The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
This week on the 20th of November we are going to celebrate World Children’s Day. This morning for our prayer we are going to sing, listen and dance by copying the movements the girl in the videoclip will be doing.
Reflective Thought
All children around the world like to play and have fun. Around the world there are children like you who like to use their imagination, have fun and feel loved and cared for. Playing is fun but it is even better when we show respect towards each other and say no to all kinds of bullying.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for all the children like us and for when we play together. Please take care of all the children who are feeling lonely, hurt, sick, hungry or sad. Let all the children be treated with love and respect.
The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
Have you ever thought of how other children around the world are going to spend their school day? This morning we are going to start the day by seeing how our friends Tuli who lives in Bangladesh and Josh who lives in England are going to spend their school day.
Ask kids to stop for a few seconds to think about what they saw.
Reflective Thought
In this video clip we saw how there are many common things in the life of children around the world. One of the common things is that all children like to play. On the 20th of November we will be celebrating ‘World Children’s Day’. A game which Tuli plays in bangladesh is tuktuk, Josh in England plays this same game, and he calls it hopscotch and the children like you in Malta call the same game passju. Playing is fun but when we play, and we show respect towards each other playing will not be just fun but it becomes a way in which we grow happy together.
Heavenly Father, we thank you for all the children around the world and for all the playful moments. We ask you to provide for those who are suffering from poverty. May all the children be treated with love and respect.
This song can be used as a conclusion to this special assembly celebrating Universal Children’s Day.
The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
On the 20th of November the world will be celebrating ‘World Children’s Day.’ Let’s watch together the video which UNICEF prepared last year for this celebration.
Ask kids to stop for a few seconds to think about what they saw.
Reflective Thought
We are the change!!! At times we are so busy in our lives that we take everything for granted. We hardly stop and think. However, these young people like you are showing us that we cannot remain uninterested because all children need to be granted the right to live their childhood having the basic needs met. Every child has the right to live life with dignity. The respect we are talking about this year leads us to respectfully work and give our share in creating a better society and a just world where all children can truly celebrate their childhood.
We thank you God for all children of all ages, races, genders, nations, political and religious beliefs. We ask you to kindle the hearts of all of those who can help them grow with dignity so they will not be afraid to do this mission. Give us the courage to overcome laziness, selfishness and our indifference so that we do our best to protect the lives and dignity of children like us.
This song can be used as a conclusion to this special assembly celebrating Universal Children’s Day.
The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
Today I would like to tell you that those of you who will grow fast into adulthood will experience old age sooner. I invite you today to appreciate your childhood and teenage years. On the 20th Of November the world will be celebrating ‘World Children’s Day’. Let’s watch together the video which UNICEF prepared last year for this celebration.
Ask kids to stop for a few seconds to think about what they saw.
Reflective Thought
We are the change!!! At times we are so busy in our lives that we take everything for granted. We hardly stop and think. However, these young people like you are showing us that we cannot remain uninterested because all children need to be granted the right to live their childhood having the basic needs met. Every child has the right to live life with dignity. The respect we are talking about this year leads us to respectfully work and give our share in creating a better society and a just world where all children can truly celebrate their childhood.
We thank you God for all children of all ages, races, genders, nations, political and religious beliefs. We ask you to kindle the hearts of all of those who can help them grow with dignity so they will not be afraid to do this mission. Give us the courage to overcome laziness, selfishness and our indifference so that we do our best to protect the lives and dignity of children like us.
This song can be used as a conclusion to this special assembly celebrating Universal Children’s Day.