In this prayer space we reflect about fortitude which is an an inner strength God gives us to face the difficulties of life with hope and courage.
Equipment: a football, a blank sheet of paper or a football template, pen or marker
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Post-Secondary Years

Footballers have many obstacles to overcome before they score a goal or win a game. In life, we have many difficult situations. God gives us fortitude which is the strength to face life with courage and determination, believing that He will help us.
- Take a football in your hands. If you do not have a football, draw a football on the sheet of paper.
- Think of some situations which made you feel scared or discouraged.
- If you are outside or in a safe space, kick the football. As you do so, say a prayer to ask for God’s strength to face these situations.
- You may write the prayer if you wish.
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