Reflect and pray with different characters who are involved in the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

  • Kinder
  • Early Years
  • Primary Years
  • Middle Years
  • Secondary Years

These prayer activities will enable us to enter deeper into this experience of God’s mission to renew everything anew. Explore these important characters in the salvific story of the passion, death and resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Lent: Palm Hands

Inspired from the Palm Sunday procession in this prayer space one is invited to adore and honour God for the qualities that make him trustworthy.

Jumping for Joy

Easter brings joy so in this prayer space one thinks of someone or something that brings joy and makes you happy.

Lent: Bubbles of Wishes

During this prayer space, one is invited to present his dreams and wishes to God just like Jesus did during his life particularly during his last hours.

Lent: Broken Heart

One is invited to think of those with a broken heart, reflect on what one can do to help, and asked to pray for them.

The Runners Shoes

This prayer space encourages one to reflect upon those moments one failed to give a helping hand when it was necessary.

Lent: Love Letter

Reflecting on how St John describes the immense love God has for us, in this prayer space one is given time to write a love letter to God who is showering us with love.

Lent: Being Brave

This space is to help one think of situations where bravery is needed and to ask God for courage.

Lent: Big Questions

Pontius Pilate asked about what is the truth, in this prayer space one is given the space to think about and write the question one would like to ask God.

Lent: Mobile Call

Just like Pilate had a lot of questions to Jesus, this prayer space encourages one to think if they had to call God, what would the conversation be like.

Lent: Mirror

Inspired by the Veronica’s veil, this prayer activity encourages one to identify the positive aspects of oneself as one looks at ones own self-image created on the image of God in a mirror.

Lent: Pipe Cleaner People

Inspired by Simon of Cyrene, who was special because he helped Jesus carrying the cross, one reflects and prays for a special person in ones life while creating ‘a pipe cleaner model’.

Lent: Empty Plate

This prayer space provides one with the opportunity to reflect on greed, whilst relating the topic to Judas Iscariot it invites the particiants to pray for justice and for wisdom and courage in fighting economic-greed.

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