This prayer space invites one to choose a country from the list of countries participating in a football tournament/league and pray for that country. 3 variations of this prayer activity available: pass the ball, on the ball, and on template.

Equipment: Footballs, display of information about different countries, football templates

Response: Action

Relationship: Me & Others

  • Early Years
  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years



This is football season! In front of you, a display includes some footballs and information about each country participating in the current tournament.

  • Choose one or two countries and read the information provided.
  • Take a football and write a prayer for the country/countries you have chosen on it.
  • Form a circle with the other children and throw the ball to someone who reads one of the prayers – repeating until all prayers are read.

Dan huwa l-istaġun tal-futbol! Quddiemek hemm wirja li tinkludi xi blalen u xi informazzjoni dwar kull pajjiż li qed jieħdu sehem bħalissa fil-kompetizzjoni tal-futbol.

  • Agħżel pajjiż jew tnejn u aqra l-informazzjoni dwarhom.
  • Ħu ballun u ikteb fuqu talba għal pajjiż/pajjiżi li għażilt.
  • Ifforma ċirku flimkien mat-tfal l-oħra u itfa’ l-ballun lil xi ħadd mit-tfal li jaqra waħda mit-talbiet li hemm miktub fuqu – irrepeti hekk sakemm jinqraw it-talbiet kollha.


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