The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
This morning I am going to remind you something which most of you would like to hear. Christmas time is very close. Let’s see what this time means to these kids:-
Ask kids to stop for a few seconds and think about what they just saw.
Reflective Thought
Christmas is a big celebration. We prepare a lot for special days and occasions because we want nothing to go missing because we respect those who will be celebrating with us. Usually we prepare the clothes to wear and the food to share. Preparation time is very important so that we can celebrate Christmas in the best possible way. We call this preparation time Advent. We can prepare ourselves by trying to make friends with God who gives us hope, love, joy and peace to share with each other.
Dear God we thank you for this time in the year which reminds us to prepare ourselves and our hearts for you. While we respect each other we ask you to help us share the hope, love, joy and peace you give us.
The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
This morning I am going to remind you something which most of you would like to hear. Christmas time is very close. Let’s see what this time means to these kids:-
Ask kids to stop for a few seconds and think about what they just saw.
Reflective Thought
Christmas is like a big celebration. When we have a special celebration we start to prepare for it days, months and even years before. Because we respect those who will be celebrating with us preparation time is very important and it cannot be missed. Usually we prepare the clothes to wear and the food to share. Preparation time is very important so that we can celebrate Christmas in the best possible way. We call this preparation time Advent. This is a time when we get to know more God and prepare our hearts for him and for each other. The time when we share the hope, love, joy and peace God gives us with others.
Dear God we thank you for this time in the year which reminds us to prepare ourselves and our hearts for you and for each other. Guide us so that while we respect our diversity we share the hope, love, joy and peace you give us.
The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
Today I would like to invite you to stop and listen to this song:
Reflective Thought
Each one of us can reply to this question: “Is there room in my heart?” We are all invited to stop and make room in our hearts for God and for each other. This is what advent is all about. Advent is about preparing our room. Our room is our inner soul, our heart and Advent time is reminding us to fill our hearts with hope. Hope for true friendships with God and with each other based on mutual respect.
Dear God, while we thank you for the coming weeks in which you are inviting us to prepare ourselves and our hearts for you and for each other we trust all our hopes for this season in you.
The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying good morning to all. One can start this assembly with the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”
Today I would like to invite you to stop and listen to this song:
Reflective Thought
Each one of us can reply to this question: “Is there room in my heart?” We are all invited to stop and make room in our hearts for God and for each other. This is what advent is all about. Advent is about preparing our room. Our room is our inner soul, our heart and Advent time is reminding us to fill our hearts with hope. Hope for true friendships with God and with each other based on mutual respect. Hope for real happiness, understanding, love and mercy.
Dear God, we ask you to awaken our inner souls so that we can live a meaningful advent. Give us the courage to accept the things we cannot change and will to change the things we can. We trust all our hopes for this season in you.