These sessions are about God’s mercy that brings joy in the person that accepts it and is merciful with other people and creation.

  • Kinder
  • Early Years
  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years



Li nilqgħu l-ħniena t’Alla biex nikbru f’persuni aħjar.


Snin Sekondarja

X’ser nitgħallmu (W.A.L.T)

  1. Nifhmu li Alla huwa mħabba.
  2. Li jħobbna u juri ħniena magħna u jaħfrilna dnubietna
  3. Biex nifhmu li l-ħniena tferraħna u tatina l-libertà
  4. Ser nitgħallem nagħraf l-iżbalji tiegħi u nitlob maħfra mill-qalb.
  5. Ser nagħraf li Ġesù jgħinni nara s-sabiħ tiegħi billi jaħfirli, jieħu ħsiebi, jagħtini direzzjoni u jurini l-ħajja bil-Kelma tiegħu.
  6. Nuża l-mobile biex naqra l-Evanġelju kuljum, niftakar fil-ferħ li joffrili Ġesù u kif nista’ nesperjenzah illum.


40 minuta


  • Filmati qosra
  1. Falling Plates
  2. Signs of Forgiveness
  3. Only 2 Minutes
  • Karta b’forma ta’ barmil
  • Pinna/lapes
  • Power Point Presentation

Merħba (5 minuti)

L-animatur isellem lill-istudenti u lill-edukaturi preżenti għal din is-sessjoni.

L-Ewwel Attività –  Falling Plates (15-il minuta)

Pass 1 – Filmat qasir – 4.07 min 

L-animatur jibda billi juri dan il-filmat fuq l-interactive whiteboard. Falling Plates

Nota: Għal min ikun jixtieq isegwi x’qed jgħid in-narratur, issib l-iskritt Falling Plates fuq handout.


Look at your eyes. Look at them. Speckled. Colourful. Each one unique.

And I created every one of them.

I created everything. The universe and you. I gave you your personality.

I made you pure. Complex.

And every day I give you life. I love you.

But something happened…

You cheated on Me. You didn’t trust Me. You sinned. You cut yourself off from Me.

And although you’re still alive, you are slowly dying.

So you look for other things…to fill the void. But nothing works. It just kills you faster. And it separates us more and more.

What are you searching for?

I don’t want you to die.

I created you not to be destroyed, but to know Me.

So I became one of you. A fragile creation. I was tempted, but I never sinned.

I came to save you. You have so many sins. And they have a cost. And someone has to die: you or Me.

So I took on your sin and traded in My life for yours.

And I died in your place…Because I love you.

Then, I rose from the dead.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I’m Jesus

I’m not here to condemn you. I came to bring you back to life.

Rely on Me. I will forgive you and give you eternal life.

I love you. And I did all of this to have a relationship with you.

Will you follow Me?

Pass 2 – Diskussjoni għall-klassi kollha

L-animatur isaqsi dawn il-mistoqosijiet dwar il-filmat.
  1. Dan il-filmat jismu ‘Falling Plates’. X’taħsbu li jfisser l-isem Falling Plates?
  2. X’osservajtu fil-filmat?
  3. X’immaġini oħra ta’ brokeness’ tistgħu ssemmu biex jiddeskrivu l-għażliet li nagħmlu aħna?
  4. X’qed tifhmu bil-kunċett ta’ dnub u l-konsegwenzi tiegħu?
  5. Kif taħsbu li jħossu Alla meta l-kreazzjoni tiegħu – intom u jiena, nagħtuh il-ġenb biex infittxu affarijiet oħra?

Pass 3 – Matul dawn il-mumenti sejrin naħsbu b’mod aktar personali.

L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex jippeparaw karta u biro biex min jixtieq, jikteb jew iniżżel xi punti. Jagħti spjegazzjoni qasira dwar il-filmat u l-pass tagħna ‘l quddiem.

Fil-filmat rajna li meta ħajjitna tikkrolla, nibdew infittxu affarijiet oħra biex inkunu kuntenti u nħossuna tajjeb. Madanakollu jekk nagħżlu li nagħmlu affarijiet ħżiena u li jagħmlulna l-ħsara, aħna nkomplu nitfarrku, nitmewtu u nitbegħdu minn Alla, minn ma’ bnedmin oħra u minna nfusna.

