Day 23

You did not choose me, but I chose you and appointed you so that you might go and bear fruit—fruit that will last—and so that whatever you ask in my name the Father will give you. (Jn 15:16)

God chose to share the News of Jesus’ birth through the Angel with shepherds first. Then, shepherds were considered lowly, dirty, and even bad people that others avoided. They weren’t even considered reliable to testify in court. So how come God entrusted them of all people with the News and to ‘glorify’ Him in sharing it with others? Precisely, there is no reason but purely God’s free initiative and purpose. If it explains it better: God does not choose the qualified but qualifies the chosen, including me and you!

So, what is the purpose of being chosen? Henri Nouwen spells it perfectly: We are chosen to let others know they are chosen! May we always do this freely and without prejudice. This Christmas take some time to think about individuals around you who, like the shepherds, may feel un-important or worth-less especially in face of God’s love and attention. Pray for them and on Christmas Day you can send them a message! After all, ‘Angel’ means Messenger (of God)!


Dear God, thank you for creating us and choosing us freely, even before we could do anything at all. Continue strengthen me in the knowledge of you and free me from any prejudices in outreaching to others. Help me to experience in practice that you call us not to ‘like’ but to love one another, as you have loved us.
