We didn’t forget about you Miss!
We didn’t forget about you Sir!
You can follow the script or press play to listen to the reflection
During this time, we invite you to pause for some time and be still.
Try to find a quiet spot and sit down comfortably. If you want, play the suggested music as background
Spend some time to breathe calmly.
Read slowly, reflect and if you want pray to God.

As we can see in the book of Ecclesiastes, “there is a time for everything”.
Usually, this time of year would have been characterised by an endless to-do list:
decorating the class,
preparing for the class party,
buying the gifts,
planning special activities…… while juggling your personal preparations for this season to be jolly.
This year, as we have seen, is not the same. It is a time to step back….to observe and to reflect.
Teachers invest so much time in giving the best experience of Christmas to their students, that sometimes forget that Christmas is for them too!
Christmas is for you! The birth of Jesus is for you!
And while this year we will not be busy with parties and gatherings, try and take some time to immerse in the authentic beauty of the festivities.
On one hand, it is sad that we are deprived of sharing the Christmas spirit, but on the other hand, it could be the time to push us deep into the true meaning of these times and find the Christmas spirit in our hearts.
So, enjoy this time in simplicity – little things that bring joy – the same joy Jesus brought with His birth. Take that joy and carry it in your heart, and think…how can you accept more the peace of Jesus in your life?
Listen to the Word and let it sink in you