During this learning time, participants will be led to recognize that in the same way as the sister moon we are all growing and changing, not only in size.  Growing up is part and particle of life.  While comparing and contrasting their toddler years to date they will evaluate and reflect upon their feelings related to this inevitable process in their life.  This session aims at providing the participants with time to think about and express their hopes, plans and fears related to this physical change in prayer.

Equipment: ● Markers or colours ● Scissors

  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years



40 minutes

How to carry out this lesson:

  1. Start by taking the time to watch Barney The Growing Up song:

2. What do you think this video is all about?

           (Note to the educator: The songs shows that we are growing up not only physically but also mindfully while becoming fully capable of perusing necessary everyday duties).

3. Take some time to think about other created things around you and in the universe which you see change.

4. Make a list of these created things and /or creatures which we see a change in shape and size.

One created thing in the universe which we see a change in size is what St.  Francis used to refer to as Sister moon.  The following link entitled The Moon For Kids will help you understand why we see the moon change in its size repeatedly.  (Note to the educator: For years 1 and 2 it is suggested that the participants will watch only the first 2 minutes 45 seconds of this video link.)

5.   With the help of an adult cut around the full moon circle template and on it you can draw your moon size showing how you are feeling right now.  For example, you might be feeling neither too small nor too big, or you might feel you’re still small or else you might feel you really grew up.

6. Different creatures have different life cycles…take some time to think how like your sister moon, you, your sisters and/or brothers, your friends are all growing up and changing in size and in the way you live your life.

7. The video link Ħija l-Qamar can guide you in these steps:

  1. Start by taking the time to watch Tarzan –Son of Man:

2. What do you think this video is all about?

             Can you remember any difference in Tarzan from when the video started till the end of it? (Note to the educator: Tarzan growing up not only physically but also mindfully while becoming fully capable of perusing necessary everyday duties)

3. Take some time to think about other created things around   you and in the universe which you see change.

4. Make a list of these created things and /or creatures which  we see change in shape and size.One created thing in the universe which we see change in size is what St.  Francis used to refer to as Sister moon.  The following link entitled The Moon For Kids will help you understand why we see the moon change in its size repeatedly.

5. After you cut around the full moon circle template you can draw your own moon size showing how you are feeling right now.  For example you might be feeling neither too small nor too big, or you might feel you’re still small or else you might feel you really grew up.

6. Different creatures have different life cycles…take some time to think how like your sister moon, you, your sisters and/or brothers, your friends are all growing up and changing in size and in the way you live your life.

7.How do you feel about growing up? Take some time to think about it.

8. Now, you can write down / draw your feelings on your moon template.

9. Since this ongoing process of growing up is not an easy or predictable one and since sometimes we experience mixed feelings when we think about this inevitable reality we are going to take the suggestion that small Tarzan was given in the songs with which we started this session…We are going to: look up to the sky, and lift our spirits to set them free… thus we are going to talk to God about how we feel about changing and growing up.

Example:  Dear God, I want to thank you for the gift of life and for helping me become the best of me.  Sometimes when I think of growing up I feel______________________________. Dear God, I ask you to please stand beside me and guide me while growing up. The video link entitled ‘Ħija l- Qamar’ can guide you along with these steps.

  1. Start by taking the time to watch Tarzan –Son of Man:

2. What do you think this video is all about?

Can you remember any difference in Tarzan from when the video started till the end of it? (Note to the educator: Tarzan growing up not only physically but also mindfully while becoming fully capable of performing necessary everyday duties)

3. Take time to think about other created things around you and in the universe you see change.

4. Make a list of these created things and /or creatures which we see change in shape and size.

One created thing in the universe which we see a change in size is what St.  Francis used to refer to as Sister Moon.  The following link entitled The Moon For Kids will help you understand why we see the moon change in its size repeatedly.

5. After cutting around the full moon circle template, you can draw your own moon size, showing how you are feeling.  For example, you might be feeling neither too small nor too big, or you might feel you’re still small, or you might feel you grew up.

6. Different creatures have different life cycles…take some time to think how, like your sister moon, you, your sisters and/or brothers, and your friends are all growing up and changing in size and in the way you live your life.

7. Can you compare how you lived when you were a toddler and now?  If you feel like it you can share with the rest of the class the major differences that happened to you while growing up.

