Monthly Archives: June 2023

Il-Quddiesa.  Il-Workout tar-ruħ. 

Fid-dinja kontemporanja, il-kultura tat-taħriġ fiżiku qed issir dejjem iżjed popolari tant li tinkorpora fiha nies minn kull settur tas-soċjetà.  Aktar minn qatt qabel, il-prattika ta xi sport saret minsuġa fl-orarju ta’ ħafna, irrispettivament mill-eta’ jew l-istat tal-persuna. Dment li persuna tagħraf titħarreġ b’mod responsabbli, ordnat u etiku, bl-għan li tibbenefika personalment u sservi t’ispirazjoni għal ħaddiehor, tkun iġġenerata L-pożittività. 

Bħala edukatur inkun qrib ħafna tal-isfidi li jikkaratterizzaw l-adoloxxenza, u tal-impatt li dawn ikollhom fuq l-istudenti.  Sikwit, studenti jirrikjedu risposti għal xi kurżitajiet jew dubji li jaħkmuhom kontinwament.  Fosthom il-fidi!  L-għan ta’ dan l-artiklu huwa li jixħet dawl fuq xebħ li jeżisti bejn is-saħħa fiżika tal-ġisem u dik tar-ruħ…

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Cherished Prayer Moments that Uplifted My Heart and Soul

The La Salle Family Fest held on Wednesday, 14th June 2023, was a day of celebration and togetherness for Grade 1, 2, and 3 boys and their parents/guardians. It was a time for the entire community to come together and spend quality time, fostering a sense of unity and belonging. The day kicked off with a celebration of Holy Mass. Among the various activities and events that took place later on, the inclusion of prayer spaces added a spiritual dimension to the festivities…

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Deep calling unto deep

pexels/francesco ungaro: in God like fish in water

In the name of the Father and of the Son and the Holy Spirit

Glory and praise forever!

1. Let us open our hearts to receive God’s Word

Jesus said to Nicodemus: “For God so loved the world that he gave his only Son, that whoever believes in him should not perish but have eternal life. For God sent the Son into the world, not to condemn the world, but that the world might be saved through him…

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Prayer Spaces for Couples during Kana course

“We praise you Lord for your endless love.”

The Kana course for couples preparing for marriage always ends with a retreat. This weekend retreat focuses typically on the couples’ relationship with God. The retreat includes a Saturday, late evening event where participants engage in prayer spaces. This event starts at around 8.00 pm.

Usually, couples enter a dimly candlelit space such as a small chapel or hall with Taizé music in the background…

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