Day 18 - Caring for Our Common Home Part 2
The Son is the image of the invisible God, the firstborn over all creation. For in him all things were created … (they) have been created through him and for him. He is before all things, and in him all things hold together (Col 1:15-17).
While the Earth is God’s gift to all, He made us for Himself! We learn that nothing in creation could satisfy our desire for God. ‘All things’ were designed – including ourselves and our human relationships – to find ultimate meaning and fulfilment in Jesus, born to restore the image of God in us by freeing us to become children of the same Father. In this, the restoration of ‘our common home’ must exclude any false images of God that distract us from our authentic relationships. It is here that Pope Francis warns of another form of pollution: digital pollution.
God is invisible but not absent, if we have the eyes to see. Nor is He silent, should we have the ears to hear. This Advent, use a day to switch off your mobile/electronics. Do it today! Rather than the end of the world, it may well be the beginning/renewal of a new one for you. So, don’t waste this sacrifice: invite family members/trusted friends to hang out together (without mobiles!) Above all, be present to the world within you, by dedicating time to recollect thoughts and to reconnect with Jesus in prayer.
Dear God, thank you for the wonderful gift of creation and for the meaningful relationships that I have. Help me always be ready to adjust my lifestyle as to be more sensitive to your presence and workings in my life.