The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
This morning I am going to remind you about the letter you are to send to St Nicholas or as most of you know him – Father Christmas. It’s the time of the year when we think about presents. Let us take some time to watch this short film about a particular present.
Reflective Thought
We feel happy when we give a present to someone and we see that they like the present. Saying thank you and meaning it when we receive a present is one way of showing respect towards the person who is giving us the present. It is nice to show respect because others dedicate time and energy to give us a present. We will be showing respect and we will be saying a big thank you, with our actions, when we care for the presents, we receive and make good use of them.
God is giving us a present all the time. This present is our life. We can show him that we appreciate this present by
a. respecting and taking care of ourselves and our lives, by
b. taking care and respect the lives of others by
c. taking care and respect all nature and by
d. Getting closer to him in our daily life especially during this time of advent.
Dear God, we thank you for your present. We thank you for our lives. We thank you for making us all special in our own ways. You are an awesome God. Please help us to always respect and care for our life, the life of others and for the lives of all creatures.
The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
This morning I am going to remind you about the letter you are to send to St Nicholas or as most of you know him – Father Christmas. It is the time of the year when we think about presents. Let us take some time to watch this short film about a particular present.
Reflective Thought
We feel happy when we give a present to someone and we see that they like the present. Saying thank you and meaning it when we receive a present is one way of showing respect towards the person who is giving us the present. It is nice to show respect because others dedicate time and energy to give us a present. We will be showing respect and we will be saying a big thank you, with our actions, when we care for the presents, we receive and make good use of them.
God is giving us a present all the time. This present is our life. We can show him that we appreciate this present by
a. respecting and taking care of ourselves and our lives,
b. by taking care and respect the lives of others,
c. by taking care and respect all nature and
d. by getting closer to him in our daily life especially during this time of advent.
Dear God, we thank you for your present. We thank you for our lives. We thank you for making us all special in our own ways. You are an awesome God. Please help us to always respect and care for our life, the life of others and for the lives of all creatures.
The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
This time of the year a word which is constantly on our mind is the word presents. Let us take some time to watch this short film about a particular present.
Reflective Thought
Maybe some of you can remember grownups reminding them to thank everyone with a smile, for all sorts of presents they received. Thanking others is one way of showing respect towards them, towards the time and energy they invested in giving us a thought which they hoped will brighten up our days. When we treasure and make good use of the gifts we receive we are expressing our gratitude and respect with our actions. We can start by showing gratitude towards God for giving us our own selves and our constant breath of life as one big present. May we treasure this present and use it to grow closer to Him, to others and to nature especially during this time of advent.
Dear God, we thank you for giving us life, we thank you for who we are. Help us to appreciate the wonder of your work in and with us. We ask you to remind us constantly that we are unique and special in our own different ways and that in your eyes we are perfect. May this thought encourage us to show respect towards all forms of life including our own life, our dignity, our past and our roots on this day and forever. Amen.
The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
This time of the year most of us will be wondering about what presents to buy and receive for Christmas. Let us take some time to watch this short film about a particular present.
Reflective Thought
Maybe some of you can remember that one time when you received an awkward or an unexpected, strange gift and your facial expressions made it obvious that you didn’t like that present. What a long talk followed with grownups reminding us of how rude we were and that we are to thank everyone with a smile, for all sorts of presents we receive. Thanking others is one way of showing respect towards them, towards the time and energy they invested in giving us a thought which they hoped will brighten up our days. When we treasure and make good use of the gifts, we receive instead of faking a smile, we are expressing our gratitude and respect with our actions. We can start by showing gratitude towards a very special present we are receiving constantly -our breath of life.
We are to thank God for giving us our own selves and our lives as one big present. May we treasure this present and use it to grow closer to Him, to others and to nature especially during this time of advent.
Dear God, we thank you for giving us life even when we think that it is not how we wished or plan it would be, we thank you for who we are. Help us to appreciate the wonder of your work in and with us. We ask you to remind us constantly that we are unique and special in our own different ways and that in your eyes we are perfect. May this thought encourage us to show respect towards all forms of life including our own life, our dignity, our past and our roots on this day and forever. Amen.