Time for Change – Prayer Spaces at Home April 2020

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Dear Friends,

Things were a bit different when we last sent one of these newsletters. Schools were still open, and lots of them were hosting prayer spaces. But that’s all changed. And so we are changing too.

With most children and young people at home for the time-being, we decided to try and convert a few of our prayer activities for use at home – after all, not many families have a bubble tube or a gazebo in their living room!

So… Prayer Spaces at Home is now live! (Big thanks to Vision Tank for the lovely new logo). We spent last week shaping up the first handful of prayer activities and launched them on social media at 5.30pm on Friday. 48 hours later, we were astonished to discover that the Facebook post alone had been shared more than 300 times!

If you haven’t already found them, the full colour versions are on Our Facebook and Instagram pages, and the downloadable PDF’s can be found on a new page on our website. Our hope is that these simple creative activities will enable children, young people and families, to talk and pray more openly about the things that are going on in their lives.

If you have any great ideas for new prayer activities, or if you’ve already created some and you’re willing to share them, please let us know.

As I sign off, perhaps we could pray this prayer together, taken from last week’s Lectio365 devotional; ‘Unshakable God, you are my ever-present help in times of trouble. Amidst all the isolation, grief, and fear caused by this crisis, renew in me your peace, restore to me your perspective, and reveal to me your presence. Amen’

Looking forward to lots of prayer spaces at home, and lots more prayer spaces in schools in a few month’s time.

With Thanks,
Phil Togwell, Director Prayer Spaces in Schools