
Step 3 – We think more personally
The animator tells the students to prepare a blank paper and a pen so that if they wish they could write their thoughts on it. He/she gives a brief explanation of the video and the way forward.
We saw in the video that when we do things or get into situations that displease God, we ourselves are crushed because we turn away from God.
- What are you looking for in your life? What does Jesus offer that no one else can give us?
- Jesus died on the cross to give us life back.
- Do you feel that you are following Jesus?
- Do you seek Jesus in prayer?
- Are we choosing to love as Jesus showed us?
- How will we respond to the great gift of Jesus’ love, his mercy that brings you joy?
Second Activity: Prayer Space – Sorry Bin – 15 min
We are going to do a prayer space to acknowledge that we should apoligise/ask for forgiveness for our bad actions towards others and creation.
Step 1 – Video clip – 3.56 min
The animator shows this video clip: Act of Forgiveness
Step 2 – Questions for the whole class
The animator asks questions about the video clip entitled Act of Forgiveness
- This video clip is called Act of Forgiveness. What do you think about the message of the video?
- What kind of actions did the child’s parents take?
- How did the shopkeeper respond to the misappropriation he received from the boy who stole a lot of chocolate from him?
- If you were to receive a similar action like we saw in the video, what would you do? For example, if they rob you.
- Would you forgive them?
- Why?
As we have seen, when you ask for forgiveness, you are promising yourself to try and get rid of the bad action or habit. With God’s help we can become better and happier persons.
Step 3 – Questions to think more personally.
The animator tells the students to prepare the bin template and a pen. Then he/she asks these questions for students to think more personally.
- Have you ever done something wrong and then regretted it?
- Can you remember when was the last time you had to apologise?
Think about these questions:
- Maybe it was when you fought with your siblings, parents, or other caregivers?
- Maybe when you talked behind someone’s back and lied to him/her, when you bullied someone younger than yourself, or when you made harsh and insulting comments on social media?
Step 4 – Squash and throw away
The animator tells the students what to do:
- On the bin template, write the bad habits or actions of yours that you wish to ask forgiveness for. (Like wasting time, jealousy, anger)
- Hold the paper dear in your hands and say a sorry prayer to God to forgive you not only for these actions but also for the times when you didn’t mean you’re sorry.
- As a sign that you really mean you’re sorry, squash the bin template onto which we wrote down your bad habits or actions and throw it in the bin.
- May this action remind you to do your best every day to move away from your bad habits and actions and to practice meaningful apologies.

Conclusion: Praying Together (5 minutes)
Step 1 – Forgiveness Prayer
Let us say this prayer together and every one of us, thinks for what he is sorry.
Dear God, I am sorry for ____________________ please I ask you to forgive me for this and for the times when I said I was sorry but didn’t mean it and did nothing to stop my bad habits and actions. Forgive me for the times when I forget that it is with your help and grace that I can be free from my trash.
Step 2 – Thank You Prayer
Thank you Jesus for taking care of me and by providing people who looks after me. (Think about these people and say thank you in your heart for them) ___________________________________.
Thank you for giving me guidance through your Word from the Gospels. Thank you for your grace of forgiveness and joy. Please help me to follow your steps and to be able to forgive others too.
Li nilqgħu l-ħniena t’Alla biex nikbru f’persuni aħjar.
Snin Sekondarja
X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T)
- Nifhmu li Alla huwa mħabba.
- Li jħobbna u juri ħniena magħna u jaħfrilna dnubietna
- Biex nifhmu li l-ħniena tferraħna u tatina l-libertà
- Ser nitgħallem nagħraf l-iżbalji tiegħi u nitlob maħfra mill-qalb.
- Ser nagħraf li Ġesù jgħinni nara s-sabiħ tiegħi billi jaħfirli, jieħu ħsiebi, jagħtini direzzjoni u jurini l-ħajja bil-Kelma tiegħu.
- Nuża l-mobile biex naqra l-Evanġelju kuljum, niftakar fil-ferħ li joffrili Ġesù u kif nista’ nesperjenzah illum.
40 minuta
- Filmati qosra
- Falling Plates
- Signs of Forgiveness
- Only 2 Minutes
- Karta b’forma ta’ barmil
- Pinna/lapes
- Power Point Presentation
Merħba (5 minuti)
L-animatur isellem lill-istudenti u lill-edukaturi preżenti għal din is-sessjoni.
L-Ewwel Attività – Falling Plates (15-il minuta)
Pass 1 – Filmat qasir – 4.07 min
L-animatur jibda billi juri dan il-filmat fuq l-interactive whiteboard. Falling Plates
Nota: Għal min ikun jixtieq isegwi x’qed jgħid in-narratur, issib l-iskritt Falling Plates fuq handout.
Look at your eyes. Look at them. Speckled. Colourful. Each one unique.
