Wednesday, 11th September 2024

Registration: 6.15 pm; Activity: 6.30 pm – 8.00 pm


Pretty Bay, Birżebbuġia

For children aged 8 to 10 years and their families

Animated reading, Creative writing, Reflective hands-on activity

Maltese and English

L-Aġenzija Nazzjonali tal-Litteriżmu, bi sħab ma’ Spiritual Development in Schools, organizzat t-tmien sessjoni tal-programm ta’ qari animat, kitba u riflessjoni kreattiva jismu ‘Bil-Qari u l-Kitba nsib Spazju għal Qalbi’ għal tfal ta’ bejn 8 u 10 snin u l-familji tagħhom.

It-tmien storja bl-isem ‘Kastell fir-Ramel’ ġiet organizzata nhar l-Erbgħa, 11 ta’ Settembru 2024 fil-Bajja s-Sabiħa, Birżebbuġa.

The National Literacy Agency, in collaboration with Spiritual Development in Schools, organized the eighth session of animated reading, creative writing and reflection in a programme entitled ‘With Reading and Writing I find a Beloved Space’ for 8 to 10-year-olds and their families.

The eighth story, ‘Sandcastle,’ was organized on Wednesday, September 11th, 2024, at Pretty Bay, Birżebbuġa.

This event is part of the With Reading and Writing, I find a Beloved Space programme.