In this prayer space we reflect about the life of the saints and how they can teach us to live a better life.

Equipment: happy saints pdfs, string, pegs, pens, pencils, paper

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years
  • Post-Secondary Years



Saints are people who love Jesus and share his love with others. The saints are people just like us and come from all walks of life and from all over the world. They feel hungry, tired, angry, and disappointed sometimes, just as we do but the saints do difficult things even when they don’t want to because they love God. The saints can help us in our spiritual lives. We can all live like the saints. By praying with the saints, we can grow closer to God.

  • Look at the pictures of the saints and pick your saint by finding the one whose name starts with the same letter of your name.
  • Now, think of how you can live like a saint at home, at school, and in your neighbourhood.
  • Finally, write the one thing you will do today even if it is hard.


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