8. How do you feel about growing up? Take some time to think about it.  The following link can help you with your thinking about growing up: Like Dad-The Skit Guys

9. You can write down / draw your feelings on your moon template.

Since this ongoing process of growing up is not an easy or predictable one and since sometimes we experience mixed feelings when we think about this inevitable reality we are going to take the suggestion that small Tarzan was given in the songs with which we started this session…We are going to look up to the sky, and lift our spirits to set them free… thus we are going to talk to God about how we feel about changing and growing up.

10. Since this ongoing process of growing up is not an easy or predictable one and since sometimes we experience mixed feelings when we think about this inevitable reality we are going to take the suggestion that small Tarzan was given in the songs with which we started this session…We are going to look up to the sky, and lift our spirits to set them free… thus we are going to talk to God about how we feel about changing and growing up.

Example:  Dear God, thank you for the gift of life and for helping me become the best of me.  Sometimes when I think of growing up I feel______________________. I know you are The God who created me and that you love me. Dear God, I ask you to please stand beside me and guide me while growing up. 

The video link ‘Ħija l- Qamar’ can guide you along with these steps:

Start by taking the time to watch Tarzan –Son of Man

2. What do you think this video is all about?

             Can you remember any difference in Tarzan from when the video started till the end of it? (Note to the educator: Tarzan is growing up physically and mindfully while fully capable of performing necessary everyday duties).

3. Take time to think about other created things around you and in the universe in which you see change.

4. Make a list of these created things and /or creatures which we see change in shape and size.

One created thing in the universe which we see a change in size is what St Francis used to refer to as Sister Moon.  The following link entitled The Moon For Kids will help you understand why we see the moon change in its size repeatedly.

5. After cutting around the full moon circle template, you can draw your own moon size, showing how you are feeling.  For example, you might be feeling neither too small nor too big, or you might feel you’re still small or else you might feel you really grew up.

6. Different creatures have different life cycles…take some time to think how like your sister moon, you, your sisters and/or brothers, and your friends are all growing up and changing in size and in the way you live your life.

7. Can you compare how you lived when you were a toddler and now?  If you feel like it you can share with the rest of the class the major differences that happened to you while growing up.

8. How do you feel about growing up? Take some time to think about it.

9. You can write down / draw your feelings on your moon template.

10. Since this ongoing process of growing up is not an easy or predictable one and since sometimes we experience mixed feelings when we think about this inevitable reality we are going to take the suggestion that small Tarzan was given in the songs with which we started this session…We will look up to the sky and lift our spirits to set them free… thus we will talk to God about how we feel about changing and growing up.

Example:  Dear God, I want to thank you for the gift of life and for helping me become the best of me.  Sometimes when I think of growing up I feel______________________________. Dear God, I ask you to please stand beside me and guide me while growing up.

11. The video link entitled ‘Ħija l- Qamar’ can guide you along with these steps.

  1. Start by taking the time to watch Tarzan –Son of Man:

2. What do you think this video is all about?

Can you remember any difference in Tarzan from when the video started till the end of it? (Note to the educator: Tarzan is growing up physically and mindfully while fully capable of performing necessary everyday duties).

3. Take time to think about other created things around you, and in the universe, you see change.

4. Make a list of these created things and /or creatures we see change in shape and size.

One created thing in the universe which we see a change in size is what St Francis used to call the Sister moon. 

5. After cutting around the full moon circle template, you can draw your own moon size, showing how you are feeling.  For example, you might feel neither too small nor too big; you might feel you’re still small or you grew up.

6. Different creatures have different life cycles…take some time to think how, like your sister moon, you, your sisters and/or brothers, and your friends are all growing up and changing in size and in the way you live your life.

7. Can you compare how you lived when you were a toddler and now?  If you feel like it, you can share with the rest of the class the significant differences that happened to you while growing up.

8. How do you feel about growing up? Take some time to think about it.  The following link can help you with your thinking about growing up: Like Dad-The Skit Guys

9. Now, you can write down or draw your feelings on your moon template.

10. Since this ongoing process of growing up is not an easy or predictable one and since sometimes we experience mixed feelings when we think about this inevitable reality, we are going to take the suggestion that tiny Tarzan was given in the songs with which we started this session that is to look up to the sky, and lift our spirits to set them free… thus talk to God about how we feel about changing and growing up.

Example:  Dear God, thank you for the gift of life and for helping me become the best of me.  Sometimes when I think of growing up I feel______________________. I know you are The God who created me and that you love me. Dear God, I ask you to please stand beside me and help me become more like you.



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