And I created every one of them.
I created everything. The universe and you. I gave you your personality.
I made you pure. Complex.
And every day I give you life. I love you.
But something happened…
You cheated on Me. You didn’t trust Me. You sinned. You cut yourself off from Me.
And although you’re still alive, you are slowly dying.
So you look for other things…to fill the void. But nothing works. It just kills you faster. And it separates us more and more.
What are you searching for?
I don’t want you to die.
I created you not to be destroyed, but to know Me.
So I became one of you. A fragile creation. I was tempted, but I never sinned.
I came to save you. You have so many sins. And they have a cost. And someone has to die: you or Me.
So I took on your sin and traded in My life for yours.
And I died in your place…Because I love you.
Then, I rose from the dead.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I’m Jesus
I’m not here to condemn you. I came to bring you back to life.
Rely on Me. I will forgive you and give you eternal life.
I love you. And I did all of this to have a relationship with you.
Will you follow Me?
Pass 2 – Diskussjoni għall-klassi kollha
L-animatur isaqsi dawn il-mistoqosijiet dwar il-filmat.
- Dan il-filmat jismu ‘Falling Plates’. X’taħsbu li jfisser l-isem Falling Plates?
- X’osservajtu fil-filmat?
- X’immaġini oħra ta’ brokeness’ tistgħu ssemmu biex jiddeskrivu l-għażliet li nagħmlu aħna?
- X’qed tifhmu bil-kunċett ta’ dnub u l-konsegwenzi tiegħu?
- Kif taħsbu li jħossu Alla meta l-kreazzjoni tiegħu – intom u jiena, nagħtuh il-ġenb biex infittxu affarijiet oħra?
Pass 3 – Matul dawn il-mumenti sejrin naħsbu b’mod aktar personali.
L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex jippeparaw karta u biro biex min jixtieq, jikteb jew iniżżel xi punti. Jagħti spjegazzjoni qasira dwar il-filmat u l-pass tagħna ‘l quddiem.
Fil-filmat rajna li meta ħajjitna tikkrolla, nibdew infittxu affarijiet oħra biex inkunu kuntenti u nħossuna tajjeb. Madanakollu jekk nagħżlu li nagħmlu affarijiet ħżiena u li jagħmlulna l-ħsara, aħna nkomplu nitfarrku, nitmewtu u nitbegħdu minn Alla, minn ma’ bnedmin oħra u minna nfusna.
- X’qed tfittex f’ħajtek? X’jista’ jagħtik it-tama f’ħajtek?
- X’joffri Ġesù li xejn u ħadd ma jista’ jagħtina?
- Ġesù miet fuq is-salib għalina biex jagħtina l-ħajja lura. Tħossok qiegħed timxi wara Ġesù?
- Tfittxu lil Ġesù fit-talb?
- Qegħdin nagħżlu l-imħabba kif urihielna Ġesù?
- Kif se twieġeb għar-rigal kbir tal-imħabba ta’ Ġesù, il-ħniena tiegħu li twasslek għall-ferħ?
It-Tieni Attività: Prayer Space – Barmil Ta’ Ndiema (15-il minuta)
Ser nagħmlu prayer space biex nagħraf li jien irrid nitlob skuża/maħfra tal-azzjonijiet tiegħi lejn l-oħrajn u lejn il-ħolqien.
Pass 1 – Filmat qasir
L-animatur juri dan il-filmat: Signs of Forgiveness
Pass 2 – Mistoqsjiet għall-klassi kollha
L-animatur isaqsi dawn il-mistoqosijiet dwar il-filmat Signs of Forgiveness.
- Dan il-filmat jismu Signs of Forgiveness. X’taħsbu dwar il-messaġġ tal-vidjow?
- Kif wieġbu dawk il-persuni għall-azzjonijiet ħżiena li rċevew mingħand persuni oħra?
- Kieku kontu intom li rċevejtu xi azzjoni simili milli rajna fil-vidjow, x’kontu tagħmlu?
- Kont taħfru?
- Għala?
Kif rajna, meta titlob maħfra fil-verità tkun qed twiegħed lilek inniffsek, li ser tipprova tarmi minn ġo fik dik l-azzjoni jew vizzju ħazin. Bl-għajnuna t’Alla nistgħu nsiru persuni aħjar u ferħana.
Pass 3 – Mistoqsijiet biex naħsbu b’mod aktar personali.
L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex jippreparaw il-karta b’forma ta’ barmil u biro jew lapes. Imbagħad isaqsi dawn il-mistoqsijiet biex l-istudenti jaħsbu b’mod aktar personali:
- Ġieli għamilt xi ħaġa ħażina u wara ddispjaċik?
- Tista’ tiftakar meta kienet l-aħħar darba li kellek titlob maħfra?
