Day 17
“Lord, if it’s you,” Peter replied, “tell me to come to you on the water.” “Come,” he said. Then Peter got down out of the boat, walked on the water and came toward Jesus. But when he saw the wind, he was afraid and, beginning to sink, cried out, “Lord, save me!” Mt 14:28-29
Christian faith is not of our own invention nor initiative but always a response to God’s call in our lives – like Peter here could ‘only’ respond to Jesus’ permission in walking on the water. Like the disciples we also sometimes feel caught in a tempest and feel the need to take the plunge in troubling times. While it is understandable to feel in such a way, it’s important to keep our eyes on Jesus during such a time – He is neither absent nor passive when uncertainties hit us.
The waters in the Bible often represents Evil and Death. That Jesus walks on the water was beyond astonishing for the disciples. In Isaiah we find: “When the worries of life are strong and the tides are heavy, and the water tries to drown you, let go of every weight and let the Spirit of God lift you up above them.”
Go on a rocky beach especially when it is particularly windy. As you look at the raging waves, recall the temporal and spiritual challenges/struggles in your life. As you do, pray with the following song. Please keep safe.
Dear God, forgive me for trying to do things in my own strength and for striving as if everything rested on me and my efforts. Give me the wisdom today to acknowledge you and continue to hold on to you so I will overcome fear and challenges.