

The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


This week, on the 5th of June we celebrate world environment day. It is important as it reminds us to take care of the environment around us. Let us watch this clip and see what happens.


Reflective Thought

We saw the earth changing from one with beautiful trees and clean air into one with many factories and dirty air. We must save trees and save water to help fix this Earth.


Dear Jesus, help us to take care of the environment and leave it better than it is. Amen


The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


On 5th June we celebrate world environment day, a day dedicated to make us aware of the beauty we have around us and help us realise that we need to care for the planet. Let us watch this clip together.


Reflective Thought

In this clip, we saw some beautiful scenes of the Earth and maybe others not so beautiful. Let us open our eyes and become responsible for the planet and with little actions make it a better place to live in.


Dear God, we thank you for our beautiful planet. Help us to become more responsible and take care of it through little changes every day. Amen


The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross:  “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


June 5th is world environment day. A special day to help us become seriously responsible for our actions and how they are impacting this world and its future.


Reflective Thought

Two years have gone past this video, yet its message is still strong, beating air pollution is still something of great importance and need. You are the present and future of the world and you need to set an example for the young and the old to take climate change seriously. Speak up and show them how taking care of the environment can take place through small changes.


Dear God, give us the strength to be of example to those who came before us and after us on how to take care of the planet, give us the resilience to never give up on this cause. We pray in thanks for such a planet. Amen


The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross:  “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


June 5th is world environment day. A special day to help us become seriously responsible for our actions and how they are impacting this world and its future.


Reflective Thought

Two years have gone past this video, yet its message is still strong, beating air pollution is still something of great importance and need. You are the present and future of the world and you need to set an example for the young and the old to take climate change seriously. Speak up and show them how taking care of the environment can take place through small changes.


Dear God, give us the strength to be of example to those who came before us and after us on how to take care of the planet, give us the resilience to never give up on this cause. We pray in thanks for such a planet. Amen


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