Day 21 - Peace
Mother Teresa says that works of love are works of peace. Peace is the result of spreading God’s love to the people around us. The less we think of ourselves, the more peaceful we are. Smile five times a day. Do it for peace. Spread love and joy. Seek God for His own sake. Jesus not only promises peace to us: He is our peace.
He will be our peace. (Micah 5:5)
It could be a problem with a friendship, a guilt feeling inside or something that’s happening in the world. Lack of peace can make us feel unsettled, confused, or sad. It is said that when we are not at peace with each other, that’s a sign that we are not at peace with ourselves, and even greater symptom of us somehow not at peace with God.
What makes you feel peaceful? How can we find peace?
Create your own cardboard paper candle and write on it to complete the following:
I feel at peace when …
I wish there was more peace in …
Peace happens when …
Place your candle cards of peace near Jesus in the manger.
Dear God, we pray for peace in life, lands, nations, families and in our hearts. Please fill our minds and hearts with more Peace so that we can contribute to bring Peace around the world.