During this prayer time one will have the time to talk to God about the nice memories and ones’ feelings related to the gap one experienced with the loss of our dears.
Equipment: A nice chair (preferably not a regular school chair), pieces of string, luggage-tag labels, or paper and pegs, or Post-it notes, pens, a box of tissues, cushions. Extras: fairy lights, fabric.
Response: Write/Draw
Relationship: Me & Others
- Early Years
- Primary Years
- Middle Years
- Secondary Years
- Post-Secondary Years

When someone that we love leaves or dies, they leave a gap in our lives. We miss them.
- Is there someone that you miss?
- You can write the name of the person onto one of the labels provided and attach it to the chair.
- Write or say a quiet thank you for the good memories that you have. You can also talk with God about your sad feelings too. Take your time.
(It might be helpful to talk to an adult afterwards.)
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