

Sign of the Cross

Dear children, in our Maltese Islands, an important celebration takes place on the 10th of February. It is the remembrance of the visit of St Paul to our Islands to teach us about Jesus. St Paul was one of the best friends of Jesus.

Video – Paul’s Shipwreck


Children make a role-play of the story while you read it, using resources from the classroom.

Ex. chairs to form the ship.

Song – Abound in Faith, Love, and Hope


Dear students, in our Maltese Islands, an important celebration takes place on the 10th of February. It is the remembrance of the visit of St Paul to our Islands to teach us about Jesus. St Paul was one of the best friends of Jesus. Does anyone know how he found himself in Malta?

A short discussion where students answer the questions.

Video – Adventures of the Apostle Paul


Draw or write something about what struck you most from the story of St Paul Shipwrecked in Malta.

Give students some minutes and then those who wish may share what they drew or wrote.

Song – My Name is Paul


Where do you live? Find your dwelling place on the map of Malta.


30 minutes


The students will reflect on the different ways in which we can love others.

Learning Outcomes

  1. The students will be able to give examples of how we can love by respecting other people’s physical, intellectual, ethnic, religious and cultural differences
  2. They will be able to give examples of how we can understand others and accept them by using empathy.


Powerpoint, interactive whiteboard


Step 1

(Slide 1-2) The animator asks the students to think of some physical feature in themselves or in others which they do not like or accept. The students can write or draw about this on a piece of paper to express themselves.

Lesson development

Step 2

(Slide 3) The animator invites the students to think about some physical feature in themselves or in other people which they do not accept. Then they can follow the lyrics of a song called Born This Way.

The animator can ask the students if they are familiar with the song and use the information below to explain briefly. After the song the animator asks the students whether there was a verse, picture or word in the lyrics or video which struck them and why.


 Information for the animator about this song Born this Way

 Born with Glee 2022 is a song taken from season 2 episode18 of an American TV series called Glee.

The episode that the song is featured in is focused on the New Directions dance team accepting their personal flaws. 

For the performance, the members of the New Directions are seen wearing shirts with text printed on them that state something about them which they have previously struggled to accept. 

While the glee club was rehearsing that morning for Nationals, Finn (Coryb Monteith) and his “amazing” dancing hurt Rachel’s (Lea Michele) nose and she had to have plastic surgery to repair her nose.

Later in that episode, Rachel asked Quinn (Dianna Agron) to go with her to her second appointment and she wanted a nose like Quinn’s, because, as true fans know, people were always making fun of her nose. During that episode everyone was having problems accepting themselves the way the way they were born.

Step 3

(Slide 4) The animator says that we all have our individual differences of character, personality and even physical appearance but sometimes it is even more of a challenge to accept and respect people who have a different appearance, ethnicity, culture or religion.

(Slide 5) The animator asks the students to watch this short video clip called The Power to Act Positively:

Show footage from 00:00-0045

Step 4

(Slide 6) Ask the students some of the following questions to create a discussion and get their feedback.

  1. What do you think caused the fight between these two teenagers?
  2. If you were caught up in this situation, what would you do? Why?
  3. How do you think the guy with the cap felt when his cap was thrown to the ground? Why?

Possible answers

  • An insulting comment referring to the race or ethnicity or appearance of the other person
  • Call the police for help
  • Call a responsible adult who can help
  • Intervene yourself to stop the fight
  • Call other passers-by to help you stop the fight
  • Try to pacify the argument and calm the two guys
  • Film the fight with your mobile to share with friends or adults
  • Run away

Step 5

(Slide 7) Ask: Why do we find it difficult to accept people who are different?

The animator explains that to accept others we need o learn to empathise, to imagine what it is like to live in another person’s shoes. How can we do this? We can do this by listening to the stories of persons who have suffered because they have a different physical appearance due to race, religion or gender. Ask the students to watch a short clip where they will hear a person speak about their experiences so that they can empathize with people who are different. The animator then asks the students to comment about this question: Why do people find it difficult to accept and respect diversity?