  1. X’qed tfittex f’ħajtek? X’jista’ jagħtik it-tama f’ħajtek?
  2. X’joffri Ġesù li xejn u ħadd ma jista’ jagħtina?
  3. Ġesù miet fuq is-salib għalina biex jagħtina l-ħajja lura. Tħossok qiegħed timxi wara Ġesù?
  4. Tfittxu lil Ġesù fit-talb?
  5. Qegħdin nagħżlu l-imħabba kif urihielna Ġesù?
  6. Kif se twieġeb għar-rigal kbir tal-imħabba ta’ Ġesù, il-ħniena tiegħu li twasslek għall-ferħ?

It-Tieni Attività:  Prayer Space – Barmil Ta’ Ndiema (15-il minuta)

Ser nagħmlu prayer space biex nagħraf li jien irrid nitlob skuża/maħfra tal-azzjonijiet tiegħi lejn l-oħrajn u lejn il-ħolqien.

Pass 1 – Filmat qasir

L-animatur juri dan il-filmat: Signs of Forgiveness

Pass 2 – Mistoqsjiet għall-klassi kollha

L-animatur isaqsi dawn il-mistoqosijiet dwar il-filmat Signs of Forgiveness.

  1. Dan il-filmat jismu Signs of Forgiveness. X’taħsbu dwar il-messaġġ tal-vidjow?
  2. Kif wieġbu dawk il-persuni għall-azzjonijiet ħżiena li rċevew mingħand persuni oħra?
  3. Kieku kontu intom li rċevejtu xi azzjoni simili milli rajna fil-vidjow, x’kontu tagħmlu?
  4. Kont taħfru?
  5. Għala?

Kif rajna, meta titlob maħfra fil-verità tkun qed twiegħed lilek inniffsek, li ser tipprova tarmi minn ġo fik dik l-azzjoni jew vizzju ħazin. Bl-għajnuna t’Alla nistgħu nsiru persuni aħjar u ferħana.

Pass 3 – Mistoqsijiet biex naħsbu b’mod aktar personali.

L-animatur jgħid lill-istudenti biex jippreparaw il-karta b’forma ta’ barmil u biro jew lapes. Imbagħad isaqsi dawn il-mistoqsijiet biex l-istudenti jaħsbu b’mod aktar personali:


  1. Ġieli għamilt xi ħaġa ħażina u wara ddispjaċik?
  2. Tista’ tiftakar meta kienet l-aħħar darba li kellek titlob maħfra?

Aħsbu fuq dawn il-mistoqsijiet:

  1. Forsi tista’ tkun meta ġġelidt ma’ ħutek, mal-ġenituri jew persuni oħra li jieħdu ħsiebek?
  2. Forsi meta tkellimt wara dahar xi ħadd u gdibt fuqu/ha, meta ibbuljajt lil xi ħadd iżgħar minnek jew għaddejt kummenti iebsa u ta’ tgħajjir fuq il-medja soċjali?
Pass 4 – Għaffeġ u Armi
  1. Fuq il-karta b’forma ta’ barmil, ikteb l-affarijiet jew l-azzjonijiet ħżiena li għamilt u li tixtieq titlob maħfra għalihom.
  2. Żomm din il-karta b’għożża kbira f’idejk, u itlob maħfra lil Alla mhux biss għal dawn l-azzjonijiet imma wkoll għad-drabi meta l-maħfra tiegħek ma kinitx ġejja mill-qalb.
  3. Bħala sinjal li verament qed jiddispjaċik, għaffeġ il-karta fejn ktibt il-vizzji jew l-azzjonijiet ħżiena tiegħek u armihom fil-barmil.

Jalla din l-azzjoni tfakkrek biex tipprova mill-aħjar li tista’ twarrab il-vizzji u l-azzjonijiet ħżiena minn ġo fik u tibda titlob apoloġija għal dak li tagħmel.


Eżempju: Għażiż Alla, Jiddispjaċini talli ______________________________.