Aħsbu fuq dawn il-mistoqsijiet:
- Forsi tista’ tkun meta ġġelidt ma’ ħutek, mal-ġenituri jew persuni oħra li jieħdu ħsiebek?
- Forsi meta tkellimt wara dahar xi ħadd u gdibt fuqu/ha, meta ibbuljajt lil xi ħadd iżgħar minnek jew għaddejt kummenti iebsa u ta’ tgħajjir fuq il-medja soċjali?
Pass 4 – Għaffeġ u Armi
- Fuq il-karta b’forma ta’ barmil, ikteb l-affarijiet jew l-azzjonijiet ħżiena li għamilt u li tixtieq titlob maħfra għalihom.
- Żomm din il-karta b’għożża kbira f’idejk, u itlob maħfra lil Alla mhux biss għal dawn l-azzjonijiet imma wkoll għad-drabi meta l-maħfra tiegħek ma kinitx ġejja mill-qalb.
- Bħala sinjal li verament qed jiddispjaċik, għaffeġ il-karta fejn ktibt il-vizzji jew l-azzjonijiet ħżiena tiegħek u armihom fil-barmil.
Jalla din l-azzjoni tfakkrek biex tipprova mill-aħjar li tista’ twarrab il-vizzji u l-azzjonijiet ħżiena minn ġo fik u tibda titlob apoloġija għal dak li tagħmel.
Eżempju: Għażiż Alla, Jiddispjaċini talli ______________________________.
Nitolbok taħfirli għal din il-ħaga u għal kull darba li għidt li jiddispjaċini imma ma għidthiex mill-qalb u m’għamilt xejn biex inwaqqaf il-vizzji u l-azzjonijiet ħżiena tiegħi. Aħfirli ta’ meta nsejt li bl-għajnuna u l-grazzja tiegħek, jiena nista’ ninħeles minn l-affarijiet ħżiena ta’ ġo fija.
Konklużjoni – Mobile App (5 minuti)
Pass 1 – L-animatur jgħid x’qal Papa Franġisku:
Il-Papa Franġisku jgħidilna dwar is-sbuħija li nisma’ l-Kelma t’Alla biex tgħinni fil-vjaġġ tal-ħajja tiegħi.
Ejjew nilqgħu l-istedina ta’ Papa Franġisku biex nagħmlu 2 minuti matul il-ġurnata naqraw l-Evanġelju tal-jum.
L-Evanġelju jfakkarna fil-ferħ li joffrilna Ġesù u kif nista’ nesperjenzah illum.
Pass 2 – Nuża’ l-mobajl biex nagħraf li Ġesù, permezz tal-Kelma tiegħu, jgħinni nara s-sabiħ fil-ħajja tiegħi.
L-animatur juri dan il-filmat: Video-Only 2 Minutes
Kif tfittex l-Evanġelju bil-Malti minn fuq il-mobajl tiegħek:
- Ħu l-mobajl f’idejk
- Idħol fuq
- Mur fuq il-kelma ‘Quddiesa’
- Agħżel l-Evanġelju tal-ġurnata billi tagħfas fuq:
- Aqrah
- Żid shortcut fil mobajl tiegħek biex l-għada ssibha malajr

Links oħra utli:
Bibbja bl-Ingliż:
Bibbja bil-Malti:
Knisja viċin tiegħi: Din il-link tgħinni nsib knisja viċin tiegħi biex inkompli nisma’ l-Evanġelju tal-ġurnata waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-quddiesa.
To receive God’s mercy and grow into better persons.
Year Group
Secondary Years
We Are Learning To (W.A.L.T):
- Understand that God is Love.
- Understand that God loves us unconditionally by showing us mercy and forgives our sins.
- Understand that mercy gives us joy and freedom.
- Know our mistakes (sins) and ask for forgiveness.
- Recognize that Jesus helps me to see the beauty in me by forgiving me, caring for me, giving me direction and showing me the way of life through His Word.
- Use the mobile to read the Gospel every day, remember the joy Jesus offers me and how I can experence it today.
40 minutes
- Video clips
1. Falling Plates
2. Signs of Forgiveness
3. Only 2 minutes
- Bin template
- Blank paper
- Pen/Pencil
- Power Point Presentation:
Welcome (5 minutes)
The animator greets the students and educators present for this session.
First Activity – Falling Plates (15 minutes)
Step 1 – Video clip – 4.07
The animator starts by showing this video clip on the interactive whiteboard: Falling Plates
Note: For those who would like to follow what the narrator is saying, please find the script of Falling Plates on the handout.
Look at your eyes. Look at them. Speckled. Colourful. Each one unique.
And I created every one of them.
I created everything. The universe and you. I gave you your personality.
I made you pure. Complex.
And every day I give you life. I love you.
But something happened…
You cheated on Me. You didn’t trust Me. You sinned. You cut yourself off from Me.
And although you’re still alive, you are slowly dying.
