

The Head, SLT or educator who is leading the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


Today’s assembly is dedicated to St Thomas More College. St Thomas More was a saint who was famous for his ability to be fair. Let us watch this clip about being fair:


Reflective Thought

As we have seen in the video clip, the kids were fair during playtime and fair when they were in class. Being fair means that everyone is happy and enjoys their time together. Let’s be fair with everyone


Dear God, help us to become fair with those around us. Amen


The Head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


This assembly is especially dedicated to St Thomas More College. St Thomas More was a saint who believed a lot in justice. Justice means that we are fair with everyone so that everyone is happy and is treated respectfully. Let’s watch this clip to understand better what justice is:


Reflective Thought

As we have seen in the video clip, justice ensures that people are respected, and this also means respecting the rules and the law so that people are treated equally. Someone who believes in justice speaks up when they face injustice. They tell the truth but know how to keep a secret and they are able to forgive others. St Thomas More was a living example of being a just person. It is not easy to be a just person but being just helps the world become a better place for everyone.


Dear God, help us to become people who not only believe in justice but practise it in our classrooms, homes, and streets. Amen


The Head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence. 


This week’s assembly is dedicated especially to St Thomas More College. St Thomas More was a living example of justice and in this clip we are going to see students voicing their opinion about injustice:


Reflective Thought

As we have seen, the students in the video all put pressure on the fact that there was injustice going on and that we should voice our opinions in such a situation. The students also mentioned they are the leaders who should challenge these injustices and create change. This is a message to you all, that you need to be voices of change, voices that challenge, voices that will fight injustices. In this way we will create a world which is much more just and fair for everyone.


Dear God, give us the strength to become voices of change. Strengthen our voices to challenge injustices and create a fairer and more peaceful world. Amen


The Head, SLT or educator who is administering the assembly welcomes the students by saying good morning. One can start the assembly with the sign of the cross or a minute in silence.


This week’s assembly is especially dedicated to St Thomas More College. St Thomas More had many virtues but one of them was justice. Justice means to be treated fairly and equally – no matter the gender, sexuality, religion or ethnicity of the person. Unfortunately, injustices are happening all around us all the time, but you can bring change. Have a look at this video clip:


Reflective Thought

This girl can inspire each and everyone of us. She was open to learn, discuss and dialogue. She was aware of the injustices which were happening around her and started contributing to bring change. Naudika is a 17-year-old girl. She has no superpowers but she stood up and acted. You too can stand up and take action. You are the future of the world so get out there and use your voice to make a change in your community and in the world.


Dear God, give us the strength to become voices of change. Strengthen our voices to challenge injustices and help us to stand up and take action for a fairer and more peaceful world. Amen
