This prayer space offers time to reflect on the issues that are holding one from doing what is right and to take some time to pray on staying firm against these issues.

Equipment: Blue cardboard paper, boat template, biros and pencils

Related to Liturgy: 19th Sunday of Ordinary Time Year A

Related to Bible: Matthew 14: 22-33   

Response: Write/Draw

Relationship: Me & Myself




At times doing the right things God wants us to do is easier said than done. To follow God, we have to go against what looks far easier and worth it. God will always be with us, especially in times like these, when we are like a boat sailing against the tide, on its way to reach the land.

  • Take some time to think about what is holding you back from doing what is right. The waves against you can take different forms; some are related to the misuse of social media, and others can take the form of laziness or bad examples which you witnessed.
  • Choose three strips of these blue cardboard paper strips provided and on each of them write one tide against which you have to fight.  Now roll these paper strips and stick them on the boat template provided.
  • You can pray to God to help you stay firm against the tide while doing what He wants you to do.


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