So you look for other things…to fill the void. But nothing works. It just kills you faster. And it separates us more and more.
What are you searching for?
I don’t want you to die.
I created you not to be destroyed, but to know Me.
So I became one of you. A fragile creation. I was tempted, but I never sinned.
I came to save you. You have so many sins. And they have a cost. And someone has to die: you or Me.
So I took on your sin and traded in My life for yours.
And I died in your place…Because I love you.
Then, I rose from the dead.
I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I’m Jesus
I’m not here to condemn you. I came to bring you back to life.
Rely on Me. I will forgive you and give you eternal life.
I love you. And I did all of this to have a relationship with you.
Will you follow Me?
Step 2 – Whole class discussion
The video covers the span of creation, the fall, and our redemption. Narrated by Jesus, the video covers all that He’s done for us because of His love for us.
The animator asks questions about the video:
- This video is entitled ‘Falling Plates’. What do you think the title Falling Plates means?
- What did you observe in the video?
- What other images of ‘brokenness’ that the video used to describe our choices?
- What do understand by the concept of sin and its consequences?
- How do you think it made God feel when His creation – you and me – turned our backs on Him in favour of other things?
Step 3 – During these moments we shall think more personally.
The animator tells the students to prepare blank paper and a pen so that if they wish they could write their thoughts on it. He/she gives a brief explanation of the video and the way forward.
The video rightly said that when our lives fall apart, we start searching for other things to fill us or fix us. The video said that it just brings about more brokenness and death and separation from God.
- What are you looking for in your life? What does Jesus offer us that NOTHING or NO ONE else can offer us?
- Jesus died on the cross to give us life back. Do you feel that you are following Jesus?
- Do you seek Jesus in prayer?
- Are we choosing to love as Jesus showed us?
- How will we respond to the great gift of Jesus’ love, his mercy that brings you joy?
Second Activity: Prayer Space – Sorry Bin (15 minutes)
We are going to do a prayer space to acknowledge that we should apologise/ask for forgiveness for our bad actions towards others and creation.
Step 1 – Video clip – 2.04 minutes
The animator shows this video clip: Signs of Forgiveness
Step 2 – Questions for the whole class
The animator asks questions about the video clip entitled Signs of Forgiveness
- This video clip is called Signs of Forgiveness. What do you think about the message of the video?
- How did those people respond to the bad actions they received from other people?
- If you were to receive a similar action from the one we saw in the video, what would you do?
- Would you forgive?
- Why?
As we have seen, when you ask for forgiveness, you are promising yourself to try and get rid of the bad action or habit. With God’s help, we can become better and happier people.
Step 3 – Questions to think more personally.
The animator tells the students to prepare the bin template and a pen. Then he/she asks these questions for students to think more personally.
- Have you ever done something wrong and then regretted it?
- Can you remember when was the last time you had to apologise?
Think about these questions:
- Maybe it was when you fought with your siblings, parents, or other caregivers?
- Maybe when you talked behind someone’s back and lied to him/her, when you bullied someone younger than yourself, or when you made harsh and insulting comments on social media?
Step 4 – Squash and throw away
The animator tells the students what to do:
- On the bin template, write the bad habits or actions of yours that you wish to ask forgiveness for. (Like wasting time, jealousy, anger)
- Hold the paper dear in your hands and say a sorry prayer to God to forgive you not only for these actions but also for the times when you didn’t mean you’re sorry.
- As a sign that you really mean you’re sorry, squash the bin template onto which we wrote down your bad habits or actions and throw it in the bin.
- May this action remind you to do your best every day to move away from your bad habits and actions and to practice meaningful apologies.

Dear God, I am sorry for ____________________ please I ask you to forgive me for this and for the times when I said I was sorry but didn’t mean it and did nothing to stop my bad habits and actions. Forgive me for the times when I forget that it is with your help and grace that I can be free from my trash.
Conclusion – Mobile App (5 minutes)
Step 1 – The animator tells about what Pope Francis says:
Pope Francis tells us about the beauty of hearing the Word of God help us on our life’s journey. Let us welcome Pope Francis’ suggestion to spend 2 minutes during the day reading the daily Gospel. The Gospel reminds us of the joy that Jesus offers us and how we can experience it today.
Step 2 – Using the mobile phone to help me recognise that Jesus, through his Word, helps me to see the beauty in my life.
The animator shows the video clip: Only 2 Minutes
How to search the Gospel in Maltese on your mobile:
- Grab your mobile phone
- Cick on
- Go on the word ‘Quddiesa’
- Choose the daily Gospel by clicking on:
- Read it
- Add a shortcut on your mobile for easy reference

Other Useful Links:
Bible in English:
Bible in Maltese:
A nearby Church: Through this link, look for a nearby Church where you can continue to listen to the Word of God and celebrate the Eucharist
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