Friday, 29th November 2024

11.00 am – 02:00 pm


St Nicholas College, Anton Agius Rabat Primary School


A session for educators


During this session, the SDS team animated a session about spiritual well-being for all educators at St Nicholas College, Anton Agius Rabat Primary School. This included prayer spaces, time to process their spiritual experience, and a session about integrating spiritual well-being into their professional and daily life. It was an opportunity for educators to reconnect with God, themselves and others and share their experiences.

The prayer spaces that were set during this PD session included:

Be Still: Chapel

In the space just be. Be at peace in a place where one becomes aware of God.

Prayer Wall

In this prayer space one is encouraged to be one of the builders of a wall of faith by writing and sticking his prayer onto the wall.

Friendship Chain

During this prayer one is asked to think of a friend, reflect on the good qualities of their friend and then thank God for them.

Empty Chair

During this prayer time one will have the time to talk to God about the nice memories and ones’ feelings related to the gap one experienced with the loss of our dears.

Cardboard Home

During this time one is given time to reflect and pray for people who suffer poverty and are homeless.

Letting Go

During this prayer activity, one reflects on a reflection played that focuses on letting go of worries and trusting God.

Shoal of Fish

In this prayer space one and reflects and prays for unity and peace every place one is.

Being Sorry – Acetate

During this prayer space one thinks of the wrong doing done and takes time to ask for an apology.


This prayer activity encourages one to identify the positive aspects of oneself as one looks at one’s own self-image created on the image of God in the mirror.

Forgiveness Stones

In this prayer space one reflects on the good feeling of letting go and forgiving someone who caused pain.

Pray for the World

This prayer space encourages one to look at the world map and think of family and friends living away and pray for them and their countries.

Reconciliation Zips

This Prayer Space shall help to think about situations where the human being argues, and sometimes separates himself/herself from the other person whom he/she had the argument with. Through the zips, we are to think about a situation and pray for reconciliation.

This event is part of the Prayer Spaces programme.