Monthly Archives: February 2023

Reflections for Lent 2023

Ash Wednesday

Some scientific experiments, such as in quantum physics, are complex because of the ‘observer effect.’ The presence of an observer changes the behaviour of what is observed…

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Journeying Together programme

Spiritual Development in Schools – Malta and Friendship Cards, have developed a new programme entitled Journeying Together.  The program consists of four workshops combining Prayer Spaces and Friendship Cards.

The first programme was delivered in January 2023 with Year 9.1 migrant learners attending Maria Regina College Induction Hub Naxxar in liaison with the Migrant Learners’ Unit.

Rev Fr Reuben Gauci, coordinator of Spiritual Development in Schools together with his team of pastoral workers, would like to thank Mr Jonathan Portanier Mifsud Head of Induction Hub and Julian and Joanna Sant Fournier founders of Friendship Cards for their collaboration…

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L-ewwel darba li animajt Spazji ta’ Talb

L-Ispazji ta’ Talb (Prayer Spaces) huma spazji spiritwali professjonali li jagħtu opportunità lill-bniedem biex jiltaqa’ mill-qrib miegħu innifsu, mal-Ħallieq tiegħu, mal-oħrajn u jsir aktar konxju tad-dinja ta’ madwaru. Dawn l-ispazji għandhom l-għeruq fil-fidi nisranija imma huma miftuħa kemm għal persuni li jħaddnu kwalunkwe reliġjon, kif ukoll għal dawk li ma jħaddnu ebda reliġjon.

F’dal-każ l-ispazji ta’ talb saru f’ċentru tal-Katekeżi ma’ żewġ klassijiet…

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Wings Prayer Activity

I was involved in organising a live-in for a group of teenagers and young adults.  The venue for the live-in was a retreat house. Following discussions and planning sessions with the other leaders, it was agreed that we would set up a prayer space during one of the evenings.  A fairly large room was identified for setting up the prayer space where there would be about six prayer activities…

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Wait, See, and Give

As part of the Christmas activities SDS carry out in schools, this year it was a blessing for my colleague Silvana and me to be part of the Prayer Spaces session at the Boys Learning Centre in Ħamrun.

            It was the 20th of December 2022, so the Christmas spirit was in full blast. In fact, Christmas decorations could be noticed from the main door, and as soon as we entered the school, students together with an educator were sharing a Christmas log…

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