Nitolbok taħfirli għal din il-ħaga u għal kull darba li għidt li jiddispjaċini imma ma għidthiex mill-qalb u m’għamilt xejn biex inwaqqaf il-vizzji u l-azzjonijiet ħżiena tiegħi. Aħfirli ta’ meta nsejt li bl-għajnuna u l-grazzja tiegħek, jiena nista’ ninħeles minn l-affarijiet ħżiena ta’ ġo fija. 

Konklużjoni – Mobile App (5 minuti)

Pass 1 – L-animatur jgħid x’qal Papa Franġisku:

Il-Papa Franġisku jgħidilna dwar is-sbuħija li nisma’ l-Kelma t’Alla biex tgħinni fil-vjaġġ tal-ħajja tiegħi.

Ejjew nilqgħu l-istedina ta’ Papa Franġisku biex nagħmlu 2 minuti matul il-ġurnata naqraw l-Evanġelju tal-jum.

 L-Evanġelju jfakkarna fil-ferħ li joffrilna Ġesù u kif nista’ nesperjenzah illum.

Pass 2 – Nuża’ l-mobajl biex nagħraf li Ġesù, permezz tal-Kelma tiegħu, jgħinni nara s-sabiħ fil-ħajja tiegħi.

L-animatur juri dan il-filmat: Video-Only 2 Minutes


Kif tfittex l-Evanġelju bil-Malti minn fuq il-mobajl tiegħek:

  1. Ħu l-mobajl f’idejk
  2. Idħol fuq
  3. Mur fuq il-kelma ‘Quddiesa’
  4. Agħżel l-Evanġelju tal-ġurnata billi tagħfas fuq:
  5. Aqrah
  6. Żid shortcut fil mobajl tiegħek biex l-għada ssibha malajr

Links oħra utli:

Bibbja bl-Ingliż:

Bibbja bil-Malti:

Knisja viċin tiegħi: Din il-link tgħinni nsib knisja viċin tiegħi biex inkompli nisma’ l-Evanġelju tal-ġurnata waqt iċ-ċelebrazzjoni tal-quddiesa.


To receive God’s mercy and grow into better persons.

Year Group

Secondary Years

We Are Learning To (W.A.L.T):

  1. Understand that God is Love.
  2. Understand that God loves us unconditionally by showing us mercy and forgives our sins.
  3. Understand that mercy gives us joy and freedom.
  4. Know our mistakes (sins) and ask for forgiveness.
  5. Recognize that Jesus helps me to see the beauty in me by forgiving me, caring for me, giving me direction and showing me the way of life through His Word.
  6. Use the mobile to read the Gospel every day, remember the joy Jesus offers me and how I can experence it today.


40 minutes


  • Video clips

1. Falling Plates

2. Signs of Forgiveness

3. Only 2 minutes

  • Bin template
  • Blank paper
  • Pen/Pencil
  • Power Point Presentation:

Welcome (5 minutes)

The animator greets the students and educators present for this session.

First Activity –  Falling Plates (15 minutes)

Step 1 – Video clip – 4.07

The animator starts by showing this video clip on the interactive whiteboard: Falling Plates

Note: For those who would like to follow what the narrator is saying, please find the script of Falling Plates on the handout.


Look at your eyes. Look at them. Speckled. Colourful. Each one unique.

And I created every one of them.

I created everything. The universe and you. I gave you your personality.

I made you pure. Complex.

And every day I give you life. I love you.

But something happened…

You cheated on Me. You didn’t trust Me. You sinned. You cut yourself off from Me.

And although you’re still alive, you are slowly dying.

So you look for other things…to fill the void. But nothing works. It just kills you faster. And it separates us more and more.

What are you searching for?

I don’t want you to die.

I created you not to be destroyed, but to know Me.

So I became one of you. A fragile creation. I was tempted, but I never sinned.

I came to save you. You have so many sins. And they have a cost. And someone has to die: you or Me.

So I took on your sin and traded in My life for yours.

And I died in your place…Because I love you.

Then, I rose from the dead.

I am the Way, the Truth and the Life. I’m Jesus

I’m not here to condemn you. I came to bring you back to life.

Rely on Me. I will forgive you and give you eternal life.

I love you. And I did all of this to have a relationship with you.

Will you follow Me?

Step 2 – Whole class discussion

The video covers the span of creation, the fall, and our redemption. Narrated by Jesus, the video covers all that He’s done for us because of His love for us.

