

The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


This week we had a holiday. It was the feast of St Joseph who is the Holy Protector of the Universal Church, the foster father of all of us.


Reflective Thought

St Joseph took care of Jesus, taught him, protected him, and provided for him. He wants to do the same with all of us if we trust him and talk to him in prayer.


Dear St Joseph, please protect us, our homes, and our school. Provide us with all that we need. Teach us how to respect all those who take care of us. Amen.


The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


This week we had a holiday. The day was dedicated to St Joseph the foster father of all of us. Let us watch this video together.


Reflective Thought

St Joseph took care of Jesus, taught him, protected him, and provided for him. He wants to do the same with all of us if we trust him and talk to him in prayer.


Dear St Joseph, please protect us, our homes, and our school. Provide us with all that we need. Stay with us and help us to live humbly in love and harmony, in peace and joy. Teach us how to respect all those who take care of us.


The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


This week we had a holiday. The day was dedicated to St Joseph, the foster father of all of us. Let us watch this video together.


Reflective Thought

We might ask why we celebrate two feasts of St Joseph. While on the 1st of May we celebrate St Joseph’s workers day on the 19th of March we celebrate St Joseph as the Patron Saint of the Universal Church, unborn children, fathers, and travels.
St Joseph took care of Jesus, taught him, protected him and provided for him. He wants to do the same with all of us if we trust him and talk to him in prayer.


Dear St Joseph, as the patron saint of the universal church we ask you to protect our homes and our school. Please provide us with all that we need to live a decent life here on Earth. Stay with us and help us to live humbly in love and harmony, in peace and joy. Following your example, may our actions speak louder than words.


The SLT or any educator who is conducting the assembly will address the students positively saying Good morning to all. One can start this assembly stop for a moment of silence to be mindful of the present moment. Then make the sign of the cross: “In the name of the Father, and of the son and of the Holy Spirit. Amen”


This week we had a holiday. The day was dedicated to St Joseph, the foster father of all of us. Let us watch this video together.


Reflective Thought

We might ask why we celebrate two feasts of St Joseph. While on the 1st of May we celebrate St Joseph’s workers day on the 19th of March we celebrate St Joseph as the Patron Saint of the Universal Church, unborn children, fathers, and travels.
St Joseph took care of Jesus, taught him, protected him, and provided for him. He wants to do the same with all of us if we trust him and talk to him in prayer.


Dear St Joseph, as the patron saint of the universal church we ask you to protect our homes and our school. Please provide us with all that we need to live a decent life here on Earth. Stay with us and help us to live humbly in love and harmony, in peace and joy. Following your example, may our actions speak louder than words.


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