In this prayer space we reflect how we can make a happy world by preserving the environment and reducing pollution and we ask forgiveness for the times when we did not take care of our earth.
Equipment: pictures of a sad and happy earth, sorry templates, environment picture cards, blue-tac, biros, pencils
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years

The world we live in is very beautiful. Sadly, as humans, we do many things that damage our world. Our acts such as cutting down trees, littering and throwing plastic in the oceans along with our decisions, leave an impact on air pollution, water crisis, and rising temperatures.
- In front of you, there are pictures showing ways of how we can either make Earth a happy or a sad place.
- Take 4 different pictures and stick them onto the earth’s faces.
- Now, think of when you did something to damage our planet Earth and write a thought or a sorry prayer to God.
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