Saturday, 9th November 2024

9:00 am to 1:30 pm

Ta’ Mlit Pastoral Centre, Mosta

Members of the school’s Senior Management Team, Head of Departments, Educators (Teachers, Kindergarten Educators, Learning Support Educators – LSEs)

The teaching profession entails many daily responsibilities in and out of school hours, often leaving educators with little time for self-reflection. While the primary focus is on students’ well-being and academic success, this course allows educators to learn how to prioritize their well-being through self-care and self-awareness, empowering them to understand better how their thoughts, feelings, and behaviours influence their interactions with students and colleagues. Participants will explore new methods of self-care, including effective emotional management techniques. These skills will enable them to nurture professional relationships with students and colleagues while managing stress effectively.

By the end of this course offered by the Pastoral Formation Institute, participants will:

  • Develop self-awareness and resilience.
  • Learn to detach emotions from students’ behaviour.
  • Gain assertiveness skills.
  • Appreciate the importance of self-care.

Intended for…

  • Members of the school’s Senior Management Team
  • Head of Departments
  • Educators (Teachers, Kindergarten Educators, Learning Support Educators – LSEs)
Target Audience’s Age: 18+


Session 1: Cultivating emotional intelligence as a profession

Session 2: Reflective practice as a tool to understand the teaching relationship with student

Session 3: Connecting with students and understanding their emotions

Session 4: Maintaining practical strategies to manage anxiety and stress as an educator

Session 5: Assertiveness skills – How and when to be assertive

Session 6: Acknowledging and practicing self-care

Session 1: Cultivating emotional intelligence as a profession

Teachers can foster an effective learning environment by aiming to enhance their students’ knowledge and skills across various disciplines and talents. Educators with high emotional intelligence are more attuned to their students’ behavioural and psychological well-being, enabling them to effectively address disruptive behaviours, monitor academic progress, and nurture interpersonal relationships. They become adept at navigating the myriad challenges children face.

Throughout this session, teachers will develop emotional intelligence by monitoring their emotions, observing their behaviour, and taking responsibility for their feelings. They challenge the status quo in line with their convictions, recognize their emotional triggers, become more attuned to their sources of inspiration, and anticipate their emotional responses as they enhance their emotional intelligence. Their trust facilitates this process in their intuition.

Session 2: Reflective practice as a tool to understand the teaching relationship with student

Reflecting on teaching can help educators understand how their students learn best and hold themselves accountable for their growth. By evaluating the strengths and weaknesses in their teaching, teachers gain insight into the factors that facilitate or hinder learning.

The reflection process also aids educators in gaining a deeper understanding of themselves and their teaching methods. Through self-questioning and self-assessment, teachers identify their strengths and areas for improvement. Reflection enables educators to recognize how they have contributed to others’ achievements and how this translates into practical learning scenarios.

Session 3: Connecting with students and understanding their emotions

Most teachers aim to foster strong connections with their students, yet it’s essential to maintain a balanced teacher-student relationship. This relationship is cultivated when a teacher attunes to the classroom atmosphere, discerns why students react differently, and identifies the most effective learning strategies for each individual. Such awareness enables teachers to focus on their teaching effectively.

Dealing with conflicts becomes more fruitful when students feel acknowledged and valued by their teacher, fostering an environment where they can openly discuss their concerns without fear of embarrassment or exclusion. Learning from mistakes is most effective in an environment where students feel safe and supported.

Teachers come to understand that students’ behaviour often reflects their own emotions rather than being a direct response to the teacher. This session aims to help teachers gain deeper insights into their students and maintain professional boundaries, thus avoiding personal entanglements with their students’ emotions.

Session 4: Maintaining practical strategies to manage anxiety and stress as an educator

Teaching is undeniably a demanding profession, requiring teachers to be emotionally resilient in order to support their students’ mental well-being effectively. The nature of the job entails standing in front of a classroom for extended periods, often bringing work home, and being evaluated based on criteria that may feel beyond one’s control. These challenges can be taxing for all educators, particularly those grappling with anxiety.

Through self-awareness, teachers begin to identify stressors in the classroom and gain insights into managing anxiety. This session aims to equip educators with healthy coping mechanisms to navigate the demands of their profession more effectively.

Session 5: Assertiveness skills – How and when to be assertive

There are certain characteristics commonly found in teachers who employ assertive skills, which may need to be cultivated even if they are not innate to the teacher’s personality. Although the term “assertive” might seem off-putting, an assertive teacher can maintain a warm demeanor with students while also establishing clear boundaries. This approach can help students develop crucial social skills. In this session, teachers will learn how and when to assert themselves effectively.

Session 6: Acknowledging and practicing self-care

The value and importance of self-care are relevant across all professions, yet it is more stigmatized in some than others. For instance, teachers may find it easier to encourage others to prioritize their health than to do so themselves. However, self-care is essential for teachers to maintain good mental health, especially considering the considerable energy they expend on others while often neglecting their own needs. Unfortunately, self-care is sometimes misunderstood and dismissed by educators as “selfish” or “superficial.” In reality, teachers who prioritize self-care serve as role models for the importance of maintaining a healthy lifestyle.


This course blends two forms of learning: in-person seminars (12 hrs) and recorded lectures (3 hrs) accessible on our VLE platform.

Seminars will take place on Saturdays from 9:00 am to 1:30 pm

9th November 2024Part 1 – Cultivating emotional intelligence
Part 2 – Reflective practice as a tool to understand the teaching relationship with the students
16th November 2024Part 1 – Connecting with students and understanding their emotions
Part 2 – Maintaining practical strategies to manage anxiety and stress as an educator
23rd November 2024Part 1 – Assertiveness skills – how and when to be assertive
Part 2 – Acknowledging and practicing self-care