The animator asks questions about the video:

  1. This video is entitled ‘Falling Plates’. What do you think the title Falling Plates means?
  2. What did you observe in the video?
  3. What other images of ‘brokenness’ that the video used to describe our choices?
  4. What do understand by the concept of sin and its consequences?
  5. How do you think it made God feel when His creation – you and me – turned our backs on Him in favour of other things?
Step 3 – During these moments we shall think more personally.

The animator tells the students to prepare blank paper and a pen so that if they wish they could write their thoughts on it. He/she gives a brief explanation of the video and the way forward.

The video rightly said that when our lives fall apart, we start searching for other things to fill us or fix us. The video said that it just brings about more brokenness and death and separation from God.

  1. What are you looking for in your life? What does Jesus offer us that NOTHING or NO ONE else can offer us?
  2. Jesus died on the cross to give us life back. Do you feel that you are following Jesus?
  3. Do you seek Jesus in prayer?
  4. Are we choosing to love as Jesus showed us?
  5. How will we respond to the great gift of Jesus’ love, his mercy that brings you joy?

Second Activity: Prayer Space – Sorry Bin (15 minutes)

We are going to do a prayer space to acknowledge that we should apologise/ask for forgiveness for our bad actions towards others and creation.

Step 1 – Video clip – 2.04 minutes

The animator shows this video clip: Signs of Forgiveness

Step 2 – Questions for the whole class

The animator asks questions about the video clip entitled Signs of Forgiveness

  1. This video clip is called Signs of Forgiveness. What do you think about the message of the video?
  2. How did those people respond to the bad actions they received from other people?
  3. If you were to receive a similar action from the one we saw in the video, what would you do?
  4. Would you forgive?
  5. Why?

As we have seen, when you ask for forgiveness, you are promising yourself to try and get rid of the bad action or habit. With God’s help, we can become better and happier people.

Step 3 – Questions to think more personally.

The animator tells the students to prepare the bin template and a pen. Then he/she asks these questions for students to think more personally.


  1. Have you ever done something wrong and then regretted it?
  2. Can you remember when was the last time you had to apologise?

Think about these questions:

  1. Maybe it was when you fought with your siblings, parents, or other caregivers?
  2. Maybe when you talked behind someone’s back and lied to him/her, when you bullied someone younger than yourself, or when you made harsh and insulting comments on social media?
Step 4 – Squash and throw away

The animator tells the students what to do:

  1. On the bin template, write the bad habits or actions of yours that you wish to ask forgiveness for. (Like wasting time, jealousy, anger)
  2. Hold the paper dear in your hands and say a sorry prayer to God to forgive you not only for these actions but also for the times when you didn’t mean you’re sorry.
  3. As a sign that you really mean you’re sorry, squash the bin template onto which we wrote down your bad habits or actions and throw it in the bin.
  4. May this action remind you to do your best every day to move away from your bad habits and actions and to practice meaningful apologies.


Dear God, I am sorry for ____________________ please I ask you to forgive me for this and for the times when I said I was sorry but didn’t mean it and did nothing to stop my bad habits and actions. Forgive me for the times when I forget that it is with your help and grace that I can be free from my trash.

Conclusion – Mobile App (5 minutes)

Step 1 – The animator tells about what Pope Francis says:

Pope Francis tells us about the beauty of hearing the Word of God help us on our life’s journey.  Let us welcome Pope Francis’ suggestion to spend 2 minutes during the day reading the daily Gospel.  The Gospel reminds us of the joy that Jesus offers us and how we can experience it today.

Step 2 – Using the mobile phone to help me recognise that Jesus, through his Word, helps me to see the beauty in my life.

The animator shows the video clip: Only 2 Minutes



How to search the Gospel in Maltese on your mobile:

  1. Grab your mobile phone
  2. Cick on
  3. Go on the word ‘Quddiesa’
  4. Choose the daily Gospel by clicking on:
  5. Read it
  6. Add a shortcut on your mobile for easy reference

Other Useful Links:

Bible in English:

Bible in Maltese:

A nearby Church: Through this link, look for a nearby Church where you can continue to listen to the Word of God and celebrate the Eucharist



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