Show footage from 00:00-03:10 only

Step 6

(Slide 8) The animator then discusses this question with the students: How can people who are different enrich my life?

Learn new languages, beliefs, practices, learn to accept and live in harmony with people of different skills and ideas, appreciate other cultures and positive relationships

Step 7


(Slide 9)

Dear God,

You have made me unique and special.

Help me to respect and love myself the way I am so that I can respect and accept others. Open my heart to celebrate the beauty of diversity. Amen


30 minutes


The students will reflect on the different ways in which we can love others.

Learning Outcomes:

  1. The students will be able to give examples of how we can love by respecting other people’s physical, intellectual, ethnic, religious and cultural differences
  2. They will be able to give examples of how we can understand others and accept them by using empathy.


Powerpoint, interactive whiteboard


Step 1

(Slide 1-2) The animator asks the students to think of some physical feature in themselves or in others that they do not like or accept. The students can write or draw about this on a piece of paper to express themselves.

Lesson development

Step 2

(Slide 3) The animator invites the students to think about some physical feature in themselves or in other people that they do not accept. Then they can follow the lyrics of a song called Born This Way.

The animator can ask the students if they are familiar with the song and use the information below to explain briefly. After the song, the animator asks the students whether there was a verse, picture, or word in the lyrics or video which struck them and why.


 Information for the animator about this song Born this Way

 Born with Glee 2022 is a song taken from season 2 episode18 of an American TV series called Glee.

The episode that the song is featured in is focused on the New Directions dance team accepting their personal flaws. 

For the performance, the members of the New Directions are seen wearing shirts with text printed on them that state something about them which they have previously struggled to accept. 

While the glee club was rehearsing that morning for Nationals, Finn (Coryb Monteith) and his “amazing” dancing hurt Rachel’s (Lea Michele) nose and she had to have plastic surgery to repair her nose.

Later in that episode, Rachel asked Quinn (Dianna Agron) to go with her to her second appointment and she wanted a nose like Quinn’s, because, as true fans know, people were always making fun of her nose. During that episode everyone was having problems accepting themselves the way the way they were born.

Step 3

(Slide 4) The animator says that we all have our individual differences of character, personality and even physical appearance but sometimes it is even more of a challenge to accept and respect people who have a different appearance, ethnicity, culture or religion.

(Slide 5) The animator asks the students to watch this short video clip called The Power to Act Positively:

Show footage from 00:00-0045

Step 4

(Slide 6) Ask the students some of the following questions to create a discussion and get their feedback.

  1. What do you think caused the fight between these two teenagers?
  2. If you were caught up in this situation, what would you do? Why?
  3. How do you think the guy with the cap felt when his cap was thrown to the ground? Why?

Possible answers

  • An insulting comment referring to the race or ethnicity or appearance of the other person
  • Call the police for help
  • Call a responsible adult who can help
  • Intervene yourself to stop the fight
  • Call other passers-by to help you stop the fight
  • Try to pacify the argument and calm the two guys
  • Film the fight with your mobile to share with friends or adults
  • Run away

Step 5

(Slide 7) Ask: Why do we find it difficult to accept people who are different?

The animator explains that to accept others we need o learn to empathise, to imagine what it is like to live in another person’s shoes. How can we do this? We can do this by listening to the stories of persons who have suffered because they have a different physical appearance due to race, religion or gender. Ask the students to watch a short clip where they will hear a person speak about their experiences so that they can empathize with people who are different

Show footage from 00:00-03:10 only

Step 6

(Slide 8) The animator then asks the students to comment about this question: How can people who are different enrich my life?

Learn new languages, beliefs, practices, learn to accept and live in harmony with people of different skills and ideas, appreciate other cultures and positive relationships.

Step 7


(Slide 9)

Dear God,

You have made me unique and special.

Help me to respect and love myself the way I am so that I can respect and accept others. Open my heart to celebrate the beauty of diversity. Amen

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